We're all mad here

The Cheshire Cat is an icon of whimsy, and this toy really has a lot going for it. Between a few minor flaws, if you're not using this for insertion I would highly recommend this toy. Between the power, design, 10 speeds, and making it waterproof Doc Johnson has really out done themselves for the asking price.
Powerful, quiet, silicone, awesome design, 10 settings, waterproof, small, easy to use
Issues with turning it off and on again (switches patterns, fits with theme?)
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


The Kinky Kat, a Cheshire Cat themed toy from Doc Johnson, is part of a pocket-rocket shaped line of Alice themed toys. The characters that this line is based on all appear in the novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, though a few also appear in the sequel Through the Looking Glass.

The Kinky Kat in particular seems to be intended for mostly external use. It's good to use on the clitoris for fairly pinpoint stimulation, but it can also be used on the nipples and any other erogenous zone that needs attention.

I did try inserting this toy and it's... Pointy. While you can thrust with it, the pointy ears and oval head makes it not my new favorite toy. It's not too firm, but you can use it to stimulate the g- or p-spot if you are convinced.

If you're experienced and you don't let go of it, this toy is actually fairly safe for anal play. As long as you don't insert it past where the 'tail' spiral ends, it would be pretty hard for it to get lost inside of you.

If you're looking for a toy to introduce into a relationship... This may be an easy way to scare them off. It's small and cute, but I know that a lot of people get squeeked out about toys with faces. Another option from the Wonderland line might be a better choice.

If you like the design of this and are looking for a first toy, this wouldn't be a BAD option, per se. It's not very versatile, and I usually recommend something that is good for both internal and external use, but it has a lot of settings and power.

This toy 100% passes Ryu's dorm seal of approval. It's small, easy to care for, and waterproof. It's also quiet enough that it's not going to be heard through the walls or over the shower, so it's perfect for people who need to be discreet.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bachelor/ bachelorette party
    • Gag gift
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Campus/roommate living
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • Clitoris
    • G-spot

Material / Texture

The Kinky Kat is made of deep pink plastic and silicone. The head and body of the toy is made of the silicone, but the 'handle' and inside of the 'body' are made of hard plastic. The neck is entirely silicone, so it is indeed flexible.

Silicone is rated a 10 out of 10 on the Eden Safety Scale. It's nonporous and body safe, meaning that bacteria can't live in the material itself and that it doesn't contain any harsh chemicals that could hurt you. Silicone itself can be boiled, but since you can't just boil the silicone part you shouldn't boil this toy.

Plastic is rated an 8 out of 10 on the Eden Safety Scale. It's also nonporous and body safe, and it's much more rigid than silicone. You can not boil plastic, but you can disinfect it by wiping it down with a 10% bleach solution. This should be done every time you plan on switching users or orifices to prevent the spread of infection.

If you're interested in textures, the entire Wonderland collection is something you'll enjoy. The teeth of the cat are very bumpy, and the spiraly tail is really neat. Overall, though, this toy is fairly smooth in texture.

You don't really need any lube at all if you plan to use this toy externally because it has almost no drag to it at all, but if you're looking to insert this lube is certainly recommended to make the pointy ears a bit less intense. If you do plan on using lube, you should avoid anything that is silicone based.

Overall, both silicone and plastic are great for both beginners and advanced users. It's smooth, not too much of a lint magnet, and nonporous.
    • Flexible
    • Not porous at all
    • Smooth

Design / Shape / Size

The Kinky Kat is based on the design of the Cheshire Cat from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The description of the Cheshire Cat is as follows:

"... And a large cat, which was lying on the floor grinning from ear to ear.

'Please would you tell me,' said Alice, a little timidly, for she was not sure weather or not it was good manners for her to speak first, 'why your cat grins like that?'

'It's a Cheshire-Cat,' said the Dutchess, 'and that's why.'"

And later it's described as

"... Still, it had very long claws and a great many teeth, so she felt that it ought to be treated with respect."

Because of how little description is given, the huge smile and swirly tail this toy sports seems to be as close to the book description as any. I actually like the interpretation of this toy better than either Disney Cheshire Cat, do I can't complain.

The Cat's design seems to be close to that of a Pocket Rocket, only with a figure on top. It's about 5 inches long in total, and the head itself is about one inch long. If inserting this, I really can't get more than 3 inches in comfortably. At the widest point this toy is just over 4 inches around.

It's point years on the other hand really make it hard to use internally. If you like pointy things this might be great, but I think that most people will like this best for external only play. The ears are best for very pinpoint stimulation, or you can use the entire tip for a bit broader vibrations.

If someone saw this on your desk it's not obvious what it is, but it doesn't exactly blend in well. Because of that it should be kept out of sight when possible. It's small enough that it's great for travel, but it has no travel lock so you will want to take the batteries out when you pack it.

Overall, this is a cute toy that is really neat, but it's not quite as versatile as I was hoping for. If you like the design and aren't creeped out, this is totally something worth getting.

Here's the Cat VS a pen:
Cat VS Pen

The face:
Cat Detail

The tail:
Cat Detail 2

The cap VS the Caterpillar:
Cat VS Pillar
    • Beginner
    • Ergonomic
    • Whimsical / artistic

Functions / Performance / Controls

The Cat is entirely controlled by a plastic, push button on the base of the toy. It's convenient and easy to use, and it has a lot of really neat settings. It's also a breeze to turn off when needed be, something that I always appreciate.

You turn it on by simply pressing the button on the base for a few seconds. You then press the button again to cycle through the settings until you find the one you want, but if you cycle through all of them it loops around to the first one. The settings are as follows:

1) High (Just under 4 vrooms, 1.5 bees)
2) Medium ( 3 vrooms, one bee)
3) Low (2 vrooms, under one bee)
4) bb BB ZZZ bb BB ZZZ
5) BzBzBzBzBzBzBz
10) bzbzbzbzbzbzbzbzbz

In order to turn the toy off, you simply hold the button down for a few seconds. Something else that I find really neat is that the base of the toy has a light on it that flashes with the pattern it's on. If you're easily distracted this might be an issue, but I just find it neat.

The vibrations are actually pretty darned buzzy on this toy. It's deeper than a lot of bullets I have, but if you're interested in super rumbly toys this might not be the best bet.

The motor is located in the 'body' of this toy where the spiral tail is, but the vibrations travel very well to the tip. The handle does get vibrated a bit, but not enough to make my fingers go numb or anything like that. It's also quiet enough to use pretty much anywhere, so if you live with others this is a great option.

Now for something that really pisses me off... It's also kind of hard to describe concisely. In an example, let's say you really like the medium setting, so you use it on that and then hold the button down to turn it off. The next time you turn it on it will be on the low setting. Similarly, if you turn it off on the low setting it will turn on again on the first pattern. This means that if you have a favorite you have to press the button nine times to get back to it! It doesn't really seem like that big a deal, but after a few uses it really gets on your nerves.

Overall, if you're looking for a mainly external toy with a lot of power and a ton of settings, this is awesome. As long as you don't get totally pissed off about the settings issue I talked about, this would be a great toy for beginners and advanced users alike.
    • Discreet sound
    • Multiple settings
    • Powerful

Care and Maintenance

The Cat is very easy to care for and very hard to clean. It's not a lint magnet so you can toss it just about anywhere and only worry about washing it after use, but getting it clean in the first place is the issue. There are tons of little crevices that are awful to try and clean out, which is another reason this toy isn't too good for insertion.

I clean this toy with an antibacterial toy cleaner, but soap and water are also dandy. You also can disinfect it by wiping it down with a 10% bleach solution. The easiest thing that I've found to do is to use an old toothbrush to scrub it down.

I keep this in a cool, dark place with the rest of my toys. You should try and not store it in contact with other silicone toys because the silicone could potentially react together and leave you sad. Similarly, you shouldn't use silicone based lubes on this one. That aside, I did store this with my other Wonderland toy and it seems to be fine.
    • Easy to store
    • Hard to clean


Something that really impressed me about this fairly inexpensive line was that they have totally badass packaging. If I had more room I would totally keep the toys in the classy box, but as it is I can not. If you have a lot of room they're totally great for storage.

There are two parts to the packaging of this toy. The outer sleeve has the name of the toy and the line, and a full-sized picture of it on the front. On the back is a blurb about the toy in whimsical print, information about the functions, and a few words about the material. It's not super informative, but it gets the job done.

Inside the sleeve is a hard, cardboard, white box. It's very sturdy, and the sides of it are actually made to look like an old, warn book. The front just has a large W and the words "Wonderland." It's SUPER discreet, and until you pull open the magnetic side panel and open it it would be easy to leave on a book shelve.

When you open it up the toy is held in a white, plastic cut out and there is an ad for the entire line on the inside of the 'book cover.' If you're stumped by the toy, there is a manual for basic operation under the white plastic insert.

Here's a picture of the front:
Cat Front

The back:
Cat Back

The inner box:
Cat Box

And the box open:
Cat Open
    • Discreet looking packaging
    • Good for storage
    • Would make a nice gift


When I saw this toy I knew I had to have it. My blog is named after the Cheshire cat, my personal Twitter handle is also, and I really want to do a cosplay. I've always related myself to the Cheshire Cat for a very long and strange reason that does not belong in a review on a vibrator.

But so I got this toy (and the Caterpillar) with high expectations that were oddly met and oddly not. This toy has lots of strange things going on with it that make it hard to work with, but it has a lot of power, it's waterproof, it's silicone, and it's awesome.

I almost don't want to take off a star for the frustrations it causes me that it goes High>Medium>Low so in order to work up in power you have to push the button nine times. I also almost don't want to take off a star for the fact that I'm always surprised that it doesn't leave off on the setting I was on before or the first one.

Why don't I want to take off for those? Because it's based on a novel where everything's normal-- kind of. Where songs you know come out all wrong when you try to sing them and people say things that ALMOST make sense. And the weird settings issue? It adds to that feeling.

On the other hand it kind of bothers me and I think that it will more than kind of bother some other people. So, Doc Johnson, you went a bit too far down the rabbit hole with this one and made it too much for the fanatics and not really for the everyman (or woman.) Because of that it gets four out of five stars.
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: marshmallow
  • Contributor: lovidem
    I don't know if I should thank you or not... you just made me want the toy more and I have to wait for my next pay check! XD
    But really, thanks for the review, it was very nicely done
  • Contributor: mh11
    great information! I'm glad i came across this.
  • Contributor: istas
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: epiphanyjayne
    great job, always love your reviews!
  • Contributor: Abombadong
    thanks for the pics and great review
  • Contributor: Ex-prude
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: limitless
    Thanks for the helpful review!
  • Contributor: Bullfroggy and Rose
    thanks for the comparison pics
  • Contributor: lzee
    Good review!
  • Contributor: Bignuf
    Thanks for an honest, good and helpful review.
  • Contributor: tortilla
  • Contributor: eri86
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