Like it

I loved how quiet the toy was, and the feeling was definitely different from other vibrators. The sensation wasn’t what I was expecting; I was hoping for more of an intense feeling.
I really liked how lightweight and compact the toy was.
I think it would be better if it had a more intense vibration.
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First impression

I was excited to use this toy for the first time since it is different from other toys I have used. The vibration even felt different from other toys.

First Use

My husband tried it on me for the first time. It was okay, but I felt like it was more of a tease. I like more pressure and more vibration sensation.

Further Experience

I like using the toy on occasion, with a clit enhancer cream, which made the sensation way more satisfying. The size was really nice since it was small and lightweight so I didn’t have to use both hands using it.

Vibration Map

The vibration wasn’t as strong as I like; they seemed lighter to me compared to my other toys.
  • Very mild, low level vibration
  • Moderate vibration
  • Strong and easily felt vibration

Orgasm Intensity

I wasn’t able to have an intense orgasm since the sensation wasn’t what I necessarily looking for. I would definitely recommend using a clit enhancer cream with this toy; it makes it more satisfying.
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