Perfect size, even better feeling

I believe this item would make a great addition to any guy's masturbation technique, and with so many options of use, can provide different experiences with every use. Want to use it in the shower? Go ahead; it's waterproof. Want to use it as a mount? That works too. Want to take the sleeve out and use without the case? Go for it! I've found this adds a whole new level of stimulation that feels great.
Discreet looking, perfect for the average sized penis, clear
Cleaning, would be nice if more sleeves this size were produced, texture could be more stimulating
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


I enjoy using this toy in the bed, but the shower can be equally as fun. One thing I've really enjoyed is wrapping the Flight up in a body pillow, and mounting it to better simulate sexual intercourse. This product is the perfect size for men that have an average-small size penis, as it is smaller than the original Fleshlights. I myself am around 6.5 inches and have found that I can enjoy the entire sleeve when fully inserted. The best part of the sleeve is the very beginning, as there is a tighter ring that you must slip through to advance into the sleeve. This ring is pretty tight by itself, but I've also used a pony tail and wrapped it around the outside of the sleeve. This creates tightness similar to that of the anus and even a vagina. The Flight is also great for couples- it's very fun to tease your man with. I have had it done to me, and it leaves me tingling all over. The flight is also easily cleaned, as you just remove the sleeve from the outer case and run it under some water. No soap should be used, as this can damage the material. It's also very discreet looking, which is good for roommate situations. I had this product while I was living in a dorm and I set it next to my toiletries; my roommates and friends were ever aware that it was there.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Campus/roommate living
    • Tub/shower/pool

Material / Texture

The material is very soft, stretchy and very lifelike. It's clear, which is fun because you can watch yourself slip into the material. The inner texture is full of ribs and nodules that stimulate and ends with a very pleasurable ribbed sensation. I've found that over time the material becomes quite sticky, but this can easily be fixed with a little bit of cornstarch. There isn't any noticeable odor either, which can be a turn off for some.
    • No odor
    • Smooth
    • Sticky

Shape / Design / Size / Fit

I personally love the design. It allows for discreet storage and easy travel. I took this with me when I took a plane ride to Florida last spring. It's also got a very sleek looking case, much more attractive than the original cases. You can control the level of suction from the cap at the end, which is perfect for people who like a variation. Personally, I'm not a fan of the cap being all the way closed, because this creates a strong suction and kind of slows down my thrusting. My boyfriend loves it fully closed though, so it's subjective. One thing I'm not a fan of is the vague orifice; I would've preferred an anus/vaginal entry rather than a plain hole. But for some people, this could be a good thing as it allows for more discreetness.
    • Beginner
    • Discreet look/design
    • Will fit most people

Care and Maintenance

This is one of the things I'm not the biggest fan of. While it is very easy to clean, sometimes the cleanup process can be cumbersome and not always on the top of my agenda. For me, when I cum I like to sit back and relax. However, with this, you have to wash it out sooner rather than later, as the material is porous and can harbor bacteria. It becomes a sticky, smelly mess very quickly without a rinse after using. It's also important to note that you absolutely MUST only use water-based lubes; any other will damage the material. Overall, I would say that the enjoyment of using this outweighs the negatives of cleaning.
    • Easy to store

Personal comments

I own this, and another Fleshlight. My other one is a Fleshjack boy full sized toy. In my opinion, the Flight is superior, as I enjoy the texture and the ability to feel every inch of it. I would imagine the more endowed men would far prefer a larger fleshlight than this, but for me it's perfect. This is my go-to male masturbator.
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  • Contributor: Lena Eden
    Thanks for the review and for sharing your experience with us!
  • Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears
    Excellent first review!
  • Contributor: Heather Shadrick
    Thanks for the detailed review.
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