Like hot little spasms for your parts!

I feel as though the product worked best when I really focused on the sensation and did not masturbate/ even fantasize. Which, is not to say this is a bad thing. The product provides warm, tingling (spasmic-sometimes) sensations that in itself feel wonderful, and can provide for a discreet, pleasurable experience in your daily life. However, the product is also strong enough that even walking around with it on made me extremely horny.
Fulfilled all advertised promises, natural ingredients, interesting experience, can be discreet
Intense horniness, difficult to maintain sensation unless focused, stressful to open/ save bottles
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
Opening and Saving Each Little Bottle
Take the red pill or the blue pill?

The red one of course!

These 12 little pill-like bottles sure pack a punch. They do everything they advertise-- they stimulate for approximately 45 minutes and are good for multiple uses. Uses do not have to occur directly the next day, directly after initial use, or a similar time frame. I opened the bottles in a way that they stood upright. They retained the liquid and did not dry out. However, this was a concern of mine. I worried that if I were to leave a bottle open (even in its additional outer red casing and possibly bigger box beyond that) that it would still dry out.

I also worried that if I were to cut the bottle open at "the wrong place" it would squirt everywhere. I cut the bottle at the very tip to get it open; for me personally this method worked fine.

In short, I wished the bottles would have been easier to open/save, and for that reason I might consider getting the big bottle of Jo Volt(s) in the future.

Advantage of 12 Pack: Portion Control
I mostly bought the 12 pack because I thought that it would better help me portion-control my uses. I thought that if I were to buy the big bottle I might go through it in only a few uses, whereas I could probably get 12-24 uses out of the 12 pack.

For the most part, I used half a bottle at a time, but at one point applied half-bottle doses perhaps four times in a row, with one of the doses being so close to its previous dose that it was basically a full bottle. I felt as if I did not have any adverse reaction to such high dosage.

Scent: It's Just Like Christmas
The product did smell like pine trees, but I feel like that's mostly because I was biased from reading other reviews before use. As I continued use, I gradually did not notice a smell. I guess it was an acquired sort thing, like the taste of cigarettes or coffee.

Product Performance with Other Toys
I felt as though the product did not enhance sexual experiences for me in some ways. When I used the product with the Hitachi or other vibrating toys, I felt as though I were using an ordinary lube. However, when I masturbated with my hands, I felt as if it were slightly warmer down there. I noticed the sensation more. Still, I felt as though I noticed the warm sensation the most when I simply let myself be, and did not do anything to myself sexually or did not fantasize.

I felt as if, when my mind was not focused on the sensation the product provided, the sensation would slip away.

Best Use of Product
For that reason, I sometimes had sessions where I simply put the product on and just let myself feel hot and tingly down there. I feel as if that is how I best enjoyed the product and would not mind purchasing it again; however, I would prefer to try some of the other Volts instead before re-purchasing. (Which is not to say that this product was bad; if it were bad, I would give up on the Volts altogether. I am just on a bit of a budget right now.)

While I have noticed other reviews say they wish Jo would have left advice as to where to put the lube, I kind of liked how it didn't. I liked experimenting with where it went, and I noticed that the other reviews said to avoid anal and internal use, but I didn't know I was supposed to avoid the areas until it was too late. I think I enjoyed that session most, because the sensation was so intense there. It really did burn, but if you like pain, you might like that.

I did not taste the product in large quantity. However, I did put a small portion of it on my hand, then licked it. It tasted a bit oily, as expected, and left an almost mint-like, refreshing temporary bite. (I do not mean to say that it tastes like mint, but that its bite is similar to the kind I get when I eat something minty). I imagine the feeling might differ if you were to consume more of the product, but I was not feeling adventurous; if you read the "Experience" section, you will find out why.
Burning and Spasming
When I used the product I felt as if the area were burning, and becoming hot due to micro-spasming. I checked because I was worried spasming was happening, but I noticed no movement, and wondered if it were happening on some microscopic level.

I also worried there is an ingredient in this product that most people are "allergic" to, that causes burning/ spasming. (By "allergic" I mean the company did it intentionally, to be able to create a sensation play product.)

Washing and Drying
I never tried to wash the product off immediately after use because I knew that it was oil based and figured that oil and water do not mix well, so it might be a bother to remove.

For that reason, I would imagine the product would work well in water. I also imagine it would cause most latex condoms to tear easier.

Often, I used the product at night, then took a shower the next morning or evening. I did not smell, have difficulty removing, or residue. However, it left a slight oily feel, but I think I noticed because I knew what to look for.

Once, I tried removing the product dry, by patting cloth. While it removed the physical lube, it did not remove the burning, tingling sensation, which remained for 45 minutes.

Discreet Pleasure
I felt as if just walking while wearing the product was pleasurable and provided an interesting, hot, tingly feeling. I feel that this increases the product's ability to provide pleasure discreetly, albeit hornily, in public.

I also noticed some reviews mention the product stains fabrics; however I did not notice this. My light blue underwear was fine, as was my black sheet. It did cause me to become super wet, though. Even when I thought I had the product under control, I unexpectedly dripped (could cause potential problems, when trying to avoid touching the anus).

I feel as though, just by putting the product on, my clit size increased dramatically and I became instantly, additionally wet.

The first time I used the product it made my cum look white-ish, as opposed to clear. This could have been due to the fact that I applied the product inside of me by accident.

I feel as if my experience with the product decreased in satisfaction as time went on, possibly due to adapting.

Jo: Made by Women for Women
Jo claims the product is made "by women, for women," although I think anyone could find uses.

The product creates a burning sensation when placed internally or on the anus, although, most recommend not to use "warming" products on those areas. However, if that is your thing, this product could help you in that regard.

It did not cause my nipples or hands to burn or tingle.

Overall Value
Because the product is so tiny (0.17 fluid ounces, for $18.99), it could be expensive to use over large surface areas.

If you want a warming lube that is "natural," products may be within similar price range anyway (price measured in dollars spent, not dollars per fluid ounce).

Considering it is made of all natural ingredients and does its job, it is worth the money, if you know how to portion control.
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My JO 12v volt 12 pack tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bdsm
    • Foreplay
    • Sensory play
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Play party
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Discreet
    • Natural
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • Clitoris
    • G-spot
  • General
    [ ? ]
    Other tags that are useful and descriptive for this product.
    • Bdsm
    • Kink
    • Sensation play
This review was edited by
  • Mwar Contributor: Mwar
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 279
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  • Contributor: Mwar
    Good Job!
  • Contributor: souviet
  • Contributor: IvyFayette
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: deltalima
    Great job reviewing this!
  • Contributor: Genderfree
    Can't imagine using this, makes me nervous about what's actually in this product... although if I do any clitoral pumping I might try it, I guess...

    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: faust
    nice review
  • Contributor: Peres2013
    Nice review
  • Contributor: Badmew
    thanks for taking the time to review!!
  • Contributor: Steven Mink
    Great review.
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