Great starter ring!

I received this ring as a free gift from EF. I selected it because I was thinking about getting a more permanent ring, and wanted to test it out. I enjoyed this ring so much that now I am buying one of the more expensive rings just because I know I am going to use it a lot! So if you are thinking about buying a reusable cock ring start out with this to make sure you like them!
Great starter ring
Doesn't last long
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useful review
Not going to lie, this ring has been reviewed to death, probably because they used to be free. Well if you can't get them for free anymore but you want to test out a vibrating cock ring, I recommend this! This is a cheap and simple device though it does have it's problems. You get what you pay for!

Packaging: This came in a larger order in a huge box! It comes individually wrapped in a cute foil wrapper that is very descriptive! So don't just leave it out where everyone can see it.

Smell, Aroma, Texture: It has kind of plasticky feel, but not too bad. It's very stretchy and almost gummy. It doesn't have an unpleasant smell, just kind of like a mild plastic silicone smell--not bad. I did not put it in my mouth, sorry, I can't tell you how it tastes. I am not adventurous enough to put a vibrating cock or cock ring in my mouth.

Performance: So like I said this was my first vibrating cock ring, and I think it gave me a good taste of what is to come with the reusable cock ring I recently purchased. So basically I slipped this on my partner when he was fully erect with a bit of lube and he said it wasn't uncomfortable, so I take that as a sign that he did not mind using it; then I turned it on. The on switch is on the side, but be careful, it turned off in the middle of sex for us, but after we turned it back on it stayed on.

We kept going for maybe 15 minutes, which the ring is supposed to last for about 20. We had a lot of foreplay before so even with the constriction he came fast! I still had some time left, so I just used the ring to directly stimulate my clitoris after he was done. It worked great! The vibrations are not very strong and I have a steel clit, so I was worried it would take a while, but it didn't. So for those like me that use the Hitachi for foreplay, you should still give this a go! For those who already have experience with cock rings, you probably should go with something else.
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  • Contributor: raffi
  • Contributor: Allstars316
    Good review. I had one from one of my orders. It never really did anything for me. But it was free. So not a huge loss.
  • Contributor: IndependentlyHappy
    Thanks for the review!
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