Fleshlight STU - Give your hand a permanent vacation

Excellent product that is easy to use, easy to clean up, and provides for very intense orgasms. I would recommend this 100% to anybody.
Intense orgasms! Easy cleanup.
Can't clean with soap. Not small.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


The Fleshlight products are male masturbation toys, in case you don't already know (although I doubt that if your reading this). This specific model, or texture as Fleshlight likes to refer to them as, is the Stamina Training Unit or STU for short. Fleshlight claims that if you can last long with this texture then you will be able to last at least that long with your partner. I haven't personally tried other Fleshlight products so I can't compare it to anything else. The reason that I picked the STU as my first Fleshlight was the great reviews it got from everybody else. I can easily say that this lives up to the hype.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Single
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere

Material / Texture

The STU, like all Fleshlights, is made out of Superskin and really does feel like skin. The first comment that my wife made when holding the sleeve up was "Woah!" It is amazing what they are able to do with Superskin. It is very soft and has no odor to it. The STU sleeve has small bumps through the whole length of the sleeve which makes for an intense experience. I can testify that this held true and took me by surprise the first time I used it. It was wonderful!
    • No odor
    • Textured interior

Shape / Design / Size / Fit

This is a high quality item that is almost exactly like every other standard Fleshlight design so that it looks like a flashlight. If anybody found this thing there is no way they would believe that it is a flashlight because of its size. It is 10" in length and about 4" in diameter at the opening. The case that it came in is gold in color which just adds to the fact that it would never pass as a flashlight, but when you try it out it won't matter.

Both of the ends of the Fleshlight twist off. When the larger end is removed a Superskin pussy is revealed, and the other end controls how much suction there is. The STU sleeve is extremely flexible and should accommodate almost all sizes.
    • Realistic
    • Tight fitting
    • Will fit most people

Functions / Performance / Controls

There aren't many controls to the STU. The only thing you can do to change anything is to twist the top cap and this will change how much suction there is. The noise will increase proportionately with the increase in suction so that if someone was on the other side of the door they might hear it on the tightest setting.
    • Easy to use
    • Very stimulating

Care and Maintenance

This section is the kicker with this toy. It must be kept clean otherwise it will develop mold and begin to smell. It is also important to note that this toy can only be used with water based lubricants as anything else will destroy the Superskin material.

After use, clean up on this is surprisingly easy. Just run water through it to clean it off. I found the fastest way to dry it was to run a hair dryer through it on the cool/low setting and keep it a good distance away from the Fleshlight. If you get too close or use the hot setting it will end up destroying the material. Storage is simple; all you have to to is put it in the case and put it away.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


The package that the STU package came in was a discreet ordinary USPS priority mail box. The metal container inside, however, is not so discreet. There is a sticker attached with a half-naked women on it. This can be easily removed, but underneath are silhouettes of women in provocative poses. If you're planning on keeping the Fleshlight in the container for storage, you might want to think about using something else if you are worried about privacy.

Inside the can is the STU sealed in plastic along with a sample of ID Glide lube. Also a word of caution: DO NOT forget to remove the plastic rod that is on the inside of the Fleshlight in your excitement.
    • Good for storage
    • Not discreet


Never having tried a fleshlight before I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but my hopes were extremely high after reading other reviews. The STU didn't disappoint at all and made for a very enjoyable experience. The biggest worry I had was the cleanup afterwards, but having used this several times I have found the cleanup to be super easy.
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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This review was edited by
  • Alan & Michele Contributor: Alan & Michele
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 608
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: ToyTimeTim
    I need to try this texture, everyone seems to like it.
    Nice review.
  • Contributor: B8trDude
    Yeah, this is a good one!
  • Contributor: Xavier7
    Oh, I want it SO BADLY! Good review.
  • Contributor: leatherlover
    Thanks for the great review. I just got a forbidden one a few weeks ago, maybe I should try this one next.
  • Contributor: Lucky21
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: fleshlightluvr1
    i HATE that you can't use soap on these!!!!
  • Contributor: Entropy
    Superskin sounds fun to play with, but I consider the ability to use soap to be highly desirable. Thanks for your review!
  • Contributor: HomuHomu
  • Contributor: BlooJay
    Awesome review! Thx!
  • Contributor: spiced
    Thanks for a nice review! It does look like a lot of fun.
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