Tango the Night Away

It's agreeable to both me and my wife; the JO Tango Pack was worth the buy for the both of us. More sensitivity for her and lasting longer for me. Can't say we aren't very happy with our nightly Tango!
Makes men last longer, more sensation for women
Nothing comes to mind when "Cons" are mentioned
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


The best (and possibly only reasonable) use for this product would be for couples, simply because there is a lube for the men and a lube for the ladies. The mens makes everything much less sensitive so that he can last much longer, while the womens makes intercourse much more sensitive. I couldn't imagine this being good for masturbation just because you would end up having a bottle that makes you last longer and one that makes things more fun, at that point might as well go save half the money and get something more sensual.
    • Sex

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

The texture of JO was very similar to other lubricants we have tried in the past, slick, and not anything that was particularly interesting. The mens lubricant was much thinner in consistency while the womens was a little thicker. One problem that did arise was that the mens lubricant was a bit of a challenge to pour out of the bottle; it would only drop out in small doses. The womens had no problem pouring out of the bottle in a steady stream. What we ended up doing was taking the cap off of the mens bottle and pouring without it.
    • Slick

Taste / Aroma

Personally, I found it to be a bland taste and never really had any temptations to try it again. It was just... bland. It has no particular smell. This is just a product that is meant to lubricate you and your partner, not to be a scrumptious meal.
    • No smell
    • No taste


Performance is where the Tango Pack really shines for us. I went on and off using it to see if there was any significant difference and I last much longer when using this lube. There was one instance where I got the bottles mixed and ended up using just the womens on the both of us and I did not last nearly as long as normal. The bottles are clearly labeled, but in the heat of the moment you don't always care to look before you grab what you need... But anyway... After use we wouldn't have to wash it off right away since it absorbed without any trouble, but we still take a shower after sex for good measure.

Only other mention I could have for performance is that we usually use roughly 3 to 5 drops. I would think one drop would do it for most couples but we just prefer to use more than is labeled.
    • Feels natural
Follow-up commentary
We still use this as our lube of choice. Even though my wife and I use triple what the package tells us, we still have 70% of both bottles left. That alone is enough to make me love it; but helping me last longer is the selling point. When our Tango Pack runs out, it's a sure thing that I'll be ordering more!
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  • wetone123 Contributor: wetone123
  • Rank:
    6.4 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 212
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  • Contributor: ToyGurl
    Great 3rd review! This looks like something I may try
  • Contributor: Cookie Monster Mike
    Good review thanks for posting it.
  • Contributor: eroticmutt
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Highmaintenancegirl916
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Kirill1171
    good review
  • Contributor: nakedbear
    Nice review.
  • Contributor: yarii
  • Contributor: JordanN
    Thank you for reviewing.
  • Contributor: ff876
  • Contributor: tortilla
  • Contributor: sweetpea12
    Thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: ichwillwaffels
    Great Review
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