The most elegant jump drive ever! Wait a moment, is it?!

Before you go on with reading this review, let me slip a note in here:

Am I happy I finally own Mia? I am. Is it strong enough for me? Not a wee bit!

I obtained Mia the Tiny only because its way to be charged with USB power, and its tiny size and amazing shape make it to be a purrrrrrfect "prepper's vibe"! Solar power charging a laptop or emergency radio up to feed Mia is a highly convenient way to enjoy some vrooms anytime. And that's enough for me to purchase one. Plain and simple.
USB charging, Lockable, Material, Camouflage design, Size, Short charging with long runtime, Quiet
Weak, Not waterproof
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


It is tiny, rechargeable, and you would wait for your OS to load the folders if you didn't know the Lelo product line! Have you ever fooled a male/parents better with your pleasure objects? Hopefully nobody was bugging you how come you had to spend all that money on a friggin' flash drive! Oh, so you go it with points! No excuse, everybody needs a secret lover when the precious one isn't in the mood!

So I assume you are a total geek of the feminine kind, or you are just in love with the USB charger! Or the size. Or the several vrooming functions. Or you just want to have a little one in your purse or pocket all the time. Whether a teenager beginner, or a veteran admirer of special toys, I bet it tickles your curiosity to have Mia for some miniature encounters! Or major ones, with its mighty power!
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Everyone
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Campus/roommate living
    • On a bed only
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • Clitoris
    • Nipples

Material / Texture

This wonderful little one is fully made of non-porous silicone and plastic! Or better to say, hard plastic and silicone, as only two parts are made of the soft bliss: the button control surface and the rounded surrounding area of the USB plug. Both of these lovely materials are food-grade, hypo-allergenic, and latex and phthalates free. With the level 10 safety rate of silicone and level 8 rate of plastic we couldn't imagine anything healthier for our craving flesh!

While the silicone parts are rather matte dark gray of the black Mia pleaser, the vast majority of the surface is shiny black plastic. Both being smooth like a dream, and a pleasure to touch! This beginner friendly and smoothness-lover sensation is coupled up with no smell and taste, other than the very subtle, always pleasant flavor of these materials.
    • No odor
    • Not porous at all
    • Rigid

Design / Shape / Size

Mia the Tiny is indeed mighty small as a pleasure vibe, and chunky as a jump drive! Saying that, because an unknowing person would think that you may be some sci-fi lover techie girl, having some fancy looking, weird USB drive for your computer! "Big space needed, big drive for it...", he would think, not knowing half as much about PC-s and pleasure toys as we, owners of the little Mia know!

And indeed, we know it too why the design has to be like it is! Because three different surfaces to enjoy such a little one are something we are sooo crazy for: a pointy tip for your sweetest spot, a cut tip for any similar uses, and the rest of the smoothness for tender shiny delights! And as long as you are very careful with this non-waterproof little one, you can gently slide it into your craving flesh, whichever flesh your imagination may mean! As the lovely camouflage vroomer can't only be used for hind pleasures, the completely non-porous construction also lets you share it with anyone you please! And indeed, you will please the chosen precious with this adorable tininess!

And I bet that you all know already that this little one was made for traveling! Because be it a pocket, a purse, a glove box or any other small space, Mia is to fit into the most miniature places! So you can hide it away. Or just keep it in plain view like some computer accessory. With no charging cable needed (though one is provided anyway) it is probably the smallest little arouser because of being totally wire-free!

But I should satisfy your growing curiosity about the exact measurements finally, so here you are, dear readers:

total length: 4 3/8 inches
diameter: 7/8 inch

Wow, I have never finished measuring in such a short time, including only two details! And it is because though 1 1/2 inches is stated to be the insertable length, but because of your mesmerizing love juices you want to be sure that the control buttons really don't get wet! Oh well, the non-waterproof construction...
    • Beginner
    • Discreet look/design
    • Partner play

Functions / Performance / Controls

Just like with every other rechargeable vibe, you want to give your little one an initial feed before getting to enjoy it! Believe it or not, it will be about an hour, not more! The fantastic lockable feature protects your precious new vroomer on her way to you, and will be unlocked as soon as it's placed on the charger! The tiny white LED light between the + and - sign will show you that it is being charged, and after its glowing has changed to a constant shine, your wonderful new little one is ready to please you! And it wasn't hard to charge it, was it? To choose from either the USB cable or just Mia herself, it makes us feel the convenience even though our machine doesn't seem to notice that a new USB item is plugged in. Well... Keep the nosy screen addicts away, before they ask you to show what data you keep on that jump drive...

Controlling this little one is quite self-explanatory.

To lock or unlock it, just hold the two buttons pressed for 5 seconds. (The light will show when it gets locked and unlocked.) The + and - signs make you figure that to turn it on, you push +. A firmer hit is needed, and thank gods for it, because it means that no accidental touching will ruin your experience of desired speed or pattern! To increase the speed just hold the + pushed, and it will blow your mind what deep, rumbly vrooms your little one surprises you with! Like with many other vibes working the same way, you will feel the full power after letting go of the button - because while you hold it pressed it will restrict the mightiest force! A determined push is needed again to get to the pattern section, having to hold Mia's + for 2 seconds after you have reached the highest speed. To change between the three patterns a brief hit is enough, and to return to the constant vibration mode you want to hit -, which is also used to decrease the speed and to turn your lovely little one off finally. And one more note, increasing and decreasing speed can be managed both by the described holding the buttons, or by hitting them again and again and again. The little light will come on every time the buttons are hit by the way.

Don't ask how many speeds the constant vibration has, because it is hard to sense such a thing when a vibe is controlled by buttons held pressed! Even the manual calls the constant vibration as function 1, mentioning the 3 others as 2, 3 and 4. These are:

1. high, slow pulsation
2. high, medium speed pulsation
3. high, fast pulsation

At the slow pulsing the little one vrooms even in the breaks with low speed, so I think I can assume that the same happens with the two other patterns, just we can't clearly see or feel it.

I can say that the deep, throbbingly rubmly vrooms can be felt wonderfully strong in the entire little body of Mia, but it seems to me that they are most intense in the two tips! The silver ring separating the two black portions beautifully carries a little less of the force, and I think that the pointier, control buttoned tip vibrates in the wildest frenzy. But the difference between the two tips is slight enough not to disturb most of the users, except the most sensitive ones!

And though almost all of us is mighty sad that Mia lacks in the water-resistance department, we may rejoice anyway that it isn't louder than the vibration of a cell phone! Yes, you've got it right: NOBODY will hear it once it is between your lush, gorgeous thighs! (Except in total absence of some background noises, from a few feet away, wide awake!) Silence, tininess, camouflage look, locking, easy to use controlling and excellently body-safe material - what could be more discreet?
    • Easy to use
    • Multiple settings
    • Rechargeable

Care and Maintenance

I would like to add it quickly, that it is stated in the manual that you should charge your Lelo vibes once a month if not more! Though even without that, 90 days of bliss are offered in standby mode, running for up to 90 minutes on a full charge!

Not being waterproof you want to be sure that you clean your little one VERY carefully, with warm water and mild antibacterial soap! The plastic parts could be wiped down with isopropyl alcohol in theory, but the manual asks you not to use alcohol, petrol and acetone based cleaners on Mia!

ALWAYS be sure it is stored in a perfectly dry place, and be careful with the lubes as well! Plastic can handle any lubricants of your choice (water-, silicone- and oil-based alike), but in case of using anything else than water-based lubes, avoid it touching the silicone parts at all cost! (And the manual also asks you not to use any oil-based lubricants anyway.)

So far I have been storing the black beauty in its original package exactly the way it arrived, and I do intend to stick to it in the future. Though in the gorgeous, shiny, black satin pouch she arrived with (yes, a black one, not a white one like in the product picture!) you can keep it fairly safe without its solid, dark gray box as well.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


Your lovely little Mia arrives practically in two boxes.

The external package is a shiny, black and white paper box. Five of its sides are black, with the silver LELO branding on the front in elegant simplicity. The smaller sides include basic info in 6 languages, and the white back shows the little one with some atmosphere casting text. The white and black fonts are so tiny everywhere, that only the very small "MIA PLEASURE OBJECT" title on the back tells you visibly that indeed, this little one is used for blissful purposes.

The internal package is an exquisitely aesthetic, dark gray, solid box like said before. Only the cover has a shinier, darker title (LELO), and inside you can find all the needed parts.

These are:

- warranty booklet in 6 languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and, I assume, Japanese - just like the languages on the package)
- manual in the same 6 languages
- two brief pictorial guides
- satin drawstring pouch
- glycerine and paraben free, water-based LELO lubricant
- USB charger
- Mia the Tiny, in a dark gray, (very-very) hard plastic cradle, covered with a transparent, thin plastic lid

Everything is desirably placed into the box, and you have several choices about how you want to store the mighty little one. It is also a wonderful thing that it comes with a free lubricant sample, and that you have the freedom to choose what is more comfortable for you to charge your precious little one: with or without the charging cord.

I find the manual and other guides most satisfying, and the package is excellent to send as a gift as well! But you want to let the chosen person know that though nothing tells the nature of this lovely little thing, a closer look by unauthorized people isn't advised! Or you can just toss the shiny paper box, and send the pleasant looking wrapped-in-fabric mystery gift to be opened in private!
    • Discreet looking packaging
    • Good for storage
    • Very informative

Personal comments

I have pretty much nothing else to say. Only my goofy ideas about the jump drive thing.

"Oh this holds all the important files for installing my OS, don't touch it, it's priceless!"

"Thisssssssss is the newest flash drive, gotta have it!!!"

"Well, those buttons are to lock it so the data won't get lost even when it's plugged in! No, I don't need to turn it on now! (Thank God I have locked it, so he won't be able to turn it on!)"

"I know that my USB drive looks like a lipstick! What am I, a hairy water buffalo? Of course it is feminine!"

"It is that large so I won't lose it like the others!"

"I keep my jump drive in a satin pouch because I read it on a forum that you should always keep them in one! What? No, I'm not a muff following stupid advices, I just try to do my best to learn everything about computers!"

"No you can't have it! It is mine! Go and get one for yourself! (Gods, please, don't let him find the Lelo product line online!)"
    • All over body
    • Discreet sound
    • Smooth


I already know, you will say after reading this section that I have been raving about Mia for the entire review, and I stick only here why I don't like it half as much as you thought I do!

Well, I must make the note here that I didn't expect Mia to be half as strong as I can be barely "ok" with! I pretty much knew that I was purchasing a vibe what is shown to be awfully weak even in the product description, its only saving grace being the USB design.

And indeed, it isn't good for anything more in my case than teasing purposes. It has strong, deep and rumbly vrooms, but even they don't add up to make me achieve ultimate bliss. I write such a positive review on it only because it wasn't a disappointment, rather a very pleasant surprise! I expected some outrageously buzzy vibrations with the shameless weakness! And blissfully, it turned out that it is a better kind of teaser than I thought it would be!

The main (and pretty much only) reason I got it is because USB vibes can be recharged with things what can be recharged with solar power. For example laptops and emergency radios. Because of that this is among the vibes I want to have, because it is just better to "be prepared for the worst and hope for the best". And it is anything but a dumb idea to be sure that I have a pleasure vroomer, even if the grid ever goes down, or something bad happens with the economy! For that Mia is an excellent little companion!

I do say, yes, it is weak, so weak that power queens like me will want to tears their hair out in the horrified surprise! More sensitive users however will be mighty pleased with the rumbly vrooms. No matter what you say, the design and material safety of this little one are almost priceless. And though I am not going to use it a lot in the future, it is wonderful to know that I won't have to be worried about obtaining this pretty little one anymore, being an exquisite "emergency vroomer"! And if that is your "prepping reason" as well, or you just look for a fitting little pleaser for your highly sensitive precious flesh, then dare to own one and enjoy it! Mia was created for your type above all!
    • Long lasting power
    • Strong patterns
    • Would make a nice gift
Follow-up commentary
USB or not, it hasn't been used since testing...

But I guess I shouldn't complain, it is still a pleasant teaser of the off the grid kind. I just wish it was 5 times stronger...
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  • js250 Contributor: js250
  • Rank:
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  • Contributor: Sangsara
    I think you gave a very creatively written review. I found it amusing and very informative - followed the script without sounding like the same old boring straight forward review. only criticism I have is lay off the exclamation marks!!!! lol excellent job- I'm waiting for a mia in the mail right now (super score for $25) and this made her sound better than other reviews. I actually LIKE buzzy over rumbly (at least right now I do- times change!) so we'll see how my la likes her
  • Contributor: SomewhatSomewhere
    May not be very strong, but I'll always want the Mia. Thanks for the well thought out review!
  • Contributor: Annemarie
    I'm surprised that you rated the black Mia (the new Mia) so weak. I had heard that it was twice as strong as the other Mias. (see here) Interesting.

    Great review.
  • Contributor: GONE!
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: anobscureallure
    Great review. Thanks!
  • Contributor: Apirka
    Wonderful review, as always! Thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: Lady of the Lab
    I really liked the personal comments section :3
  • Contributor: brevado
    Thanks for reviewing this!
  • Contributor: Kissy
    Mio, Mia, Mimi... omg the list of short M named toys I need to get!!! Thanks for the video!
  • Contributor: Princess Zelda
    thank you
  • Contributor: Do emu
    Thanks for reviewing!
  • Contributor: MissCandyland
    Nice review! Thank you!
  • Contributor: dsumrow1
  • Contributor: Sweet-n-Playful
    Great review, thanks!
  • Contributor: apryls
    awesome review thanks, sorry it wasn't strong enough for you
  • Contributor: lovebites
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Petite Cannibal
  • Contributor: Rory
    Nice review! Thanks!!
  • Contributor: JoshJosh123
    Great review! Thanks
Discussion Posts Last Update
How does Mia compare to bullet vibes? 2
Any USB vibrators that you can use WHILE they are charging? 22
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Mias USB cover cap 3
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