A Masturbation Sleeve with Variation

This toy is great for adding variation to your sex life. It is a definite improvement over most other sleeves and allows you to customize your experience to fit your current mood.
Pressure and stimulation variation, easy to clean, price, and compact size.
Hinge needs to be more secure, internal ridges could be more densely placed.
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extremely useful review


The Travel JackMaster Style A is a masturbation sleeve that is both extremely easy to use and self contained for simple storage. It is great for both solo or partner play because of its ease of use. It can either be hand held or placed up against something or in between something for a different approach.
    • Busy men
    • Special trip or occasion

Material / Texture

The sleeve is made out of TPR which had a tacky feel to it when dry, but provided a nice texture when lubed. It will need to be rinsed out before each use because it did pick up lint or hair easily because of the sticky nature of the material. The case is made out of your typical plastic in a nice clear blue shade that improves the toys appearance. Additionally, I was extremely surprised and pleased at the lack of a noticeable smell when the package was opened.

Shape / Design / Size / Fit

I really feel like they got the design right on this toy. The outside case has 4 "buttons" (2 on each side) to allow you to vary the pressure within the sleeve. This variation allows for a wide variety of sensations and levels of suction based upon where and how hard you squeeze. In many ways, the design of this toy is eerily similar to that of the Tenga Flip Hole.

The entrance to the sleeve is an open hole which leads to the two sides with varying textures. Either side of the toy has these smaller nubs on it that I felt were too far spread apart to really intensify the sensation. The other two sides of the sleeve are either a straight shaft with ridges or a wave with ridges. This variation was only slightly noticeable based upon in which orientation you held the toy.

The only real complaint have with the toy is with its clasp that holds the toy together. I had the toy pop open during use multiple times until I made it an emphasis to press down on the clasp itself. I am slightly worried about if long term use will eventually cause this to only get worse

Functions / Performance / Controls

The buttons of the toy are what really set this toy apart from your normal sleeve. I found pressing hard at the entrance of the sleeve intensified the suction I could get with the toy while shifting that pressure away made for a tighter squeeze. Both sensations are quite pleasurable, but it just depends on which you would prefer. It is this flexibility that helps make this toy stand out amongst similarly priced toys.

Depending on the thickness of the lube you use, you might need to be careful about leakage. With thicker lubes there should be no concern, but if you use a thinner lube then there might be some leakage out the front. This of course is also dependent upon how much lube you use.

The toy can be used in the shower, but remember that water based lubes are water soluble so use a silicone lube for shower play.

Care and Maintenance

cleaning up with this toy is an absolute breeze. When finished take the toy to either the shower or a sink and open up the plastic and rinse. The toy does a great job of containing all the cum and lube inside itself so it can be disposed of in the appropriate place. After an initial rinse, the toy needs to be washed with either mild soap or a toy cleaner and then placed out to air dry. It is important to leave the toy open while drying and I would recommend flipping it a couple times while drying.

TPR is compatible with both water and silicone based lubes. I personally prefer water based lubes for clean up purposes, but the silicone lube would allow you to use this toy in the shower.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: namelesschaos
    Good review I'm glad to see this isn't just a cheap Fliphole knock off which is what I thought, when I first saw it.
  • Contributor: Sammi
    I love the color on this one Smile
    Good review!
  • Contributor: removedacnt
    Very nice review!
  • Contributor: Boobs and Lubes
    i want to give it a try sounds good
  • Contributor: B8trDude
    Nice review.
  • Contributor: BadgersRose
    Excellent review. I think my hubby would like this one.
  • Contributor: LoveBug721
    Great Review.
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