Hot! Hot! Hot!

I definitely recommend trying this product out to add a little fluid to the already excellent fire! The tingle is well worth it and the warmth is excellent. Just remember to use in moderation and add little by little so you get the amount that is right for you!
warming, great taste, great smell, easy to use
Careful not to over apply in sensitive areas
Rating by reviewer:
somewhat useful review
So when I ordered this product I was very excited to say the least! It arrived quickly which is a plus but is what I have come to expect from the excellent providers at Eden. So it came in a little box ready to be unwrapped like Christmas. I opened it up and found a lovely little wicked tube so welcoming and wonderful. I try to think of when I can use it. Can I get hubby excited and try it out? Am I too tired and need to try a solo run?

After much deliberation, I decide to try it out myself first. I wait until the best time and sequester myself away for a moment. I open the little tube and notice that it is cinnamon scented and flavored. Out of curiosity, I taste a little. It tastes excellent. But then my tongue warmed a bit and the tingle was excellent. When I moved to a more sensitive area, it tingled and warmed just like it should. In fact every place I tried a bit was warmed and tingled. I can only imagine how hot this could be with the hubby.

When it comes down to using this product, I know that I enjoy a little tingle and warmth down there in romantic play as well as in self satisfaction. No matter where this product goes, the tingle follows. If you like a little oral play, it tastes great. If the smell of sex is one of those things that you need to cover, this smells excellent. This product is well worth a try for any person no matter what you want. Add a little spice to foreplay with a little wicked arousal gel! Blindfold and let your partner's senses follow the tingle. Use a little in massage for warmth and tingle in muscles. No matter where, this product is excellent!
Careful where this goes because in the more sensitive areas you don't need much or it will be a raging inferno. Trust me! But the heat, when the correct amount is applied, is AMAZING! Also for partner licking action, it tastes great but remember that it will burn and tingle on your tongue so take some caution there.
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My Wicked arousal gel tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Anyone
    • Foreplay
    • Temperature play
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Breasts
    • Genitals
    • Mutual stimulation
This review was edited by
  • Kindred Contributor: Kindred
  • Rank:
    6.7 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 1214
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  • Contributor: *Huxley*
    How strong is the tingle compared to other products? Is this more tingly, then warming lube and things of that nature?
  • Contributor: saramousy
    Def more tingly and warm... Doesn't need the air affect to warm like other warming lube.
  • Contributor: Vaccinium
    At least it woks, unlike some that claim to warm but really don't. Thanks for the review.
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