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Durex play warming sex toy review

The lubricant just didn't preform to expectations, let alone meeting standards. It didn't heat up at all, and was quick sticky and messy. It actually almost took away from the intimate experiences I was hoping to achieve through use of this product. A disappointment.
It was an experience.
Sticky, messy, doesn't really heat up.
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Normally Durex is a fantastic and reliable brand, coming out with fairly decent products. As far as lubricants go however they've failed me completely.

Earlier in the year my partner and I tried the cooling sensation one, which had a life span of about 3 minutes before it was washed off completely and thrown out. I believe in second chances, so when we decided to trying a warming lubricant|Durex play™ warming we had previously heard good things about the Durex brand, so we decided to try it.

I found the texture to be quite fluid and runny. One pump and it seemed to coat everything. When I used it with my partner it coated him, when I tried it solo on my vibrator it coated that too. The problem was that once I had finished applying it, i just didn't go away. It was sticky to the touch, especially once dried a little bit. It made quite a mess of things.

It seemed to last fairly decently as a lubricant. During intercourse it was pleasant and lasted as long as we did without need to be reapplied constantly. However at the end of intercourse it felt like someone has spilled cola over my skin, it was so awfully sticky. As far as going solo and using it as a lubricant, it worked well with some of my steel toys, but with the jelly toys it tended to dry out more quickly, needing frequent reapplication, making an even stickier mess.

The advertised affect of this product was for it to be a warming lubricant. It was something that I barely notice at all. I've tried other warming lubricants since this product, most of which are activated by either friction or by blowing on it, this product seems to do neither. Foreplay, intercourse this product was used throughout the process but not once gave any real noticeable wave of heat to add to the experience. I mean no one wants to be scalded during an intimate situation, but Durex Play|Durex play™ warming review did nothing as far as increasing the temperature of MY intimate experiences.

On top of it, it really wasn't a pleasant after reaction, it induced quite an uncomfortable allergic reaction after the fact. So this product too was trashed. It was actually quite a disappointment and shook my faith in the Durex brand a little. If you ARE looking for a warming lubricant|System JO H20 warming lubricant review.. if your looking for a lubricant period I suggest you look elsewhere, I couldn't in good faith recommend this product.
Follow-up commentary
This product has founds it's permanent home in the trash. It doesn't function well as a regular lubricant, and functions even worse as a warming lubricant. It's runny and sticky, and I found it highly irritating for sensitive skin. Luckily they make a pretty good condom.
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  • Contributor: Bulma
    My experience with the durex play longer lube was very disappointing also. Thank goodness their condoms are good, because their lubes are a total let down.
  • Contributor: Cock Wrangler
    Hm- glycerin and saccharin, no wonder it's sticky. I think they should stick to condoms.
  • Contributor: Dame Demi
    I have also been sorely disappointed with Durex's lubes.  This one, in particular, also caused no real warming sensation for me.  From reading most of the other reviews on the product, this seems to be a common problem.  I wonder why exactly they consider this a warming lube?
  • Contributor: Hotflashes & Wetdreams
    Anyone know any good warming lubes? I've tried a couple from a brick-and-mortar store, and also found that they didn't particularly warm anything, and many were unpleasantly sticky.
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    I had the same feelings about this!...
  • Contributor: her.royal.redness
    Bulma- Thank goodness indeed! It certainly was a total let down!
  • Contributor: her.royal.redness
    Cock Wrangler- Lube just shouldn't be sticky. I think they should stick to condoms too!
  • Contributor: her.royal.redness
    Dame Demi- I don't know why they consider it a warming lube either. Probably because in tests it heated slightly enough for them to get away with calling it so? Who knows. *LoL* Maybe the next time will be better!
  • Contributor: her.royal.redness
    Hotflashes & Wetdreams- I have yet to find a warming lube that functions as both warming and lubrication. If you ever find one please let me know!~ Big smile
  • Contributor: her.royal.redness
    Lauren- Well at least we're all in this together!
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