Blowjob masturbator
by Toy's heart

Mostly Wonderful

For being above average girth & length, this toy really impressed us in how well it stretched! It takes a lot of lube due to the ribbing on the inside, but it's worth every ounce used. It's definitely as close to the real thing as we've found in a toy, even if the material is porous! One might want to stay away from the lube, however, since nobody seems to know what's inside of it!
Interesting body, feels realistic, really stretchy
Material is porous, unsure what's in the lube, small tearing after a few uses.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


The use of this toy is pretty obvious- it's used as a men's blowjob imitator. It's pretty useful for the days when you just don't feel like giving (or like me, your allergies simply won't allow you to.) Although it's an interesting sleeve style, it's pretty forward on how to use it- even if the directions are in Japanese. Definitely lube up before use though! I'd imagine even for those who aren't above average girth & length it would take some lubing up to make sure you can fit in it.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere

Material / Texture

The Si-x sleeve is made of TPE (also known as TPR- which is thermoplastic rubber.) It's very soft, and stretchy, which is one reason that this toy has proven to be wonderful. It's ribbed on the inside, which the hubbs says feels "really good-" as in the ribbing actually feels like a tongue and mouth around your cock. It's nice and plushy, making it almost as good as the real thing when lubed up. There is no smell at all to this toy, and while we'd never put something like TPR in our mouths due to is porosity, I'd imagine it does have a rubbery taste. This toy is perfect for any level of user, the ribbing on the inside is perfect!
    • Flexible
    • Porous
    • Textured interior

Shape / Design / Size / Fit

The outside design of this toy is a little weird, but being from an Anime, that's one we expected. At first, we thought this toy would be too small for us to use. My partner is above average girth and length, and while although not by much, it's been enough trouble that finding a toy long and stretchy enough to fit him has been as hassle! After lubing up enough, he was able to get the toy to stretch enough to fit him, length and width! The design does make it nice and easy to hold on to the toy while using.

For "average" users, one should have no problem making this stretch to accommodate you, though I still highly recommend lube usage. For those that are considered "above average," this toy WILL stretch to fit you. Just remember to lube up properly beforehand, otherwise you'll never get it down your shaft. Also be careful to how hard you thrust it, especially if you're on the larger end, as ours has started to tear from hard usage.

The really nice thing about TPR is that, again, it's really stretchy. So this toy will bend, twist, etc. to any shape, making it pretty easy to hide. I'm not sure about travel, as I'm pretty it's obvious what this is. Especially since it is kind of funny looking.
    • Futuristic
    • Will fit most people

Care and Maintenance

You can use silicone and water lubricants with TPR-type materials. The only problem is that TPR is, in fact, porous. This means you can never fully clean it, because TPR will absorb some of germs. However, this is a step up from cyberskin, so you would experience less absorption.

That being said, you can wash the inside of this toy with a toy cleaner or mild soap. But first, be sure to turn the toy inside out as to get everything you possibly can out of it.

TPR is also a bit of an at attractant of lint- or dog fur, in our case. You're better off putting it in the box after you clean it each use.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store

Personal comments

This toy comes with what I assume is lubricant. All the writing on the box, and on the packet, is in Japanese, so I can't really tell for sure. I'm also not sure if the package is supposed to be clear, or if it's colored. I'm hesitant about opening it, just because I have no idea what's in it! I'd warn you off against it, unless you can read Japanese fluently, just for the sake of not knowing what's in it. The last thing you need to be allergic to what's in that packet and have your pecker stuck!


After a little bit of struggle the first time around (we realized we needed more lube,) this toy has been a wonderful part of our sex life. It's a good way to get him warmed up when I'm just not up to the task, or physically can't. Plus, it probably helps that I love to watch, and the way this toy grips on him is definitely erotic.

The only thing that disappoints me is that after a few uses, the back end of this toy has started to tear. I expected it, since the material is TRP, just not so soon. I'm not sure if other guys will have the same problem, because I'm not sure if it's because of his size! Regardless, it's one we'd definitely be interested in purchasing again.
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This review was edited by
  • kitty1949 Contributor: kitty1949
  • Rank:
    6 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 65
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  • Contributor: Falsepast
    Tearing? Glad I didn't have that problem
  • Contributor: M. Roth
    Indeed! Like I had stated, I'm pretty sure it's because of his size, but I could be wrong entirely. I'll try to post pictures of it.
  • Contributor: Peres2013
    Thank you
  • Contributor: Major Panda
  • Contributor: Steve99
    Very good review
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