Waiting for Magic to Happen

If you are on the search for your g-spot or just want something that will do a better job of finding it, this is the perfect toy. Even though I still haven't reached the finish line with it, I am 100% confident that it will do the job eventually.
Two sizes of balls
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


The Pure Wand comes with no instructions for use. I assume Njoy expects you to figure it out on your own, but that didn't really work for me. I read that you should use a "rocking motion," but I couldn't really get that down. The most stimulation I get is from a very small thrust back and forth with one hand while putting pressure on the other end. It is a little awkward to hold, especially if there is lube on your hands. It is a trial and error toy, and I'm still trying. I can tell that it definitely has the ability to make me have a g-spot orgasm, but I still haven't reached the finish line. It is most likely due to a personal defect since so many other women have no problems with it, so I still highly recommend this to women on the search for the g-spot orgasm. It is one of the best toys for it.

This thing can definitely bruise your cervix if you aren't careful, so PLEASE - be careful. A major problem I have had with it is that it gets stuck when I use the larger end. And when I say stuck, I mean it takes me about 5 minutes to finally get it out. Obviously I'm very tight, but it is still very inconvenient to not be able to just take it out. I don't recommend using it when you know you might be interrupted at any moment, because then the mood is lost, the muscles aren't relaxed, and it's just a vicious cycle of freaking out and tightening.

I have not brought up using this with my SO because I don't really think it would be a good idea for us. He doesn't really have the multitasking skills that would be required. I will have to figure it out myself before I even mention him using it on me.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Solo
    • Temperature play
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • G-spot
    • P-spot

Material / Texture

The Pure Wand is made of medical grade steel. It is pretty much indestructible, but it can totally do some damage to your porcelain bathtub/sink or tile floor if you aren't careful. It is also very LOUD against these surfaces, so if you are trying to be discreet, watch out when you put it down. The steel is very smooth and when lube is added, it is slick to an almost dangerous degree. Hold onto this thing for dear life when it isn't inserted, because it is very easy to drop.

Because it is made of steel, it can hold different temperatures very well. I enjoy using it in a hot bath because it matches the temperature of the water and feels so unique going in. I have not tried cold yet, as I have a roommate and can't make it to the kitchen with any toy, but I'm sure it would be amazing.

Steel is also a very safe material (when it isn't falling on your toe). It is easily sterilizable and won't corrode, rust, stain, break, or anything else you can think of.
    • Not porous at all
    • Smooth

Design / Shape / Size

The Pure Wand is curved with two balls on either end. One is small and one is large. The shape is perfectly curved to reach the g-spot. The small ball is more for pinpoint stimulation and the large ball is great if you can't really find the sweet spot and want more leeway. The size is great for all users, but only because you are able to choose between the two sides. If small is too small, go for the big, and if big is too big (like it almost is for me) then go for the small.

Like many other reviewers have said, it is very heavy. I thought everyone was just being whiny, but when you actually have it in your hand, you feel every single ounce.
    • Beginner
    • Ergonomic
    • Futuristic


It is able to pinpoint my g-spot perfectly. It is awkward to maneuver but once you get the hang of the motion, it becomes much easier. I haven't yet had my g-spot orgasm, but I know it WILL happen with this toy.
    • Hard to figure out

Care and Maintenance

This toy is crazy easy to care for. I use soap and water to clean and a towel to dry. What do I do next? I put it away! I use the original packaging. It doesn't collect lint - just fingerprints, but those come off easily.
    • Easy to clean


The Pure Wand comes in a box that has a plastic cover wrapped around it. The box is perfect for storage. It has a pink silky lining over what seems like foam (but I don't mind that at all) with a cutout of the Pure Wand's shape. The box stays closed pretty well even without a locking mechanism.

The box is kind of discreet. It says "pure / fun Njoy" on the front in silver letters. However, if anyone has even an ounce of curiosity and isn't afraid to touch your things, they will most likely open the box.

It comes with a pamphlet/manual that is mostly advertising for other Njoy products. It has no specific information for any product's use. It has cleaning information, but that is the same for all of their steel toys.
    • Good for storage
    • Not discreet
Follow-up commentary
I think I'm just one of the women of the world that can't have a g-spot orgasm. That's fine though! I still get plenty of pleasure from the Pure Wand and I love using it with a vibrator for one hell of an orgasm. It looks just like it did when I got it and I still keep it in its original package, it too has held up great. I think everyone should own this toy and I've even referred a friend onto it!
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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This review was edited by
  • pasdechat Contributor: pasdechat
  • Rank:
    5.6 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 35
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  • Contributor: spiced
    From the reviews I've read, it seems this "anal toy" is used vaginally MUCH more than anally.
  • Contributor: Mr. John
    Good review. Thanks!
  • Contributor: ZZ
    Thanks for your review!
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