K-Y No and Thank You!

Overall I would not recommend this product unless you are advanced and enjoy a bit of pain with your pleasure. It just isn't worth the money, the hassle, or the embarassment.
tingles, heightens orgasm, jumpstarts natural female lubrication process, small
awkward holder, somewhat painful sensation, very sticky
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
KY Yours + Mine didn't really make my day...I have a pet peeve for sticky lubricants. This one is very sticky. It did make me orgasm a bit faster and I enjoyed the tingle of "mine" but everything else about the product did not do it for me. The packaging is not discreet and it is extremely obvious as to what is inside. The two tubes of lube are held together with a piece of plastic that has holes in it. It is frustrating to try and figure out which lube is which when you are in bed, in the mood, and it's dark. They feel exactly the same (shape-wise). It's difficult to get the hang of taking the tubes out of the plastic holder until you get used to it.

The tingling of the "mine" does feel pretty good, but also can get a bit painful if it comes into too much contact with the clitoris! The "yours" however, is just a regular lube... doesn't do anything special. They are both very sticky. I do not enjoy feeling like I have to go and scrub myself right after making love to my man. I just want to relax at that point! This has to be the stickiest lube I've used so far! I mean you can't just splash with water and head back to bed. That lube needs to be thoroughly cleaned off your skin.

Although the tingling of the "mine" was enjoyable during intercourse, you MUST wash it off before dosing off to sleep. More than twice, I have woken up hours later to find that my body is over-lubricating itself. It just causes such a strong tingling sensation that I can't stop producing my own natural lubricant for hours! It's strong. It's awkward. I don't get wet easily so this really surprises me. I don't hate this product, but I just can't get myself to fully recommend it to everyone. It's an aquired lubricant...and a pricey one. Purchase at your own risk.
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  • Rawhide Contributor: Rawhide
  • Rank:
    5.9 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 56
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  • Contributor: BiteOnThis
    You're a fast writer! 2 reviews in one day! Your question from before inspired me to write an article for new eden reviewers. You should be seeing it soon. Anyways thanks for giving your honest opinion on these--lubes can be tough since there are so many different consistencies!
  • Contributor: friendly
    That's Great! I will definitely read it and thanks for your e-mail! Very helpful!
  • Contributor: skeeterlynn
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Liz2
    Good review! I haven't used KY for a long time, but reading your review, I so remembered the unpleasant stickiness and it was a bear to clean up. .
    I guess KY sells, even at my local super market.
  • Contributor: PropertyOfPotter
    Thanks for the review! When I used this with my husband, I actually quite enjoyed it! Sorry it didn't work out for you!
  • Contributor: Allstars316
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Basalt
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Checkmate
    Hmmmmm, never thought about which is which when using in the dark. Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: pussy licker
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: ruger7mm420
    thank you
  • Contributor: raffi
    ah, you had me at "sticky" ... pass! thanks for the review.
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