My little secret makes them a little flirty

Scent is a big portion of attraction. It's what can help draw someone in when other things might be working against you. This little secret makes you smell a little flirty and will make those men act a little flirty, too. Seems like a win/win situation to me. I never leave home without this little weapon in my arsenal.
Wonderful scent, seemingly attracts men, long lasting, subtle, flirty, travel friendly.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


This is a perfume oil that can be used everyday and for any occasion. I use it any chance I get and always keep it in my purse. I generally stay away from a lot of perfumes do to the overwhelming aroma, but this isn't the case with this one. Sure you can over do it by putting on too much, but the roller ball helps limit the flow of oil and you can target areas making the scent just perfect. I will on occasion have my skin break into a rash with some perfume oils, but Flirty Little Secret has been nothing but pure unadulterated joy.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bridal gift
    • Mood enhancer
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • External use only
    • Puls points

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

The viscosity of the oil is thin so it won't run down your wrist if it's applied with a light hand. Don't expect something that's very thick or gel like. The roller ball keeps the oil from leaking or coming out too fast. When it does come out of the roller ball it's clear and shiny. As it's rubbed into the skin, the oil leaves the skin feeling silky or velvety and has a matte look. You don't have to worry about your skin feeling greasy or looking like you put a perfume oil on.
    • Smooth
    • Thin
    • Velvety

Taste / Aroma

The scent of this perfume oil is difficult to describe. At first I thought it smelt like confections because it had the undertone of freshly made cakes and butter cream icing when I smelled it from the applicator and when it was on my skin. It just smelt overly sweet. However, that was only for the first day that I thought that. The more I wore it, the more I fell in love with its complexity. Certainly for most people, the scent of a perfume (or cologne) will change in subtle ways when applied to the skin. This is no different. Now when I try to describe the scent, I still say it still smells a little cake like, but it also has floral and spice undertones that just screams flirty. The undertones are not in a perfumey, old lady, floral sort of way and certainly not in a perfumey spice or woodys way. It's subtle, sexy, sensual and most definitely flirty.
    • Complex
    • Light smell
    • Smells good


I'll put this on every morning as I'm going out the door. It absorbs quickly into the skin with a quick rub of the wrists or dab behind the ears. When it's on the skin you may or may not feel it. Since this is a roller ball perfume and not a atomizer perfume, the scent hangs closely to the skin instead of in the air. I'll go about my day and every so often I'll catch the light scent of the oil. It's not overpowering and it wont give your neighbor a headache when you're being still or when you're on the move. By the time lunch rolls around I might or might not reapply the perfume. It will depend on how often I've washed my hands or applied hand lotion. If I don't over do it on either of those, I can smell it on my skin by the time I get home. It gets more subtle as the day passes. It all comes down to how strongly you want to smell of the perfume oil. I personally think less is more with this one.
    • Absorbs into skin nicely
    • Feels natural
    • Long lasting


The packaging is simple and subtle, but not so subtle. For instance, the bottle color is a nice satin black with a silver cap and silver writing. For anyone who is just glancing at the bottle, they would never notice that it says "Flirty Little Secret", "Booty Parlor" or "Perfume oil with pheromones". It would just be another roll on perfume. However, for those who like to inspect items (if you hand them over that is) will notice right then it's not your average perfume oil. If you like to keep things secret, then it's best to not let people handle this little secret. It's perfectly suited for travel - in suitcases or in purses. If I do heavy travel or pack in with my bathroom goodies, I will put it in a small zip-lock bag. Never want to take a chance when it comes to flying. I've never had any problems with leaking, cracking or chipping when it's inside my purse.
    • Does not leak
    • Easy to use / dispense
    • Travel friendly

Special Features

Booty Parlor says that this is a perfume oil with pheromones. I'm not 100% about the pheromones, but I won't denounce it either. I do wear this oil all the time and when I do go out I always get a cutie talking to me. Without fail the gentleman in question always mentions the way I smell or leans in to smell my neck. I had 2 instances that had me at a loss because of the oil. One man was talking to me and picked up my hand to kiss the inside of my palm instead of the top of my hand and found that he couldn't stop smelling my wrist. I found it strange, but was pleased to see that it didn't turn him off. Another man said that I was sneaky putting the oil behind my ear because when his hand came away from my neck he said all he could smell was the perfume oil. He mentioned that it smelled intoxicating. I'm not about to throw away this perfume oil until every drop is gone because it does a mighty find job of attracting men and keeping them interested.


I honestly thought that I wasn't going to like this product. For the price, I would have been rightly upset if it wasn't good. However, that is so not the case! I'm in love with this little secret. I love the attention I get when the scent is mentioned and I get a rush when a really sexy man loves the way I smell.
Follow-up commentary
I'm still a mega fan of this perfume oil and I plan to buy it again when it's gone. I have found that it doesn't take a lot to make you smell flirty and wonderful and because of that it takes forever to run out of (that's a good thing).

I've talked this little secret up to just about every woman I know and they thought I was crazy until they bought their own. Not sure if it really attracts men, but at this point I'm not complaining. It's still my #1 go-to scent and still 5 out of 5.
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This review was edited by
  • Zombirella Contributor: Zombirella
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 373
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: deltalima
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Sangsara
    Me and perfume seem to lose each other but thanx
  • Contributor: Geogeo
    Perfect review, thanks
  • Contributor: Upyourreviews
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Zandrock
    Thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: Zombirella
    I want to try it!
  • Contributor: amplified to rock
    Nice review - thanks!
  • Contributor: js250
    Great review--trying this one!!
  • Contributor: sexytileena / absolutely love sex
    Thanks for the review.
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