Not Bad, but Certainly Not "Super"

Given the relatively low price, this is a good sleeve for those who are not sure if they'd like sleeves. It can introduce people to the advantages and disadvantages without a large price tag. For more experienced sleeve users, I wouldn't recommend this.
The sensation is superior to normal masturbation and it is easy to use.
It has a weird smell, a low safety grade for the material and is difficult to clean.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


The use of this item is pretty self explanatory; it is a male masturbator. The purpose is to stimulate the penis, by placing it upon said penis and working it as one would during regular masturbation. There are two holes and either one is usable, the only difference between the two being that the one in the lip shaped opening is slightly larger. The sleeve should be lubricated before hand (water based lubrication only) and it wouldn't hurt to lubricate the penis as well. Double lubrication enhances the sensation caused by the contours of the sleeve and no lubrication risks unpleasant friction.

This toy is best as a solitary masturbator, rather than a tool for foreplay, as it fails to measure up to any stimulation a partner could provide (to be discussed below). In order for the toy to work properly, either the toy has to move or the penis has to pump, as though it were engaging in actual sex. Due to this necessity, sitting is the optimal position, as it allows a maximum of sensation for a minimum of movement. When pushing the sleeve down upon the penis, treat it as though it were sex. Slow pushes are best when they cover the entirety of the penis, while faster pushes should focus primarily upon the head. After a few minutes, using the toy will feel like normal masturbation, only with a larger penis.

There are some problems that have to be addressed. After a few uses, the hole will begin to stretch out, meaning it may eventually stretch too far for pleasurable use. Further, there's the question of what to do when climaxing. Climaxing inside the toy make it harder to clean, but pushing the penis through the other side of the toy makes pumping during orgasm impossible. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Of note, the hole on the other side would fit a vibrator, but the material dampens any vibrations, so it cannot be felt.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Masturbation
    • Men
    • Singles
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Campus/roommate living
    • On a bed only

Material / Texture

There are numerous issues with the material and texture, so it is best to describe it first and then critique.

The best way to describe the exterior is that it is very similar to gummy candy (think gummy worms) being squishy, gelatinous and easily bendable, only much softer. The interior is lightly textured, with ridges and contours that stimulate, but not too intensely.

This is a double edged sword. On the one hand, it removes the risk of a jagged part of the toy producing sudden pain, which, unless desired, would be most unpleasant, especially near orgasm. On the other hand, those who prefer more intense sensations will be disappointed because the feeling is often quite subtle. Despite the declarations on it's page, it does not real too realistic, not being anywhere as warm, or wet as a person, but is still better than just a hand.

The material is Ultra Realistic 3.0, which is a mixture of PVC and silicone. It has a safety rating of 2 and is quite porous, making cleaning quite difficult and requiring water based lube.

The first thing noticed when handling the toy is a distinct odor. It is light, fruity, and chemical-like. It was difficult to place at first, but after a few uses it hit me; it smells distinctly like suntan lotion. This is pleasant at first, but as time wears on, the odor becomes lightly nauseating.

A light film collects both on the toy and hands during use that is large, clumpy and grey. It is likely a combination of lubrication, compounds from the toy and any debris collected on the users hands. While easily washed off, it is unpleasant nonetheless.
    • Bumpy
    • Light odor
    • Textured interior

Shape / Design / Size / Fit

The material is translucent and the sleeve does not look realistic in any way. For those like me, who find the realistic sleeves (like fleshlights) creepy and unsettling, this is a terrific alternative. Users who prefer the realism will be disappointed, however. The size and shape pose no difficulties for the average user, but like with any sleeves, the larger male may rip it to shreds after a few uses.

Discretion is somewhat difficult to determine. As a nonrealistic toy, someone who stumbled upon it might not know immediately that it's a toy, but it would be good to have an explanation prepared. For those who desire discretion this toy, with its unique design, offers plausible denial but still looks like it could be a sex toy.

At only 5 3/4"" and 0.5 pounds, storage is as easy as placing it within a box or toy chest.
    • May be too tight for some
    • Will fit most people

Functions / Performance / Controls

I have not tried it underwater, but it may create powerful suction, so test it out on something inanimate before using it in water. During use, it makes a wet smacking sound, not unlike sloppy fellatio. Personally I did not care for this sound and it made me self conscious. For those who don't want people to know you're masturbating, I'd recommend using it in places where other cannot hear you, or with music or the TV on.
    • Easy to use

Care and Maintenance

The core thing to remember about this toy is the material. As a porous material, cleaning is difficult, requiring hot (but not boiling) water and soap. Place soap into the opening and run under steaming hot water, poured down through the hole. After the interior of the toy has been covered in soap, submerge in a sink full of hot water for about a minute and remove. Let drip dry on a towel.

When storing, keep it out of contact with other toys, as this may absorb some of the dyes of other toys. As for where to store it, I'm going to keep telling people who want discretion to purchase a lockbox until people start calling me Al Gore. Get a lockbox.
    • Easy to store
    • Hard to clean
Follow-up commentary
When I first bought the Super Sucker, I was a sleeve virgin and consequently did not rate it properly. This resulted in what was at first lower than deserved score, but after using it more, the Super Sucker Grew on me. Until I tried two new sleeves and it became apparent that I was far too generous with the toy.

When I first used this, I didn’t know that the point of the sleeve is to provide a tight sensation around the penis, so I thought the Super Sucker was acceptable. At first I was unimpressed by the sensation, but as I used it more I realized the light bumps were superior to hand masturbation and the climaxes were stronger, so my opinion improved. That was until I tried the Super Head Honcho.

After trying the Honcho, which has an opening of about one centimeter, I realized just how wrong I was. The Honcho touches every part of the penis, bringing a tight, intense sensation; the Super sucker just brushes the outer edges. Size might not matter for some toys, but it does here.

Further there’s the matter of the lubricant. This toy drains lubricant like a broken pipe leaks water. It requires a constant reapplication of lubricant to even approach climax, much less reach climax. The open ending, which reduces suction, simply makes matters worse, by causing more lube to leak.

The Super Sucker just is not a good sleeve. It barely touches the penis, requires far too much lube and doesn’t feel that good. This might be a good sleeve for users with penises about three times larger than average, but for everyone else, there are far better sleeves.

This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Coralbell Contributor: Coralbell
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  • Contributor: Andrey2052
    Good job.
  • Contributor: sexykiss
    greast reviw
  • Contributor: debo
    great review, very helpful and informative.
  • Contributor: SoloJoe
  • Contributor: dsumrow1
  • Contributor: The B man
    nice review
  • Contributor: User9000
    Thanks for the heads up though, good review
  • Contributor: User9000
    Sweet review thanks for taking the time!
  • Contributor: rpmast3r
    nice review
  • Contributor: snowminx
    thanks for the review
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