Fancy Flight of Fancy

For significantly less money than most other Fleshlights, the Flight offers Fleshlight's most enjoyable texture in their most discreet design. It does require a bit more care than other masturbators - but not THAT much more. In my opinion, it's well worth the effort.
Amazing texture
Discreet design
Smaller and simpler than most Fleshlights
Requires some extra care
May be too small for some
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


There are actually several ways to use this wonderful toy. They all begin with applying some lubricant to the inside of the toy and to your (or your partner's) love missile.

My favorite use, so far at least, is to slide it onto my rock hard self, then to lie down on the bed on my stomach, wedging the Fleshlight Flight between me and the mattress - and then thrust my way to bliss. Another way to use it would be to have your partner slide it up and down until you blast off. I haven't tried this yet, but other Fleshlight reviews discuss the joys of this usage and it sure seems like it would be a lot of fun.

Of course, in the spirit of The Dude, you can simply use it to jerk yourself off manually. I've tried this and it feels AMAZING.

I have another masturbator, the Slipinside #1, which I have LOVED for years. I've used it in all of the above ways and it also feels great. The Slipinside produces a more intense - but less refined - sensation. The first time I tried my new Flight, I didn't like it as much as I like the Slipinside, probably because I used too much lube. I used the Slipinside for my next session and enjoyed it, but found myself missing the more complex and varied texture of the Flight. For my next session, I used the Flight again, with less lube this time.

I keep meaning to try the Slipinside again, to compare it now that I've "optimized" my Flight experience. But for some reason, I just haven't gotten around to trying the Slipinside again!
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Men
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly

Material / Texture

Like all Fleshlights, the Flight is made of a secret, proprietary material called Superskin. I have a number of Cyberskin and UR3 dildos and it feels pretty similar to those. It also has a similar smell to that of Cyberskin, which is neither unpleasant nor strong. If you're as Pavlovian as I am, you'll soon come to associate that smell with orgasmic bliss and become aroused when you smell it. Or maybe I'm just weird.

I'm not sure why someone would want to taste this toy, but in the interests of journalism, I gave it a lick... and it tasted like corn starch. Well, I HAD just dusted it lightly with corn starch. Otherwise, it doesn't have much taste at all.

The texture has to be felt to be fully appreciated. When you and your Flight are properly lubricated, it feels a lot like being inside another person. It's not exactly like being inside a vagina, or an ass, or a mouth - but it has a little of the feeling of each. It feels AMAZING. Having researched Fleshlights extensively before I bought this one, I learned that the Flight's texture is a miniature version of their "Destroya" texture, which is only available in the more expensive Stoya models (EF currently carries the Pirates version). The Destroya is the most popular of all the Fleshlight textures. Believe the hype. It really does feel THAT good.
    • Light odor
    • Somewhat porous
    • Textured interior

Shape / Design / Size / Fit

The case is shaped like a flashlight. Unlike the larger Fleshlights, this one could pass for an actual flashlight.

Which one of these is a sex toy?

The Flight is black and made of durable hard plastic. It has some bumps on the exterior to make it easier to hold. There's a cap on each end. The larger cap gives access to the entrance of the delightfully-textured interior; the smaller cap opens partially to adjust the suction, or comes off completely for cleaning. Inside the case, you'll find the Superskin insert. It's clear, comes out easily for cleaning and fits nicely inside the case for use.

If you want a Fleshlight for travel, this is the one to choose. It's the most discreet model available. It's not an obvious sex toy, but if someone removes the larger cap, they'll probably figure it out and you might have some 'splainin' to do.

Here's the Flight compared to a Slipinside #1, (which is, as you can see, an even more discreet option for travel):

In this case, size matters. If you're hung like a porn star, you'll probably want one of the larger, traditional Fleshlights. My equipment is slightly above average, at 6 1/2 inches long and 1 5/8 inches in diameter, and I was worried this might be too small. Turns out, it's pretty much a perfect fit for me.

Here's the Flight next to a Vixskin Mustang, which is 6 1/2" long and 1 1/2" in diameter:

Here's the Flight all the way down on the Mustang. As you can see, it just barely fits:

Here's the Flight next to Vixskin Johnny, which is 7" long and 1 3/4" in diameter:

And here's the Flight balls-deep on Johnny. As you can see, Johnny stretches the insert and pushes it out of the case. I'm not sure that would feel good!

But I CAN say for certain that it fits my unit very well - and feels GREAT. If you're hung like a horse, don't despair (not that you would actually despair having what every guy wants) - you can still enjoy the same texture with the Stoya Pirate Girls Edition.
    • Discreet look/design
    • Will fit most people

Care and Maintenance

I've read a number of Fleshlight reviews which make cleaning it sound like a major ordeal. I don't find it to be a big deal, but it does take a little more effort than my Slipinside #1, which takes about a minute to wash AND dry. It takes me about five minutes to clean my Flight and get it dry enough to store.

The first thing to keep in mind is that you should NEVER use soap to clean your Fleshlight, because it will toughen up the delicious, soft texture. You can use isopropyl alcohol if you're concerned about mold or other nasties. So far, I've just rinsed my Flight with warm water and all's well. I've found the easiest way to clean it is to take it to the sink (keeping the larger end up), remove the bottom cap, place the opening of the tube over the faucet spout and then simply turn on the warm water for a few seconds. This gets all the spunk and lube out without getting the exterior of the insert, or the interior of the case, very wet. After it's good and rinsed, turn off the water and remove the insert from the case. Pat the insert down with a towel (preferably one that doesn't shed) and dry the inside of the case. Clean the bottom cap and dry it, too, while you're at it.

If you don't want to have to leave your Flight insert out to dry for hours, there is a quicker way. Carefully insert a small towel (or washcloth - again, one that doesn't shed is best) into the interior of the insert. Push one corner of the towel into the top end of the insert as far as you can, then reach through from the bottom and pull. Once it's all the way through, squeeze the insert along its full length and then remove the towel. Your Fleshlight is now about 95% dry.

Apply a small amount of corn starch to the exterior of the insert, just enough so it's not sticky. I find the bottom end of the insert is especially susceptible to stickiness. I've heard other reviewers recommend using a small brush to apply the cornstarch without making a mess; I prefer instead to put a small amount on my hands, rub them together lightly, then simply squeeze the insert wherever it's sticky. Repeat if necessary. This method avoids a mess without requiring a brush. Fleshlight does make a special powder, but corn starch works great and it's cheap, too. I don't bother to powder the interior, except a little at the very bottom of the tube. That way, I don't have to rinse it before using it.

Now that it's clean, mostly dry and de-stickied, slide the insert back into the case. Put the bottom cap back on - but leave it as loose as you can so air can still flow to complete the drying. Leave the top cap off for the same reason. At this point, I put my Flight back in my toy cabinet, where it finishes drying as it waits patiently for me to get horny again.

I haven't traveled with it yet, but if I were to pack it, I'd let it finish drying for at least 30 minutes or so before putting the top cap back on and tightening up the bottom one. And I'd remember to pack some water-based lube! DO NOT USE SILICONE LUBE with Superskin, as it will degrade the material, according to the manufacturer. The first time I used my Flight, I used a big glob of Astroglide. Since then, I've been scaling back. The last couple of times, I've simply used saliva and it's worked fine. As with most things, balance is the key. Not enough lube, and it's a bit uncomfortable. Too much and you won't feel the texture as much; it may also make squishy noises which could either make you laugh or make you horny, depending.
    • Easy to store
    • High maintenance


The package is a simple, nice-looking paper box with a clear plastic window through which you can see the toy itself. On one side of the box, you'll see a cutaway view of the texture. On the back of the box are care instructions. The box isn't much bigger than the toy itself. Many Fleshlights come with a metal storage tin, but not the Flight. Frankly, I'm glad because I would have had to bury the tin deep in the recycle bin to avoid embarrassment. I also think that tin is part of why most other Fleshlights cost so much more than the Flight does. I suppose you could store your Flight in its box. I'm going to recycle the box instead.
    • Minimal
    • Recyclable
Follow-up commentary
I'm still loving the Flight! I've been using it several times a week and it's still as good as new.

I've figured out how to reduce cleaning time to less than a minute. If your sink has a spout (like below), it's possible to clean your Fleshlight without having to remove the insert. After removing and rinsing the bottom cap, I slide my Fleshlight an inch or so onto the sink spout and then run the water for 15 seconds or so. Then I just shake it a little to remove any residual water and then I put it back in toy cabinet with both caps off until I'm ready for it again. I find standing it up at a slight angle, on top of a towel, works great for making sure it dries completely.


This method also works to warm your Fleshlight up before use, without having to remove the insert. If your sink doesn't have a spout, you can use a funnel. I've tried this and it works just as well.

After this idea came to me, I tried it for a couple of days before taking the insert out just to make sure nothing funky was starting to happen (it wasn't). So, I tried cleaning it this way for a full week and again, no problems (I did go ahead and powder the outside of the insert while I had it out). So I tried it for two weeks, and finally, a full month. Your experience may vary, but I've had zero problems cleaning it this way and it's a lot more fun to use now that cleanup is completely painless. Enjoy!
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This review was edited by
  • Girly Juice Contributor: Girly Juice
  • Rank:
    5.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 207
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: minxx
    Thank you for the care info!!
  • Contributor: Badmew
    thanks for the info!!
  • Contributor: BrittaniMaree
    Thank you very much for your review I really loved reading your personal tips about the product too
  • Contributor: spiced
    It's 3 1/2 years later, and I finally need to replace this Flight. I made the mistake of turning it inside out once or twice, kind of a cleaning experiment you could say. The material tore slightly around the entrance, and that tear has been slowly growing. The thing still works, and still feels GREAT, maybe better than ever with just the right amount of lube. I expected it to loosen up with time, but if anything, it's gotten tighter. If I add any suction by tightening the cap at all, it becomes uncomfortably tight. So for the past 18 months or so, I've just left the end completely off. To avoid mess, I keep a paper towel handy. I also figured out you can easily clean the inside with a paper towel. Anyway, as soon as this is restocked I'm going to want to buy a new Flight Pilot.
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