It's Hot and It's Cold

Unless you're looking for a tingly (in my opinion, tingly in not a sexy way) feeling during intercourse, I would skip this product. The warming sensation is also not exciting, according to my partner. However, it's always fun to try something new and maybe you will like something I didn't!
It's fun to have each partner feel a different sensation with what is essentially the same product
The sensation can be overbearing, better if there were more sensation options
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


I tried this product for the first time with my partner, and I was excited to find out how it felt. Since we've used it a month ago, I've had no desire to return to it. It's not that I wouldn't, but there was no yearning or "Oh My Lord" feeling that came with using the product.

I would say the best use for this product is if you've lost sensation during intercourse. I happen to be sensitive and find that I don't need additional stimulation. The feeling, in any case, was like peppermint - similar to that feeling you get when you use one of those breath strips that dissolve and make your tongue tingly. I didn't find it sexy or stimulating. The second time we used it that day, I was over stimulated with that minty sensation because I inserted one too many drops. If you're sensitive like me, be careful not to overuse this product, or just don't use it at all. My partner also didn't feel it made much of a difference, just that it was slightly warmer.

Instead of an added stimulation, it felt more like a distraction. If you enjoy the feeling of intercourse as is, I would recommend sticking with a nice lube that you enjoy. This product is not what it's set out to be in my experience.
    • Gag gift
    • Mood enhancer
    • Sex

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

It does not feel sticky or wet because you're only supposed to use 2-3 drops each. Otherwise, the sensation is overbearing and annoying.
    • Slick
    • Smooth

Taste / Aroma

I didn't notice any aromas when using it. We used it for intercourse so there was no tasting of the product.
    • No smell


We used it twice during our session and the second time was one time too many. It does wear off, but when it does, it doesn't seem to want reapplication. The feeling of putting it on a second time was too powerful.
    • Allergy concerns


The packaging is nice, neat and clean. The shape of it looks like it can be used as a toy as well. Perhaps not so discreet, but not inappropriate to pack and travel with.
    • Can be opened with one hand
    • Easy to use / dispense
    • Very informative packaging

Special Features

It certainly does add sensation. It is up to you if you want that particular sensation. For the girl, it seems to be a bit much and not complementary to the feeling of intercourse.
    • Cooling
    • Increases sensitivity
    • Tingling
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This review was edited by
  • Mwar Contributor: Mwar
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 279
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  • Contributor: LaSchwartz
    thanks for sharing i will have to pass on this one.
  • Contributor: Bignuf
    Thanks for a good, helpful review.
  • Contributor: Ms. Summer
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: unfulfilled
    Thank you for sharing your experience with this.
  • Contributor: sugar&spikes
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: ruger7mm420
    thank you
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