Desire for Control

This is a simple but powerful vibe that gets the job done. With a silky smooth silicone shaft it is a deluxe material at a modest price. Designed with the woman in mind the controls are intuitive but placed where it is difficult for a partner to reach.
Quiet, Powerful, Good size/girth
Poor control placement
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


L'Amour silicone desire is a great toy for solo play but its not my go to toy for partner play (see below for more details on this). This toy could be used for clitoral stimulation or stimulation on other areas of the body I would recommend a smaller and easier to manipulate vibrator if you are only interested in that, as this toy is a bit larger and clearly designed for penetration. I would strongly caution you against using this toy anally as it does not have a flared base and could be easily lost inside.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bachelor/ bachelorette party
    • Everyone
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Campus/roommate living
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body
    • Clitoris
    • G-spot

Material / Texture

L'Amour silicone desire is made of (you guessed it) SILICONE! It also has a small plastic piece at the end which houses the controls and the battery compartment.

L’Amour silicone desire

Silicone toys usually carry a safety rating of 10 because it is a non-porous, phthalate free material that can be fully sanitized by three minutes in boiling water or a quick trip through the dishwasher on the top shelf. I believe the reason that this toy has an 8 on the safety scale is because of the plastic on the base which is also non-porous but should not be boiled. Luckily the plastic is located far past the insertable portion of the toy and is not a major concern.

The silicone portion of the toy is smooth and velvety but comparing it to some of the luxury silicone toys (such as the Lelos) you can feel the difference in the quality of the texture but than again it's also considerably cheaper so I'm not at all disappointed by the material. It does have a bit of a drag, but all it needs is some water-based lube to make it glide nicely.

The toy had a hard/firm portion at the base and at the tip where the motor is located but about 3 inches in the middle is flexible and somewhat soft. If you squeeze the center of the toy it will compress a little but it does take considerable force.


When I first removed my new toy from the box I was honestly a bit shocked by the strong odor, and even mild taste as I am used to silicone toys being odorless. Dismayed I quickly washed it and let it dry and luckily the odor quickly subsided. I have noticed that if the soap or wipe that I use to clean my toy has any type of fragrance to it the toy does hold a minor shadow of that scent but that fades quickly and I have not noticed a taste. I would recommend storing your toy, without the batteries in it, in a cloth bag because it does seem to collect dust and fibers pretty easily.

The toy has no distinct texture other that the three ridges and head at the head, which I personally did not feel had a very distinct sensation when used internally. Anyone who is nervous about texture should not have a problem with this toy. It also has a seam along the side of the toy which is barely noticeable to the hand let alone when the toy is being used.

    • Light odor
    • Not porous at all
    • Smooth

Design / Shape / Size

L’Amour silicone desire is a relatively sizable toy. It is nine inches long (with 6 1/2 inches being insertable) and has a diameter of 1 1/2 inches. I would not recommend this toy for beginners simply because of its girth, I am far from a size queen but it does make me feel very full.


I really liked the shape of this toy because it is clearly designed for penetration but it is not overtly realistic. It is very simple in design but it more than manages to get the job done. The end does have a slightly rounded tip that curves ever so slightly upwards but it is still not enough to prevent you from having to take the brunt of the girth upon penetration. This toy would not be too difficult to hide but if someone were to stumble across it, there would be no mistaking what it is.

Functions / Performance / Controls

The controls were my only disappointment with this well designed toy. The control scheme is simple, one power button that turns it on and a second button (the one with the squiggly line) that cycles through the functions.


The designers of this toy were obviously trying to create the most natural position for the controls, attempting to mirror the natural grip of the user, unfortunately this is not my ideal way of using it and makes it very difficult to use with a partner. The controls need to be approached from above in the grip shown below, if you try to hit them at any other angle the hard plastic around the button makes it difficult to push. This makes it a little less than perfect to adjust the function during play, but all it takes is a minor adjustment of the hand.

Control Usage

The toy itself has three speeds and four functions:
Faster Pulsations
A cycle of three short bursts and one long burst

I personally only stick to the different speeds but the patterns are pretty simple for anyone who likes patterns. This toy is quite powerful considering it uses two AA batteries. I found the low setting to even be somewhat high, and when I first felt the high I thought I would never use it. Once using the toy I find I do use the highest setting when I'm about to finish. Even though the motor for the vibrations is in the tip of the toy (which is very nice) you can still feel the vibrations all down the shaft as well as on the plastic control base when in use (which can sometimes be not so nice). Despite its power, it is very quiet. It can barely be heard through a blanket, especially while in use. It is also waterproof and I was nervous about the seal at first as it seems very simple but after submerging it in water I opened it to find the batteries completely dry.

    • Discreet sound
    • Easy to use
    • Powerful

Care and Maintenance

This toy is very simple to care for, as I mentioned above it is made of silicone but I would not recommend boiling it because of the plastic base and the boiling water will destroy the motor. Instead I simply wash it in warm soap and water, but be sure to thoroughly rinse away any soap residue before use again. To sanitize it you could also wash it in a 10% bleach solution.
It would be best to store this toy away from any silicone composite toys because if they touch for any long period of time they can cause damage to each other. It is also suggested that you do not use silicone lubes with it but instead use a water-based alternative. I store mine in a simple bag that I made for it but you could also just wrap it up in cloth or even, in a pinch, slip it into a well-chosen tube sock.
    • Easy to clean


I was disappointed in the packaging when my toy arrived in a thin plastic box but this is somewhat to be expected in a toy of a lower price range. It does not have anything particularly risque on the package but is almost completely see through (despite some writing on the outside). There were not any instructions but honestly the toy is somewhat self-explanatory so I did not miss them. The toy is far from acceptable for storage as mine was already falling apart from its trip in the mail, unfortunately it had been thrown away before I had the chance to take the pictures for my review.


In choosing this toy I was just looking for a basic vibe that I could use alone or with my partner. I selected this one because I liked that the controls were not a turn dial but instead two buttons, and honestly I liked the color. When I first received this toy I was a little intimidated by its girth (I'm a rather small girl) but with a good bit of lube I was able to use it easily. Although most vibrators are able to make me ejaculate this toy has actually made me squirt! As much as I love it I have to say often times I need to pass it up simply because I'm far too lazy to clean up the mess! The ease of cleaning the toy itself and the intensity of the sensations it provides does make it worth it though.
Follow-up commentary
While I still enjoy this toy I have broadened my collection and have some new favorites so this one gets forgotten. I still feel it would be fantastic as a first on only toy in a collection but now I have so many other toys, rechargeable toys with stronger vibrations and other features that this one just doesn't compare anymore. That being said, for the price I would still recommend this to anyone.
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  • Antipova Contributor: Antipova
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    6.9 / 10
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  • Contributor: Antipova
    Wonderful job on a very first review! I loved mentoring you on this---I feel like you really told the story of this vibe extremely well, and hardly needed any input from me at all!

    This does look like a really effective vibrator---I like things a little bit firmer, but this looks wonderful for people who like some plushness. Great review!
  • Contributor: puppylove
    Great review! Thanks for including pics, they are really helpful!
  • Contributor: bh253
  • Contributor: Boobs and Lubes
    looks good
  • Contributor: pasdechat
    Wonderful review, and as puppylove said, really helpful pictures!
  • Contributor: ZidaKano
    Thanks for the helpful review
  • Contributor: CuteDee
    Great review! Thanks!!
  • Contributor: DeliciousSurprise
    I'm surprised at both the size and bendability of this one. The image also makes it seem like the seam is more pronounced than your review makes it seem. Hrm. Really well written review; welcome to EF!
  • Contributor: chantalgiardina
    great review thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: Kimmer
  • Contributor: Lavendar
  • Contributor: Dawnwill
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Tabatha Mich Welsh
    Thanks for the video review
  • Contributor: Tbanda
    Nice review
  • Contributor: Peres2013
    Nice review
  • Contributor: freeport
    Excellent review! Thanks!
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