They Will Be Used Again

After trying this product I can say that I was not disappointed. When I first took them out of the packaging I was. I was concerned with the size and having them get lost. After some talking with my husband, I tried them and found that I shouldn't have been so concerned in the first place.
Small, discreet, comes with a storage box
Sometimes taking them out may take another try
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
I purchased the Glass Ben Wa Balls because I was initially interested in getting traditional ben wa balls. I found this set, and it caught my eye. They are inserted into the vagina one by one. Leaving the balls in will help strengthen the PC muscles as they work to keep the balls inside the vagina. I would not suggest using these anally. It would be extremely difficult to get them out. Although they are named the Glass Ben Wa Balls and look really cute, I would disagree with the 'ben wa' part. I feel that after trying them that I hadn't noticed any difference in my vagina, but that they can be a great sex enhancer.

When I first took them out of the package, I initially thought to myself, "Well, that was a waste." I was a little confused with the size of them and thought that they seemed really small. The best way to explain their size is to compare them to a large marble with a cute yellow flower in it. I was a little afraid if I used them they would get lost. I showed them to my husband who said we should try them, and we did. I did mention over and over to him that I was nervous they were going to get lost. I had him put them in one at a time. I initially didn't even notice them, and I left them in for about 20 minutes. I noticed that during that time I couldn't necessarily feel the balls themselves but the pressure from having them in was arousing. Once I decided to retrieve them I panicked a little. You basically have to reach in and get them. At first I couldn't find either one which was my worst nightmare. I had to take a second to allow the panic to go away and try it again. Sure enough, I found them and was able to take them both out with no problems. I must say that I didn't think much about the retrieval process when I bought them but I stress that you may want to consider a different product with easier removal, perhaps one with a string.

My husband and I also decided to try them during intercourse as was suggested by the box "for added sensation". My husband and I agreed that it was quite enjoyable. Having the glass balls in during intercourse allowed for more pressure and increased arousal that we found made sex a little more excitable.

The balls themselves are made from non-porous, lead free CyberGlass and are waterproof and phthalate free. They are easy to clean. The box suggests cleaning them with liquid antibacterial soap and water. They also suggest to pat drying and allowing them to air dry. The balls also come in a little red box with black velvet on top and a little red bow which is perfect for storing. The box itself looks very similar to a jewelry box one might give as a gift.
My experience with the glass ben wah balls was great. I found that I enjoyed them during use alone and during intercourse. My husband also agreed that he enjoyed the experience. He was less hesitant to use them than I was. He was completely sure that even if I couldn't get them out, that he would be able to, and he was right.
Follow-up commentary
So once again I should have gone with my gut feeling on this one. We used them one final time and all the fun was gone. When we used them during sex everything was fine or so we thought. Maybe we were a little more comfortable with them this time around, I'm not really sure, but they didn't cooperate during retrieval. I finally had to sit back shut up and let me husband go in and retrieve them. The next day I asked my husband his opinion and to my surprise he informs me of how he thinks they bruised his penis! Ouch, so not only will I not be using them again, my husband doesn't even want to see them. I would strongly recommend anyone interested in this product to really think about a product that has a retrieval string.
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    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Can be worn during intercourse
    • Can be worn under clothing
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
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    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • G-spot
    • Kegels
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  • Contributor: Jimbo Jones
    Did he actually have to retrieve them, or did they just not get stuck? Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: lovekink
    When we used them during intercourse the 2nd time (which I will be putting into my follow up review)he had to retrieve them. It has totally changed my mind on the need for a retrieval string of some sort.
  • Contributor: hro789
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: tiggle biddies
    nice review
  • Contributor: lovekink
    Thanks for reading!!!
  • Contributor: Kdlips
    nice review
  • Contributor: lovekink
  • Contributor: Rey
    thx for sharing your great review
  • Contributor: lovekink
  • Contributor: discotits
    Thanks for the review!
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