Stop It

Start it up accelerator gel gets 2 stars for providing a cooling sensation that did, in fact, make my clit more excitable. However, it loses major points on multiple other negative aspects. In the end, I don't want to start it up at all.
Provides A Cooling Sensation.
Horrible Taste.
Uncomplicated Sensations.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Start it up accelerator gel is meant to increase nipple and clitoral sensitivity, but I have some specifics for its use. First and foremost, it did nothing for my nipples, and that's not a dead zone for me in general either. Second, it does provide a cooling sensation on my clit, but I'd prefer something more complex. Is it impossible to make something that cools and tingles? I think not. However, I was more sensitive with the cooling sensations alone, so that's what I would recommend this product for. I'd simply warn that this product tastes rather bitter, has a horrible aftertaste, and it should not be used in conjunction with oral sex. Therefore, the best use is for clitoral stimulation during sexual intercourse alone.
    • Sex

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

This product has the slickness of a gel, but it is slightly thinner in consistency. It does run, but very slowly. The pump top makes application a breeze though. When this product dries, it does become sticky. My nipple felt like it was covered in double-sided tape. It also dries up a little faster than I would like. I found that reapplication was necessary even during a 15 minute time period.
    • Slick
    • Sticky

Taste / Aroma

The taste of the gel is very bitter, and there is also a bad aftertaste. It ruins the functionality of the product a bit because my stimulated clit would probably enjoy a little oral play, but I'd never force someone to lick this stuff. The smell reminds me a little bit of bug spray unfortunately.
    • Bad smell
    • Bad taste


This product needed reapplied twice during a 20 minute time frame. It also became sticky, so I needed to wash it off with soap and water immediately following. I hate the stickiness, and I don't like to reapply so frequently. I also despise the taste and smell. However, the gel does stimulate my clit to make it more sensitive, so it does have some function. There's just a lot of room for improvement.
    • Dries up too fast
    • Gets sticky
    • Needs to be washed off with soap and water


The accelerator gel comes in a 1.6 fluid ounce bottle. There is a pump top and a plastic cap over the pump top to prevent leakage. The bottle is pretty mild and mostly white. There is also an ingredients list on the bottle in purple.

water, propylene glycol, euterpe oleracea fruit extract, punica granaturn extract, arginine, menthol polysorbate 20, tetrasodium edta, triethanolamine, citric acid, phenoxyethanol, methylparaben, propylparaben

I would probably not travel with this item just because it isn't multi-functional, and when I travel, I want an item that will do multiple things or at least be used often. However, this can travel with you. I'd advise taping the plastic cap on just in case.
    • Easy to use / dispense
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  • Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast
    This does not sound so great, thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: married with children
    good review, thanks for sharing.
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