Only Sort of Worth It

This product is only sort of worth it. The price you pay for it is about the cost of two standard lubes, but it should be a bit cheaper because of the poor packaging. I would suggest it for people who want just a slight warm or slight tingling feeling in the area of application, but nothing too serious. It balances out pretty well. All in all, not a very exciting set of lubes.
Easy application.
Slight tingling effect is rather pleasant.
Pleasant warming effect.
Poor packaging
Possible skin irritant
Only works with latex condoms when using a condom
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


K-Y Yours and Mine is rather stimulating. The Mine bottle, which is 1.5 fl oz., contains a lube with an icy-hot kind of smell due to the menthol it contains. Suffice it to say it can cause a slight skin irritation. This can also cause an allergic reaction in those allergic to menthol. Thankfully, I do not have that allergy and did not have any irritation occur when using the product. The Yours bottle, which is also 1.5 fl oz., contains a warming sensation lube, which is even more pleasant with even the slightest friction. I did get quite a bit of enjoyment out of that factor. Because this lube is water-based, it is not suggested that this should be used for anal intercourse, as the water is absorbed into the body. These products should be used with masturbation and vaginal intercourse. One can even use it for use with vaginal sex toys. It can ONLY be used with latex condoms in the condom department. The packaging was a bit disappointing, as it leaks severely when tipped to the side. Once the Yours lube has been absorbed into the skin, it can cause severe dryness which should be treated with lotion.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bridal gift
    • Masturbation
    • Sex
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bath / shower
    • Bedroom
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Penis
    • Vaginal

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

The lubes are both rather runny, but go on quite smoothly. The Mine lube is slightly thicker than the Yours lube. Unfortunately, they are both also rather oily and leaves the skin with an almost sticky feel to it. The menthol in it of course leads to a tingly kind of feeling in the area of application. It will run a bit if you are not careful, which can get rather messy. It can even run out of the package. I find I have the worst time with the Yours lube, which, as previously stated, is quite runny. I think that the texture is rather standard, honestly.
    • Oily
    • Thick
    • Thin

Taste / Aroma

The Mine lube smells like Icy Hot and the Yours lube has a slight soapy smell, which is probably caused by the glycerin that it contains. With the Yours lube I am reminded of a sort of plastic smell, as well. Also, these lubes both are not intended for ingestion due to some of the contents, so using them with oral is out. Unfortunately, because the website for K-Y lists certain irritants such as Glycerin in the Yours, I did not choose to ingest this. This goes for the Mine lube’s menthol properties, which I did not choose to ingest either.
    • Bad smell
    • Bad taste


The Yours lube has glycerin in it which can be an irritant to some people. It also has honey and sucralose which are sugars, and sugars can cause yeast infection, which is something to be careful of. Thankfully the Yours lube has a warming sensation that is quite pleasing, but does not seem that good for the price. The Mine lube is has a very tingling sensation which is also a pleasing sensation. The scent from the Mine lube is very mild, for those with sensitive noses this is alright (as I have a sensitive nose myself). As previously stated, it reminds me a lot of icy-hot, just not as strong. Combining the two K-Y Yours and Mine lubes together provides an interesting experience where the warming and tingling feelings mesh together and balance out properly, but only so interesting as one can get the same effects from a cheaper product. I do not suggest getting this into your eyes, as it can burn your eyes in a most unpleasant manner. You can use both of the K-Y Yours and Mine lubes inside the vagina and it provides an okay experience. The warming and friction from the Yours lube can become quite soothing if one experiences a sort of unpleasant dryness. The effects of both the K-Y Yours and Mine lube lasts about ten minutes or so and has to be reapplied. I attempted to clean it off with just a towel when using it on my hand, but that did not work very well. I personally had to wash it off because of the stickiness of it. I used just regular soap and water to clean it off. The sticky came off relatively easy, as most of it had started absorbing into my skin.
    • Absorbs into skin nicely
    • Allergy concerns
    • Not compatible with all materials


K-Y Yours and Mine arrived in an oval shaped sort of package. The two bottles that looked like little test tubes came in a little plastic holder. Unfortunately, the tubes will leak immensely if placed on their side in any form or fashion. The lube was not visible through the package and it really didn’t seem very discreet at all with the packages large proclamation of it being K-Y Yours and Mine.
    • Leaky container
    • Messy dispenser
    • Not discreet

Special Features

The Mine lube in K-Y Yours and Mine has a slight tingly effect which is pretty pleasant for the most part, but can cause skin irritation in others. I did not have skin irritation, personally, but enjoyed some of the tingly effect. The Yours lube warms slightly at the touch, but does not burn. When mixed together they provide a rather interesting sensation of both warm and tingly.
    • Increases sensitivity
    • Tingling
    • Warming

Personal comments

My main complaint is that the lube leaks very badly and can cause quite the mess. This is not something that you would want to put on its side in your bag or something.
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  • unfulfilled Contributor: unfulfilled
  • Rank:
    6.9 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 266
  • Graduated students: 35
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  • Contributor: unfulfilled
    Fantastic first review. I wouldn't like the stickiness of this.
  • Contributor: edeneve
    great first review - detailed.
  • Contributor: wicked48
    Great review!
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