Do you love g-spot vibrators? If you answered "yes" then you have to try the Le Reve. Its ergonomic design and wonderful vibrations are definitely a formula for a great orgasm. If you are looking for your first toy, this probably isn't for you. The hard plastic is very unyielding and can be uncomfortable for someone who prefers a toy with more give or a smaller diameter. If you know what you like and this piques your interest then it is sure to get your motor running.
The Le Reve massager by Pipedream is a g-spot vibrator. It can also be used to tease the nipples or clit.
Because it is made out of hard plastic it is very unyielding, therefore probably best suited for a sex toy user with a bit more experience than a beginner.It gets larger the more you insert it, and it will cause you to stretch. If that isn't something that appeals to you then this might not be the best toy for you. If you are looking for a nice g-spot toy to deliver good vibrations to your g-spot while filling you up, then you have got a great option here.
Le Reve can be used in solo play or with a partner, though I found that it was much easier to maneuver when I was controlling it myself.
The Le Reve is made out of plastic. It is very smooth and has no smell or taste to speak of.
This toy is quite hard. Because it is so unyielding in nature, this is probably best suited for a more seasoned sex toy user. There is no give and it gets bigger the further up the shaft you get. Someone who prefers a softer or more realistic material in a toy will not be pleased with this one.
This toy almost has a boomerang shape. There is a very intense curve to this toy, and when combined with the large diameter it can be very enjoyable. The curve is designed to help hit the g-spot without a problem. It is long enough that whether you have a shallow g-spot or yours sits further back it can be reached. The curve definitely added to the fun of this toy.
The size is great for a more experienced user. The total length is 7 1/2 inches, with an insertable length of 5 inches. This length, like I said, is great for reaching the g-spot in virtually anyone. The diameter is 1 3/8 inches at the widest insertable point. Because this is hard plastic, that might be a bit much for a beginner.
It is obviously a sex toy, though it isn't realistic and does not look like a penis.
The vibrations of this toy are pretty decent. They are not buzzy at all, but I would not say they were rumbly either. Somewhere in between the two. They can be felt throughout the toy with more concentration in the tip for direct g-spot stimulation. It has 4 vibration functions: low, medium, high and very high. The low and medium settings are great for foreplay and teasing. Once warmed up, though, I prefer the high or very high setting in order to achieve a great orgasm.
The controls are located on the base of the toy. There is a "+" button and a "-" button. It is very easy to use. Simply push the plus button to cycle through the vibration settings. To turn it off, though, you must hit the minus button until it turns off.
It takes 2 AAA batteries. I have used the toy for approximately 2 hours total and the batteries have not slowed the vibrations down at all yet.
This toy is not totally quiet. You'll be able to hear it through the covers but most likely not through a closed door.
The Le Reve is waterproof. I have not submerged it completely, but I have used it in the shower with no problems.
Plastic is very easy to care for. Simply wash it with soap and water or wipe it down with isopropyl alcohol. It is also compatible with water, oil and silicone based lubes.
This toy comes in a great box that I use for storage.
This came in a nice, sleek box. It is great to store the Le Reve in. It would also make a good gift box. It is classy looking and does not have any naked people on it. There were no instructions on or in the box.
Pipedream is quickly becoming one of my favorite toy manufacturers. Every toy I have from Pipedream is well made and very enjoyable. Two thumbs up to this company from me!
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