Large rabbit vibrator

Luxurious Rabbit

This is a truly beautiful, high-quality toy with wonderful material, vibrations, and controls. Unfortunately, the ears on the rabbit attachment just don't work well at all with my anatomy, to the point of being quite uncomfortable, but everything else about this toy is virtually perfect. For someone with different anatomy, I think this luxurious rabbit would be an excellent addition to their collection.
Squishy shaft, soft silicone, independent shaft and clit controls, good vibes, beautiful
Jabby, uncomfortable bunny ears (at least for my anatomy)
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review

First impression

The Splendor arrived in Eden's usual discreet brown shipping box. Even the sender (Web Merchants, Inc) gives no indication that fun adult toys are contained within, so those with nosey housemates or neighbors can rest easy. Upon opening up the shipping box, I was met with some of the classiest packaging I've ever seen for a sex toy. The box for the Splendor has a black outer sleeve that gives some information about the product, and that comes off to reveal a white box with the EdenFantasys logo that looks and opens somewhat like a book. Inside this discreet box, the Splendor sat in a molded foam insert, along with a black USB charging cable and a black mesh drawstring storage bag. This beautiful packaging would make this toy and excellent gift and would work well for storage so long as you have space (it is rather bulky).

I must say, the Splendor is one of the classiest-looking toys I've ever owned. When I picked it up, I was extremely impressed by the smooth, soft, velvety texture of the silicone, and I noticed that the gold accent on the end appeared to be an actual metal, rather than the metallic-colored plastic found on most toys. The insertable portion of the Splendor is also somewhat squishy as if there's a layer of squishy foam or gel between the hard housing of the toy and the silicone that covers it. The insertable shaft is quite flexible, as is the clit bunny and its ears. Everything about the toy felt very luxurious and high-quality. The shaft measures roughly 4 3/4 inches in insertable length, with a 4 3/4 circumference.

As with all toys I've gotten from Eden, this rabbit arrived with a charge, so I decided to check out its functions. This toy has two buttons: one controls the motor in the shaft, and the other controls the motor in the clitoral attachment. The two are controlled completely independently, which is an awesome feature that most of my other toys don't have. To turn each motor on and off, you simply hold down the necessary button for a few seconds. Pushing the button more quickly cycles through the various vibration modes in each motor. They each have three intensities of steady vibrations, plus several patterns. The vibrations seemed slightly buzzier than I would have preferred, but they weren't TOO buzzy, and each motor seemed to have a good amount of power. All in all, I was extremely excited to take this luxurious rabbit for a spin.

Outer sleeve:

Inner box:

Inside box:

With standard Bic lighter for scale:

(Sorry for how dark some of the photos are. I think I'm going to have to start photographing my toys in my bathroom or something because my bedroom is proving to have pretty crap lighting for picture-taking.)

First Use

To prepare for our first date, I made sure the Splendor was charged fully and took it off to the bathroom sink for a quick wash. As this toy is silicone (10/10 on Eden's safety scale, hypoallergenic, non-toxic and non-porous) and waterproof, it's extremely easy to clean. You can use either a toy cleaner or mild soap and water (I use toy cleaner). If you feel the need to sterilize it, you can clean it with rubbing alcohol or a 5-10%bleach solution (just be sure to rinse thoroughly). Since this toy contains mechanical parts, you cannot boil it or run it through the dishwasher. The silicone would survive, but the heat would destroy the mechanics.

I took my newly charged and washed Splendor back to my bedroom and went through my usual ritual of spreading a towel out on my bed and pulling up a sexy short story on my phone. I turned on the shaft portion of the Splendor and used the head to stimulate my clit while I read. The vibrations and the squishiness of the head felt great as an external stimulator! The vibrations were nice and strong, and they didn't feel too buzzy on my lady bits as I'd initially feared. Once I was nice and wet, I added a small amount of water-based lube to the shaft of the toy (as this toy is made from silicone, you'll want to stick to water-based lube and avoid silicone or oil-based lubricants, as those could degrade the silicone on the toy) and inserted it easily and comfortably into my vagina. The vibrations felt great internally, and I turned on the clit attachment. It felt awesome! However, after a few moments, I started noticing that the ears on the clit bunny attachment didn't really hit me right. The body of the bunny itself lined up great with my clit and felt amazing, but the ears overshot my clitoris considerably, and I found them rather pokey and uncomfortable. They sort of dug into my upper labial area, and the fact that they're kind of pointy on the ends meant that they jabbed into me in an uncomfortable way. Eventually, I was able to get it situated so that they weren't digging into me so badly, but when I tried to gently thrust the toy in and out of my pussy, they were poking me again. Eventually, I ended up just holding them out of the way with one hand and using my other hand to manipulate the shaft of the toy to pleasure myself, but it was rather annoying. I did have a nice orgasm eventually, but the climax and overall experience were diminished by the fact that I kept getting distracted by the discomfort of those pokey ears continually jabbing into my sensitive lady bits. It was frustrating because I loved literally everything else about the toy.

Further Experience

Further experience has presented the same issues for me with the ears of the clit rabbit jabbing me somewhat painfully. I can get off with this toy, and as I said, I love EVERYTHING else about it, but those pointy, jabby ears have proven to be a real distraction. I'm considering trying to trim them or perhaps even just cut them off entirely....but I'm also a little afraid of accidentally ruining the toy if I do that, so I'm a little conflicted.

I will say that I have pretty petite genitals, so someone with larger genitals and/or people whose clitoris is not quite so close to their vaginal opening probably won't have the same issues I've experienced. The ears on the clit attachment just aren't positioned well for my specific anatomy, but it really is a beautiful, high-quality toy, and people who like clit attachments with ears (and find that they normally fit their anatomy well) should definitely not be discouraged by the problems I have with this toy. The fact is, most rabbits that have clit attachments with ears overshoot my clit. However, the eared clit attachments on my other rabbits don't have such pointed ends on the ears, so they don't present the same issues with discomfort and jabbiness that I've experienced with this toy. I'm giving the toy 4 stars, because everything else about it is pretty much perfect.

I'm still hopeful that I'll be able to find a solution to this problem that will allow me to enjoy the Splendor more fully. If anyone has any advice related to trimming the ears on the clit bunny, feel free to leave a comment or message me! I've never tried to modify a toy before, so I'm a little nervous about trying. But I will post a follow-up if/when I decide on a course of action and let you know how it goes.

Vibration Map

The shaft and clit attachment vibrate at roughly the same intensity, so I'm marking the shaft as a 3 and the clit bunny as a 2, since I'm unable to give them both the same intensity marking. Very little vibration is felt in the handle, which is nice.
  • Very mild, low level vibration
  • Moderate vibration
  • Strong and easily felt vibration

Orgasm Intensity

My orgasms with this toy have not been overly intense, but that's mostly because I'm distracted by the rabbit ears jabbing into me.
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: frisky069
    I really hope you do find a solution to the ears! Great review!
  • Contributor: CuriousFun
    Me too! I'm really tempted to just hack them off, but I know that once I do, the toy won't be nearly as beautiful. Which I know isn't as important as it being functional, but it's just such a gorgeous toy. If it were less aesthetically pleasing to begin with, I wouldn't be so conflicted, haha.

    Also, I'm slightly concerned about creating MORE pokey edges if I don't cut it right.
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