So much for the rave...

Oh gods, now that you didn't let me get the blue one why didn't you send me an everlasting piece of candy to savor for that price!

Bimini Ocean is such a wonderfully rumbly and strong vibe, but this doesn't stand for the annoying clitoral knob having no use and rather being in the way! The magnetic charging can be such a mighty royal pain in the ass too! 2 stars off because of these! Sorry beautiful candy vibe, not your fault! Screw the designers!
Material, Fully submersible, Power in the shaft, Variety of functions, Rechargeable, Size, Beautiful
Clitoral knob useless and being in the way, Magnetic charger a pain to angle right
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


I was just watching and watching it, comparing it to the other similar looking Fun Factory vibes, ahhh, it does look like a quality vibe! I was looking at the clitoral part, staring at it longingly, looking at the other vibes from the manufacturer, same kind of clitoral teaser.

You may know what I was thinking about. Is there a little bullet for the clit teaser too?

But having found only two slim enough, rechargeable, rabbit vibes (the other was the Leaf Vitality, and the Bimini Flash too without the appealing G-curve and thicker as well, out of the question in that decision of mine) - oh my, Vitality doesn't have pinpoint stimulation, it has to be the Bimini Ocean for me!

What a finely made disappointment!

You would think that there is finally a purrrfectly made warm up rabbit vibe, for the moments when you don't want to rush to more fulfilling sizes, a tiny enough rabbit vibe, yaaaaaaaaaaayyy yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy!!!

But it will last only until you turn it on for the first time, check the clitoral knob out, and realize sadly that it is just an extension of the soft and smooth silicone cover!

Yes, I could say now that this is a double stim vibe for beginners and those who seek discreet rechargeable rabbit companion, but I can't state such a thing! If you look for a small rechargeable G-vibe this is a lovely little one, but you will need something for your craving spot to replace the awfully weak clitoral knob! If would be better if it wasn't there at all! Because it is just in the way to use other clit vibes!
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Everyone
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • On a bed only
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body
    • G-spot
    • Nipples

Material / Texture

Oh the silicone! Being highest on the material safety level with the rate 10, completely non-porous, food-grade, hypo-allergenic, and latex and phthalates free! It's oh so smooth, soft and squishy, like velvet for your senses and bliss for your soul!

The hot pink Bimini Ocean has only one very bad quality in the material department. That it isn't made of candy! The color, the delicate texture of the material, the temptingly sweetness-like shape - all calling you to suckle on it, savor it and not let it go until you licked it all into nonexistence!
So, to lick it and suck it and be about to gobble it up won't satisfy you as much as you so much whine for, and you'll have to resist and take it out of your mouth. At least try it for heaven's sakes!

No taste is what ruins the sheer candy experience as you see, and even the hypnotic thought in your head telling you that indeed, it does have candy taste, won't help you maintain the sweet illusion - and you will have to agree that the surface is made for pleasure purposes instead. For shy beginners and mild-texture-loving advanced toy lovers.
    • Flexible
    • Light odor
    • Not porous at all

Design / Shape / Size

After the close sniffs to revel in the candy smell, and the impatient passion of not being able to take Bimini Ocean out of your mouth, you will turn to admire the design.

Curvy, delicate waves embody the beauty of ornaments all over the vibe, and you just can't take your fingers off the peachy, squishy, firm pillows this little one is made of.

Just to give you an idea about the measurements: 5 5/8 inches overall length, 3 inches insertable length and clitoral knob reaching out with 7/8 inch. The diameter is 1 1/4 inches and the curves end up in a 5/8 inch wide tip.

With these measurements you couldn't say that it is too large and uncomfortable, and it arises to be a handier travel companion as well. In a fitting pouch it can nestle in your drawer, or find place in your glove box. Purses, fake books and any smaller boxes will also be able to handle the pleasantly small but still fulfilling size.
    • Beginner
    • Ergonomic
    • Whimsical / artistic

Functions / Performance / Controls

It is powerful and has a LOT of functions! (As long as we speak about the shaft anyway, as the clitoral knob is just a shame!)

First, like is common with the rechargeable vibes, you have to give it an initial charge to enjoy the most out of it for years and years and years. The first charge is said to be around 6 hours, but I had a day full of cursing and hissing and snarling because of the ungodly magnetic charger!

Yes, you read it good, THE UNGODLY MAGNETIC CHARGER!

So, there is the silvery metallic FUN FACTORY text on the very bottom of the vibe, and the little charger head (being made as a wall outlet) has two metal spots on one side, and the FUN FACTORY text on the other. The magnet is sucked right on the bottom of the vibe, on the text, and you will also see that you can't touch it to it upside down for example, because the magnets will let you do it only in the right way, wiggling aside until you manage the proper angle!

The text on the charger head will light up red, showing you that you have successfully started to charge the lovely looking candy vibe.

After it is fully charged the red light won't glow anymore, meaning that Bimini Ocean is ready to be used.

In theory!

In practice, I saw that the charging was over, though it hadn't been on the charger for 6 hours as I remember.

I had to put it back on, and do the same struggle with the rebellious charger head, barely wanting to stay in the right angle because of the position of the wire! It pretty much looked like after a few moments or minutes the red light didn't glow anymore, so I had to try to find the right angle over the bottom again, and then after a few it stopped again, so I had to do the same battle over again! I decided finally to stay in one spot (watching movies with my OnlyMaster), and hold the wire in the right angle with my legs. You can imagine what a pain it was after a while! Like I said, ungodly! Hellish! "I-don't-want-it-for-my-worst-enemy!" type of discomfort!

After a few hours of fighting I gave up and said "fuck it", took the lil one and turned it on.

So, it has two buttons right above the black bottom, on the back. The lower one is the smaller -, and the larger one above it is the +. So you already know that + turns it on, and as I noticed it isn't a lockable vibe.

Comes on when you push and keep the + held for a few moments, with low constant vibration. + also increases the speed, and you have to hold the button pushed (which you can do right by pushing + to turn it on and just hold it on for a higher and higher speed), or you can push it again and again, to get to the highest speed. When you are there, you have to push + again and hold it for a few moments to get to the different patterns, which all have only one speed of their own. You can change patterns only by hitting + again and again, so if you hit + and, being on the current pattern, keep it pushed, it won't go to the next pattern like it does on the constant vibration.

Whichever pattern you are using above the constant vrooms, - will take you back to the highest constant vibration, unless you keep - pushed in that moment of changing back, because that way it will decrease the constant vibration to the lowest level. To turn it off you will have to hit - again, without it the lowest speed will stay on.

It seems like the vibrations are really only in the shaft, and in there they are being pretty damned powerful! They are deep and throbbing, and right after the lowest speed you will be surprised what a rumbliness they have! On highest speed they are about to gobble your fingers up with the numbing force!

The vibration patterns are:

1. constant vibration, ranging from very low to really high power
2. somewhat fast, medium speed, long escalation
3. faster, shorter escalation
4. fast, medium strength pulsation

When you are in "pattern mode", hitting + will change among the three patterns, and you can return to the highest vibration only by hitting -. Also, there isn't any kind of memory in Bimini Ocean, meaning that each time you turn it on it will start from the very first low steady vibration, not remembering your last choice. The same goes for the changing to the patterns from constant vibration, so you always start the patterns with the first, long escalation.

I have also tried something now, causing about an hour of great worries.
I was trying different ways of hitting the buttons to see if there are any functions I didn't know about, and it resulted in turning the vibe to the highest steady vibration, and no matter what I tried to do, it didn't react to any buttons or the charger!
It says in the manual that when you put it on the charger it will automatically shut off, which didn't happen in my case. I found out only later (after it got totally drained) that maybe I slided the wall outlet in too deep, and after trying it again I could happily realize that charging is ok, and my beautiful candy vibe works like it always did!

So if your Bimini Ocean gets stuck and you can't solve the problem, then just let it run until it is drained, then put it on the charger and voila, it is like it is supposed to be again!

But let's turn back to the actual qualities of this little one again! (And I am trying to calm down, my heart still pounding and my hands trembling after the hour of great worries - as Bimini Ocean can run for about an hour.)

Being such a WONDERFUL vibe for internal pleasures, the clitoral knob seems to be a totally useless part! It does vibrate a little bit, but the cushy pillow of the silicone swallows the most of it away! It would be alright if it could be used to "hold" any other vibes to the spot (like many rabbit vibes do when you choose to enjoy another clitoral vibe), but the size and shape are rather in the way, especially because of the short shaft you are able to use!

I don't remember to tell the truth if I could experience any G-spot pleasures with it, especially because it lasted only for a few minutes to check this lil one out - being all frustrated because of the annoying knob of course. So I will still have to experiment more to see if it is usable enough for such purposes.

And of course who would name a vibe after the ocean, if it wasn't fully submersible? Well, Bimini Ocean is made for the best of waterproof pleasures, and though I haven't tried it in such ways, I don't doubt for a moment how wonderfully it would work in such ways!

The noise level isn't something I could call whisper quiet, because it could easily be heard from under covers. While I was waiting for it to shut down in that hour of worries, I could hear it clearly from feet away, until Master turned the radio on. Then it was impossible to hear anything.

So, as you found out by this review, it is extremely easy to figure out how to use this beautifully created little one, and oh my, if it didn't have that annoying, shameful disappointment called the clitoral part!
    • Easy to use
    • Lots of variety in function
    • Multiple settings

Care and Maintenance

Yup, it's silicone! We all love silicone, right?

If you don't know yet then you better read it now: only water based lubricants can be used for silicone toys without damaging the material, and you can clean it fine with water and mild soap, boiling or in your dishwasher on the top rack. As Bimini Ocean is fully submersible, it will be even more easier to get through the process. The texture isn't so horrid either, so it shouldn't be a problem to do a thorough, healthy cleaning.

I could hardly tell you any others ways of storing it in O/our lovely beautiful home than keeping it in its original package, for reviewing purposes for now.
But you can keep it in any properly sized pouches, smaller boxes, and the small size will be refreshing for those who are tired of the bulky giants already. As long as no other toy touches the silicone (so nothing will melt on it) you will be good to go.
Traveling is managed in the same easy way, described before.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


Receive it. Stare at it. Open it.

You will receive a large transparent plastic zip lock bag filled with a LOT of stuff!
Two boxes, one containing Bimini Ocean, and a small one having the charger inside, I assume being the universal click 'n' charge accessory. Lots of papers to go through, even a tiny sample of water-based lubricant having the Fun Factory brand name on it with stylized pictures of some of their toys.

You will find everything written in several languages, like the large manual, a somewhat smaller universal charging manual, and one piece to list ALL of the Fun Factory products, with all the vividly colorful mass of pictures to make you drool for the sight! Just for the fun of it, I am going to count how many products you can see in there! Let's see... 85 items if I counted right in such a late and somewhat sleepy evening hour! Wow!!!

When you get to the vibe itself finally, you will find it in a transparent plastic cradle. If you are careful enough to have a good look at everything then you will see it too, that the large box for it has a magnetic cover, with two wings to open and read about... Bimini Flash??? Wait a moment! Yes, Bimini-s are Bimini-s, looks like it is quite common to use the same package for various but similar toys. But the magnetic hard paper box is pretty neat, huh?

If you don't mind the little bit of extra space the box and the fitting plastic cradle take up then there is your storage option ready to be used for life! (Or as long as the hard paper construction holds up...)
But if you want to give it as a gift to someone then remember, it is a better idea to let the person know about receiving a pleasure toy with that kind of typical packaging, to avoid uncomfortable situations! (Yep, there are stylized pictures of Bimini Flash on the package!)
    • Good for storage
    • Recyclable
    • Very informative

Personal comments

You may wonder if Bimini Ocean can be used for the pleasures of your rear craving area.

Well, the package shows a butt crossed, and it surprises us, knowers of silicone, because we know it too that silicone is a completely non-porous material to be used for anal delight. And who would doubt such a thing looking at the useful clitoral knob to avoid accidents? (Hey, maybe I have just found a use for that annoying thing on the vibe!)

When you read into the manual you will find the explanation. As it was probably written for all of the Bimini vibes, the info says that you shouldn't use it anally because the muscles can easily make the toy slip in and get stuck.

So, calm down, dear reader with the love of such pleasures, Bimini Ocean CAN be used for your hungry flesh in such ways too!
    • Anal
    • Clitoris
    • Smooth


There are quite a few pleasures in this little one, though it didn't turn out to be the vibe I was looking for.

But anyway, it looks to me like the charging is just fine (at least for the first few hours it must be I guess - unless I was trying to charge it longer than needed), not to mention that it has no such kind of memory, meaning that you can put it on to charge anytime you wish to, not needing to be drained first. The manual also says that the standby time is 3 months, and only then it needs a recharge! Not bad huh?

I just wish that Devil's bump knob wasn't there, because the amazing power wasn't enough to cheer me up in such a disappointment! Any other parts of the body were much more useful for clitoral pleasures than that friggin' knob, and of course it totally ruined my mood finally when I was trying to stick another vibe on my spot, having the knob in the way! Totally frustrating! Oh gods, gimme a mighty knife to cut it off without problems!

The only saving grace that I don't dump it into my giant chest of stashed away toys is the small size with the amazing power, and of course that it is rechargeable. Even if not for the most intended pleasures, I might be using it in the future in the other way, when I make myself get to training my flesh somehow. But as I am a wimp I will just have it handy, and, maybe, maybemaybe, use it when I am in the mood. We'll see...

But don't get discouraged dear reader, because you may want exactly this kind of vibe, with no clitoral stimulation and greater internal power! Then I can only say, enjoy it!
    • Not very discreet
    • Powerful
    • Rechargeable
Follow-up commentary
If there was a "meh" heart here I would choose that option!

I still love all the good qualities of this delicious cany vibe, but because of the awful clitoral nub I use it only very rarely. Oh well...
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This review was edited by
  • js250 Contributor: js250
  • Rank:
    7.1 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 309
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  • Contributor: iabicpl09
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Strider
    Thank you for the review.
  • Contributor: chicmichiw
    Oh no! I didn't realize that it doesn't have a clit-area vibe! Thanks, I'll pass
  • Contributor: fireholly99
    Thanks for this. I assumed it had a clitoral vibe.
  • Contributor: caramilk
    thanks, your critiques were really helpful
  • Contributor: unicorn64
    thanks for your review
  • Contributor: ginainohio78
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: nikki0668
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: freeport
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: lovelyzombie
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: SydneyScreams
    Love your fun writing style!! thanks for the review
  • Contributor: LoneOokami
    Thanks for the info.
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Is the Bimini Ocean worth the price? 6
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