Lulu - The Party Girl

Who would have known with all the hype about length and girth, that slim and petite would win me over? Lulu has the shape and vibrations to work magic. Just when you're almost convinced she was worth the purchase while enjoying her externally, you let her take a plunge internally and yeah, OH YEAH you know she was DEFINITELY worth it.
Light, velvety feel, powerful humming vibration, waterproof, g-spot scoop
Size and versatility make it very addicting
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
Lulu is a slim and sexy lady, dressed in a velvety, hot pink, PU coated, satin scoop, eye catcher. She is adorned in a thin silver band up on top fashionably matching the silver down below. She is dressed to impress. This party girl always wants to have fun, looking for a HOT little place called the “G-Spot” to do her thing. Get her going with a round of two AAA's in her and immediately start the party on level one. You push her button and she'll be eager to work yours. Before you know it, she'll have you wiggling and dancing with her, lost in a rhythm only you and her can master. Taking control, I'm sure you'll be eager to glide her right into level two, slip sliding into a world of your own.

The vocals on her are a sophisticated steady hum, similar to those of the fancy electric toothbrushes. She is powerful, never missing a beat, yet discreet. She plays hard, but has no need to let the neighbors know about the party. Break out the water based lube and let her give you a massage. Her soft touch will easily glide over every inch of you. You'll fall in love as she makes you tingle all over.

Packed with so much fun, please do not limit this girl to just one party place. With her petite stature and high level of energy, she is a wonderful travel companion. Not too prissy to get wet, so be sure to take her to the Bubble Bath Lounge, the Hot Shower, and the private pool parties. She's a trooper and will party til the end. Your relationship with her will be an inseparable attraction. She will become your sure way to fun. A true BFF.

They say a smart girl should never leave the house without M.I.L.K. You know, “M” for money, “I” for ID, “L” for lipstick & “K” for keys, but I'm starting to believe we should think about spicing things up and substituting that “L” for “Lulu”. Let's leave the lipstick for our trips to grandma's.
Lulu had me at first glance. She is just too cute and girly not to fall for her. I love her size, not at all intimidating. Her size and feel remind me of those long dessert spoons used for tall ice cream sundaes. Oh how I love her buzz, not the distracting noisy vibrations many vibrators tend to have. At first touch I was hooked and wanted so much more of her. That little scoop up on top works wonders for both outside and inside play.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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    • All over body
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  • Contributor: Tbanda
    Nice review
  • Contributor: potentialslayer
    what a cute review! great job.
  • Contributor: Gatita
    Thank you all for the kind words!
  • Contributor: Gatita
    Thank you all for the kind words!
  • Contributor: GingerSpice
    amazing review!! thanks
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Lulu Satin Scoop - Quality Control 10
Lulu 14
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