Don't Cum Yet!

This product does what is it supposed to do without a problem! My husband and I were both pleased with this! I would recommend to everyone!
Works great
small bottle
Rating by reviewer:
somewhat useful review


Are you needing something to help aide with staying hard and help you with not ejaculating as quick? Well Sta- hard cherry made by Cal exotics is for that. By desensitizing the penis is makes it stay harder longer, and sexual intercourse last longer! A little bit of this usually goes a long way so this bottle should last for awhile.

The ingredients in this are as followed Deionized Water, Lanolin Oil, Stearyl Alcohol, Cetyl Alcohol, Sorbitol, Polysorbate 80, Petroleum, Benzocaine, Sorbitan Wonooleate, Methylparaben.
    • Foreplay
    • Masturbation
    • Sex

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

When I first got this I figured this would be thin and more like a gel. Instead this product is thick and more like a cream. It stays in place very well without going everywhere, and doesn't feel sticky or greasy. It comes in a squeeze tube and since it is so thick it is very easy to get the exact amount you want when you want it. When rubbing this product in it feels smooth almost like lotion and once it dries you cant tell that there is anything there.
    • Creamy

Taste / Aroma

This product is supposed to be cherry flavored as it does smell like cherry's when coming out of the bottle. I didn't taste it because I'm very careful when putting stuff like this is my mouth.


This product did work really well for my husband. It did take some of the feeling away of coarse he did feel it and it felt good :) but less intense and made it take loner to ejaculate. After awhile of using the product does start to loose its power maybe 10-20 minutes so I would reapply unless your done that is. After use this product didn't seen sticky or greasy at all but it suggest washing off so just use soap and water and your done washes great!
    • Absorbs into skin nicely
Follow-up commentary
This is a great cream for making sex last longer. My husband and I are firm believers in this. It really does desensitize and make him stay hard longer.
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  • Contributor: married with children
    thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: Zombirella
    We tried this stuff awhile ago. He actually bought it from another site. It didn't do anything for him though, but he doesn't have issues so I was a little irritated that he even bought it to begin with .
  • Contributor: edeneve
    I've wondered about whether this actually works. thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: wicked48
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: cmm
    You should have gotten him to write the review! I'm curious about the sensation. Does it make you go numb?
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