Clitoral vibrator discontinued

The Oui is not for me.

I would have liked this toy significantly more if it had the current setting for light teasing and then a higher setting to finish the job. It's good to use for foreplay, but not much beyond there unless you're rather sensitive.
Good for travel, Works well as a gift, Very discreet, Doesn't cost much.
Not strong at all, Feels cheap.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
The Oui intrigued me, as I had never owned a clitoral vibrator before. It is strictly for use as an external vibrator, as there's not really any way to insert it.

The Oui comes packaged in a lovely black and silver box which is about the size of my hand (if my hand was square). Encased in the box is a black mesh bag containing the Oui. That was about where my enthusiasm for the toy stopped. On the back of the box it has a picture of the vibrator and some information, including in very large letters a warning not to immerse it in water. This toy is NOT water friendly! It also states on the back that it is made of ABS plastic. Because of this it can be just wiped down with soapy water to clean it. It's a very body-friendly and easy to care for material. Another pro to the plastic is you don't have to worry about what kind of lube you use with it, if the mood so strikes you. (I didn't use any with it, personally.)

Unfortunately, the plastic also gives off the feeling that it's cheap. The one I received was a brushed silver color, which took away a little of the cheap vibe. It is very light, and once you pick it up it's very obviously plastic. The back side of the Oui is unfinished, with the battery door and screws to hold it together unhidden. It has a quite obvious seam around the perimeter of the toy where the two pieces were put together. There is a single push button at the top.

The Oui has a very unique shape, sort of like lips without the center line, as everyone has mentioned. It's cute, fits easily in the palm of your hand, and is quite discreet. It would be fantastic for traveling. It's the kind of toy that if you know what it is, you probably own one yourself. The shape is interesting because there isn't really one "right" way to hold it. My boyfriend looked at it, knowing full well that it was a clitoral vibe, and asked how you use it. There isn't any way that's particularly ergonomic, but it fits in your hand alright in a variety of ways.

Where I became thoroughly unimpressed with this toy was with the power, but I guess for $20 I shouldn't have expected a ton. Also, it's fairly loud due to the plastic. Much louder than you would think for the amount of power you get. However, it's not any louder than an older model cell phone vibration. I have never owned a toy before that could not, no matter how hard I tried, give me an orgasm. It didn't even get me close. The Oui only has one speed, which I would call a medium-low vibration. The vibrations seem to be centered in the middle of the toy, and aren't as strong on the edges. I tried for a good while, trying different edges of the toy, different amounts of pressure, and nothing was working. Finally I just became frustrated and grabbed my Nexus G-play to finish the job.

This isn't to say that this toy isn't for anybody, or is useless. It would be fabulous for teasing and foreplay for all parts of the body (keeping it external of course), and the thin shape of it makes it an option during intercourse as a substitute for a cock ring. However, I wouldn't expect it to get you off. I would highly recommend this toy as a gift for a bachelorette party, or for someone who is new to sex toys, because of its discreet un-threatening appearance and its low vibrations.
Follow-up commentary
To be honest, I haven't used this toy at all since the first few times I tested it. It was that unmemorable for me. Come to think of's not even on our "toy shelf". Ah well. Maybe for someone more sensitive than I...
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Lady Neshamah
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Joie de Cherresse
    Nice review!
  • Contributor: Upskirt
    Interesting toy, almost looks like metal from the pictures...thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Red Riding Hood
    Thanks for the review. Sorry it wasn't so great. It was a bit awkward for me.
  • Contributor: Jake'n'bake
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: GONE!
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Harpina is gone
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Bignuf
    Thanks for a good review.
  • Contributor: kaylajoy89
    sorry it didn't work out
  • Contributor: Tbanda
    Good review
  • Contributor: bayosgirl
  • Contributor: sXeVegan90
    Thank you for the review.
  • Contributor: PassionCpl
    Thanks for the review!
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