Sta-hard really does make them stay hard!

All in all this is a great product if you are a man that can not keep up with your partner.
Long lasting, great tasting.
Long lasting (in case you do not like to have sex for a long time.)
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Sta-hard cream is a desensitizing cream. It does have Benzocaine in it so if you do not like that you would want to stay away from this. This is used to help a man pro-long ejaculation. I used this with my ex. He normally could only go for about 20-30 minutess at a time, but when we used this I was having to beg him to stop. The only thing to watch out for with this product is that you have to let it dry on him completely before having sex. If you don't, you will not be able to feel anything at all. It is great to put on him while he is getting you all hot and bothered, and then it should be dry by the time that you are ready to get down to business.
    • Sex

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

Sta-hard is a cream, but it is not very thick. To me it seemed more like a lube consistency. It comes out of the tube very easily. There is not any kind of greasy or sticky feeling left by it.

Taste / Aroma

Sta-hard has a great cherry smell and flavor. The taste is not very strong and is not overwhelming at all.
    • Light taste
    • Smells good


It does not take long for this to start working. If you put it on before he starts trying to get you ready, it should be dry by the time you're ready to go at it. This will help your man stay hard for what seems like hours if you are not used to your man lasting for more than 20-30 minutes. This product was great because my ex-husband normally didn't last long enough for me, and the first few times that we used it I was begging him to stop. He enjoyed it too, and said that he liked that he was able to please me longer than he would have normally. I would recommend this to anyone who would like to have a longer sexual experience with their partner. It does have a numbing agent in it, so your tongue may go a little numb if you to use it before oral, but it is not anything that will hurt or make you uncomfortable. If you have a strong gag reflex this will help with that also. It isn't very hard to clean up and washes off of your hands really easily.
    • Absorbs into skin nicely
    • Long lasting


Sta-hard comes in a small little tube. You could easily travel with it and it is very discreet. It is no bigger than a little tube of lotion that you might carry in your purse. I think that if the cap was a flip type it would be a little bit easier to access, but it is a screw cap.
    • Discreet looking packaging
    • Easy to use / dispense
    • Travel friendly
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This review was edited by
  • Coralbell Contributor: Coralbell
  • Rank:
    6.7 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 125
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  • Contributor: Ms. Spice
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Purpleladybug
    Thanks for the review!!
  • Contributor: Peggi
    Thanks for reviewing
  • Contributor: ichwillwaffels
    Good review!
  • Contributor: Kirill1171
    good review
  • Contributor: tiggle biddies
    nice review
  • Contributor: its just me
    great review, thanks for this.
  • Contributor: Blooddragon
  • Contributor: KRD
  • Contributor: srexom
    thanks for your review.
  • Contributor: drock
    thank u
  • Contributor: queenofoklahoma
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Badmew
    thanks for taking the time to review!
  • Contributor: BrittaniMaree
    Thank you for your review
  • Contributor: KrissyNovacaine
    Thanks for the review!
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