Smart balls sex toy review

I have forever been looking for new ways to strengthen my PC muscles to increase awareness of my genitals as well as heighten sexual pleasure. Fun Factory’s Smart Balls are, hands down, the best way I would recommend to bring pleasure in more ways than one.
The string is a super plus for removal
Material has a tendency to suck up any lubrication
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
I have forever been looking for new ways to strengthen my PC muscles to increase awareness of my genitals as well as heighten sexual pleasure. Fun Factory’s Smart Balls|Vaginal balls: Smart balls by Fun Factory are, hands down, the best way I would recommend to bring pleasure in more ways than one.

I received this wonderful toy luckily on a night when my roommate was out of town. It came in a cute little box, along with a sample of lube. The adorable presence of the toy was the reason I purchased it in the first place – the small, hard, black balls with tiny stripes of hot magenta, connected by a thin piece of rubbery material, and a little string to hold on to – looked more like a toy for a kitten than a sexual exerciser|Exercisers for vaginal muscles (then again, I guess you could say it IS a toy for a pussy!). I was pleasantly surprised to find no strange odor present, and immediately popped them in.

Sexual experimentation has led me to use of the classic ben wah balls – the hard metal weights that often can slip out of an excited vagina. With the Smart Balls, they are slightly more difficult to maneuver into my pussy, but stay in a lot longer. I even wear them to do chores, to make even the most boring task pleasurable! The slight vibrations encourage a rocking motion that direct vibrations deep, leaving fingers free to explore my clitoris and other pleasure zones.

By squeezing these babies in my vagina a few times daily, I receive not only pleasure from their slight vibrations, but wondrous strength in my PC muscles. With strong PC muscles, my boyfriend can feel my vagina squeeze around his penis when we have sex.

Speaking of sex, this toy can serve another purpose other than a simple alone pleasure piece. My boyfriend and I got a bit curious and decided to try sex with the Smart Balls inserted and boy, was it a smart decision! Not only did the balls press right up against my G spot, but the subtle vibrations could be felt by both me and him at the same time, making our sexual conquest more invigorating with little effort.

Cleaning these little suckers is super easy too – Smart Balls are completely waterproof, and a little bit of suds in the shower make this easy rinse and dry for use time and time again.

I’ve told many of my friends to get this great toy, and recommend it to anyone who is looking for a toy with many purposes that is different from your traditional plastic phallic humming device.

I definitely give this wonderful toy a perfect score.
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  • Contributor: marcelle
    i would like to try this toy and was wondering if it could be worn all day or not recommened
  • Contributor: JustHelping
    Marcelle, from what I found in the other reviews on the ben wa balls, you can wear them quite a long time, not sure about the whole day though. Look, here they have other reviews:

    *Alpine Subdreams claims: "...they can be worn for hours..." ([smart-balls-9|Vaginal balls review]);

    *LadyJane submitted the first time user [smart-balls-6|review of the smart balls];

    You may also find reviews from:

    *Snappy [smart-balls-2|here];

    *Playful Grrl [smart-balls-3|Kegel excersiser];

    ..and much more

  • Contributor: Cock Wrangler
    These can be worn all day, if you so desire...

    Also, you can toss them in the dishwasher (top rack) occasionally for thorough cleaning.  
  • Contributor: Nashville
    You mention vibrations. I didn't realize these required batteries.
  • Contributor: DrNike69
    To Sleeping Dreamer:
    They don't require batteries, that's whats so cool about them! They have smaller weighted balls inside them that clang against the outsides of the balls as they are moved around or vibrated by another battery powered anything.
  • Contributor: A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople)
    Great review!
  • Contributor: thesquaredeific
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: xjonxthexgreenx
    thanks for the review
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