A triad: you two and a cock ring.

Lovers Triad is a good toy for those who are new to the c-rings. It is not perfect, but still a decent one. If you can tolerate the smell and ain't put off by the way a jelly usually looks, you may want to try it.
* very powerful vibrations
* relatively good price
* made of jelly - not the safest material
* noisy
* wire might get in the way
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Before I start with this review, I would like to note that it is based only on one use. Unfortunately, I couldn't talk my partner into trying it at least one more time.

Like any other vibrating cock ring, Lovers Triad is genuinely designed for a mutual stimulation. It also has the same benefits as any regular cock ring: it traps blood inside the penis in order to maintain an erection, encourages a stronger erection, and prevents premature ejaculation. Apart from that, you can put Lovers Triad on a dildo and enjoy it for both couple and solo play.

Due to a relatively low price, overall performance and the stretchability I would recommend Lovers Triad for beginners. Advanced users may find some features such as the loud buzz and material unacceptable for them.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Can be worn during intercourse
    • Couples
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom
    • Not in the water
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Mutual stimulation
    • Clitoris
    • Penis

Material / Texture

As for me, one of the biggest disadvantages of this c-ring is that it is made of jelly. Lovers Triad is smooth and has a rubbery feel, but it surely comes along with the rubbery smell. Jelly c-rings are usually stretchable and thus recommended to be used by the newbies. This one, however, can be still a problem for some. As you can see from the picture below, its stretchability is rather good, but requires some real effort.

Lovers Triad
    • Stretchy
    • Strong odor

Shape / Design / Size / Fit

The Lover's Triad's measurements are:
- ring's max stretched diameter is 2" (5.1 cm)
- unstretched diameter is 1.75" (4.45 cm)
- length (including the nub) is 3.5" (8.9 cm)
- cord's length is 33.5" (85 cm)

Even though it is quite stretchable, we had some difficulties putting it on the erect penis, but this is considering that my partner's girth is bigger than average.

The color is something between fuchsia and bright pink and - judging by my own experience - may be disliked by some guys as far as it's not very "manly" in some traditional sense. Overall design of this product is quite unusual. The ring has special nub and nodules in the part is where the bullet is inserted. You can position these attachments to stimulate either clitoris or scrotum.
    • Adjustable
    • Beginner
    • Only fits on penis shaft

Functions / Performance / Controls

The bullet is powerful like crazy! I don't have any other cock-rings to compare with, but it's more powerful than all the vibrating toys that I currently possess: (Mimi, High intensity bullet, and Venus butterfly. Unfortunately, there is a concurrent disadvantage: such power makes the bullet very loud and quickly heated.

Unfortunately, this one is neither rechargeable nor wireless. The bullet is attached to a rather long cord (80 cm / 31") that leads to the controller. The power pack is pretty easy and convenient to use with any hand and has a low to high dial. So a good thing is that you can alter the speed to find the right one for yourself. The vibe is powered by two AA batteries.
    • Strong vibrations
    • Very stimulating

Care and Maintenance

Remember that jelly toys can't be sterilized in a boiling water, so simply clean this one with the warm water and soap (but not a strong one!) or a toy cleaner. I also use anti-bacterial wipes sometimes. As far as the Lovers triad is a corded toy and surely not waterproof - be careful while cleaning. The best idea is to remove the bullet and clean the jelly part separately. There are three other essential things to keep in mind about jelly material. Firstly, store it in a cool dark place. And secondly, jelly toys must not be shared unless you put a condom over them. In the case of a cock ring it's never. And finally, don't store your jelly toys together or with latex toys.
    • Hard to clean


The toy comes in a simple cupboard package, which is ridiculously big for its contents. It is approximately 7.8" high (20 cm), 5.2" wide (13.3 cm), and 1.6" thick (4 cm). The c-ring and the bullet with power pack are separately wrapped in small transparent polyethylene bags and occupy only one third of the space. So if you want to use the package for storage purposes, it is possible to put something else in a box. However, remember that jelly toys should be stored separately from each other and from latex toys, because the colors can sometimes bleed.

The package is totally indiscreet. Right at the front there is a picture of a naked couple. The same two lovers are depicted on each side as well. The picture of a c-ring itself is also present and has indicating arrows and explanatory comments to show you the main parts of the product and how they function. There is the same but slightly larger picture on the back of the box. The weird thing is that the power pack on a picture is absolutely different from the actual one I found inside.
    • Not discreet

Personal comments

Always remember, that there are some risks involved when you use a cock ring and you should always read the instructions very carefully. First of all, it is allowed to stay on for no longer than 30 or even 20 minutes. Spending too long with a cock ring on can damage the capillaries and bruise the penis. Secondly, it is very dangerous to use cock ring if you take some certain medicines, for example, blood-thinning medication. Thirdly, cock rings aren't recommended for anyone with vascular disease, such as diabetes, or nerve disease.


Frankly speaking, we've only tried it once due to several personal reasons not related to a product itself. But as far as both me and my partner were not exited about Lovers Triad, we haven't given it a second chance yet. I admit the possibility that we just don't know how to use a cock ring properly, but there are too many objective disadvantages which have nothing to do with our skills. For instance, my partner was put off mostly by the quality of this product. As for me, the buzz turned out to be too annoying so that I couldn't concentrate on my feelings. The cord was also pretty much getting in the way. But nevertheless, I'm sort of curious to try it once more, if I can convince my man to do it, of course.
Follow-up commentary
I have this "kinky box" of mine, which is in fact a simple IKEA cardboard box full of our sex toys. Every time I open it, the first thing that I notice is a rubbery smell of the Lovers triad. And that's the only reason why I remember that we've got it at all.

Yes unfortunately, I have to admit that we haven't used it since that time when it came as my first free assignment. My boyfriend calls it useless and strongly objects to messing with it again. I tried to use a bullet a few days ago on my clit though, while we were having intercourse, but again it was too loud and distracting for me, so I switched it off after a minute or so. Maybe one day I'll finally make my guy give it another shot and then come back with another follow-up - now in comments sections.

As far as I can't tell much about the toy's performance, I decided at least to add some more pictures of it.

Lovers triad

As you can see the bullet has a distinctive seam in the middle of it, so I wouldn't recommend to clean it with water. That's pretty obvious, especially as far as it is also corded, but probably worth mentioning anyway.

Lovers triad

I added my credit card to the picture to illustrate the actual size of the toy and you can see - this thing is big.

Lovers triad power pack

And finally, that's what I meant when I wrote that a power pack is different from that in the picture. It might be insignificant but I don't like the fact that the producer sort of lies by putting the wrong pic on the product's package.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: ryse
    Thanks for your review
  • Contributor: Terri69
    Thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: MALVINA
    Thank you for review!
  • Contributor: CountryPrincess
    Thanks so much for the review!!! Sorry about the smell, don't like that it has a cord
  • Contributor: lzee
    Good review!
  • Contributor: LavenderSkies
  • Contributor: Mitzuki
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: srexom
    thanks for your review.
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