Learning Experience

I would not suggest these for a beginner. There's no instructions on how to use them or remove them! Everyone's body is different; these might be good for someone with PC muscle and/or incontinence issues, but for me it was a waste of money, because they were not heavy enough.
Simple, discreet, easy-to-clean glass. Comes with storage case.
Not heavy enough, no instructions, wrong product for me.
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useful review
As a newbie to vaginal exercisers of any kind, I shopped around and read all kinds of info about what would be the best to start with. A few people commented that these would be good for a beginner to do kegels and that the bigger size is what you're supposed to start with. I thought "hey, these are simple, discreet, and they're glass, so that's just what I want!" I was excited when I got my package in the mail. Then I opened it...

No instructions? Come on, I'm clueless here. I mean, I get the general idea that you're supposed to wear them around and keep them from falling out in the grocery store, but do you put them ALL the way in? And with no strings, how do you get them out? I resorted to Google to answer my questions, before putting foreign objects inside me that I feared would get lost!

After educating myself somewhat, I cleaned them up and prepared for my first experience. I started with just one ball, wore it around the house a bit and had no problem. I thought "well maybe I should put the other one in for more weight." So I popped the second ball in.

Again, no contest. I haven't had children, but I thought that it would give me SOME kind of challenge. What I wanted was to turn my honey pot into a boa constrictor of desire, and what I got was a set of marbles that got stuck!!

I managed to bear down enough to push the bottom ball out, but the one that was on top was IN THERE. Hmm. Google says "jump up and down, sneeze, cough, etc and that should be enough to get them out." Guess what? None of that worked and I had to go fishing and remove it manually.

All in all, this was a learning experience for me that I need something heavier with strings attached! I wish I hadn't bought these. So, to be fair, I can't judge a product on me being ignorant and buying the completely wrong one. I also can't give these more than a disappointed "meh" rating of 2 stars. These may work great for you or your honey pot may swallow them whole and refuse to let go.

They do come in a nice fabric drawstring case, divided in the center to keep them from knocking together. However, I noticed that one ball has a tiny chip out of it. I only used these once, so I can't tell if they came from the manufacturer that way or if it chipped in the short journey from the box to me using them, to putting them right back in their cloth case and burying them for eternity in my nightstand drawer. Sigh.
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My Icicles ben wa balls tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Masturbation
    • Solo
    • Temperature play
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Tub/shower/pool
This review was edited by
  • Trysexual Contributor: Trysexual
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 198
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: doowop
    Thanks for the review! Oh my goodness, what an experience! I'm sorry they didn't work for you.
  • Contributor: Geogeo
    interesting info, thanks!
  • Contributor: Arlinnae
    Thanks for the info
  • Contributor: charmedtomeetyou
    Thanks for the review. For me, weight isn't the only factor for a Kegel toy. You are meant to clench and relax around the balls when they are inserted, so shape and size are more important than weight for an effective work out. Sorry you didn't love them!
  • Contributor: Terri69
    Great review!
  • Contributor: big b
  • Contributor: nosrslylol
    Thanks for your review.
  • Contributor: panthercat23
  • Contributor: Rory
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Vagina balls accidentally falling out? 13
Chipping? 11
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