Simple but faulty

I really wanted to like this bullet, but it shorts out so much that I'm often left frustrated. The toy might be good for a beginner, or it would be if it wasn't faulty.
Nice packaging
Nice vibrations
Shorts-out frequently
Small enough to get lost easily
Requires watch batteries
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


This toy is pretty basic. It's intended for clitoral stimulation, but I find that it works great for your nipples too. It works best when it's used along with your favorite dildo or vibrator, but since it's so simple, it can be used for just about everything except anal play (because it's so small and has no base). Since it's so quiet, you could use it pretty much anywhere. I find that the best place to use it is in the shower since this toy is waterproof, but be careful not to drop it--that would be very loud and embarrassing.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Everyone
    • Sensory play
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Clitoris
    • Nipples

Material / Texture

This bullet is made out of a clean, smooth plastic. It doesn't drag against skin, and it slides wonderfully with just a little bit of lube. While the plastic is nice and smooth, there's no texture to speak of, which could be a plus or a minus depending on your preferences. My favorite thing about plastic as a toy material is that it's not sticky, so it won't collect hair at all. This can't be sterilized since the plastic will melt, but it can be covered with a condom if you want to share it. Best of all, this toy has no odor, which is definitely a bonus for me.
    • No odor
    • Rigid
    • Smooth

Design / Shape / Size

This bullet is cute and simple. It only comes in white, but for me, function comes before form (although this toy often fails in its function--more on that later). Its ON button is at the end of the toy, but it's at the end that you hold onto when using the toy, so be careful or you might turn the power up (or off) inadvertently. Since this toy is so simple, pretty much anyone could use it, although it might not be strong enough for an advanced user. This bullet is fairly discreet until you turn the power on. But the packaging isn't discreet so it could be kept in a plastic bag or a sock.
    • Futuristic
    • Partner play

Functions / Performance / Controls

I was a little disappointed with this toy. It stays on, most of the time. Sometimes the lowest setting works, but sometimes it won't work at all, no matter how many times I push the ON button. I have no idea why it's like that; perhaps the batteries are bad, the toy is faulty, or a similar reason. Either way, it's really upsetting when I'm trying to climax and this bullet shorts-out.
    • Discreet sound
    • Easy to use

Care and Maintenance

The iconic bullet is easy to clean. It's waterproof, so after making sure that the bullet is screwed closed all the way, you can wash it with soap and water in the sink. Alternatively, you could try cleaning it with a toy cleaning spray, although that might be a bit of a hassle since this toy is so small. I like to keep my bullet in the box it came in, but if the box isn't discreet enough for you, this bullet could be stored in a ring box, a sock, or pretty much anywhere you want to keep it. Just make sure you remember where you put it because it could get lost easily.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store
Follow-up commentary
After using it for a total of five times, this bullet has run its course and no longer works. If you're looking for a good beginner's bullet, I'd recommend saving up your money and buying a higher-quality toy: i.e. not this one.
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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This review was edited by
  • Basalt Contributor: Basalt
  • Rank:
    5.5 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 304
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  • Contributor: sexytileena / absolutely love sex
    nice review
  • Contributor: ARPKasso
    great review thanks.
  • Contributor: Yoga
    Thanks for review!
  • Contributor: souviet
  • Contributor: Love Lula
    Great review!
  • Contributor: firecracker21
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: rysanek
    would that problem be covered under warranty? They might send you a new one.
  • Contributor: Rosen Rot
    Thank you for sharing.
  • Contributor: TransMarc
    It seems great but I hope if I buy it, it won't have the same problem as yours! Great review!
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Is the Iconic Bullet the best bullet for under $20? 5
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