
Overall, I highly recommend this product. Whether you want to simply add some flavor to your oral sex, or give a deeper blowjob without all of the gagging, this is a product for you. Tastes great, no lingering scent, not sticky or greasy, and safe in every way imaginable. Best product available to you!
Free of harmful ingredients, Water-based, safe with condoms & toys, Not greasy, Numbs gag reflexes
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


This is a wonderful product for that girl who finds herself gagging a lot or disgusted during giving a male oral sex. I am not really too shy when it comes to giving my husband head, but I do gag from time to time. I also want to be able to deep throat whenever I'd like and that gagging element can really get in the way of that. This gel really calms my gag reflex so I can deep throat whenever I want! I have tried the Sugar Daddy, and I own the two other favors. I prefer the mint flavor over all the rest. Not sure why but I just love it!

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

This gel is very thin, and reminds me a lot of the Wanna be Aroused gel by Classic Erotica. Very very similar aside from the fact that the Wanna Be Aroused gels do not calm gag reflex. It is not sticky and is gone by the end of a session. I only recommend to start your blow job immediately after applying as it will get a bit dry. Sort of like applying lubricant and just leaving it on.

I admire how this product truly is not greasy at all. There's nothing worse than feeling a lubricant sitting on the roof of your mouth after a blowjob. I hate it! This is not greasy one bit, to the mouth or to the touch. I read another review which claimed differently and I don't see what they were talking about at all. You can feel that it is water-based by rubbing it between your fingers!

Taste / Aroma

All three favors are great. Here is how much I like them. 1 being my favorite, 3 being my least favorite. But believe me, they are all really nice and I plan to buy Sugar Daddy because it is great to switch things up from time to time!

1. Mintastic

2. Berry orgasmic

3. Sugar daddy

The aroma is pretty light and almost non-existent when compared to the string taste. But don't worry, the taste is not too strong. It is just the right amount to spice up a blow job without making you nauseous! I feel that the taste is stronger than that of the Wanna be Aroused, so if you own that gel you should have a good idea of what I mean.

The sugar daddy reminds me of some sort of candy. I can't put my finger on it. The berry orgasmic is like a candy as well, but a bit less sweet than the sugar daddy. The Mintastic, which is my favorite, reminds me of wrigley's chewing gum. It's minty but lacks the sting up other mint gums. I love the taste of my partners cum, but I can hardly taste it when I use this flavor gel. That's something I don't really like. But it may be a plus for others.


It performs well and lasts long. I reapply it once if I know my hubby is going to be a long time, but it is hardly necessary. The taste lingers throughout the blowjob and the numbing properties do too. They are not so intense that your throat is tingling but it'd enough to keep the gags away and make your oral sex experience less uncomfortable. We always shower after sex, so we don't go out of our way to wash this stuff off. However, you don't really need to as it is free of any harmful ingredients!


Simply comes in the bottle you see on the page. No box. However, there isn't need for one. It does not leak, is very sturdy and won't break. The plastic is flexible enough not to crack if dropped but hard enough to where you won't accidentally sit on it and squeeze it out. Cap included to keep it fresh, and a simple push-pump is used to dispense the product.

It isn't exactly discreet so I would avoid leaving it out around kids or anyone you don't want to see it. The words "max head" and "oral sex gel" along with the sex symbol tend to give away what this is used for. Thankfully, it is small enough to store just about anywhere.

Special Features

Adult Toy & Latex Friendly
No Animal Testing


Really like this product. Just another one of my favorites from Classic Erotica. Well done! Love the flavors and it sure is a great way to spice up oral sex on a Friday night! My partner enjoyed how deep I could go without gagging and surprisingly lasts longer than usual in efforts to get a longer blowjob! So long story short, we both really enjoy this product. It is a must have if you really want to improve your oral sex!
Follow-up commentary
Still just as excellent as ever. Works great and is well worth the try if you have the chance to. I am loving this brand and they never ever fail to impress me!
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  • Contributor: Andrew1992
  • Contributor: evie.amor
    I want to try the mint but I'm worried my man might not like it if it is tingly. Does the mint make it cooling at all?
  • Contributor: 7Miles
  • Contributor: Peres2013
  • Contributor: Tbanda
    Nice review
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Will gel help with deep throating? 3
do you look for natural products? 5
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