Cute but Weak

I've tried a number of pasties and the Black Rose Naughty Nipples by Doc Johnson are at the bottom of my list. It's not that they are bad... they're just not as good as others I have tried. The first thing that bothered me was the fact that the company doesn't include warnings and instructions for people who have never used products like this before. More importantly, the adhesive isn't very strong. The pasties are cute but I expected better.
Cute, includes 3 pairs, one size fits most, easy to use and remove.
Weak adhesive, no included instructions or warnings, no patch test pasty.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
The Black Rose Naughty Nipples by Doc Johnson arrived in a rectangular cardboard box. The front of the packaging has an image of a female wearing the pasties and states the product name. The back of the packaging states a brief product description, instructions on how to use them, package contents, and company website. The packaging is not discreet. It can be used to store the pasties or it can be recycled.


Inside of the box, the pasties sit on a thin piece of cardboard and are surrounded by plastic. There are 3 sets included, which is 6 pasties in total. The pasties are in the shape of letter X’s. They are black in colour and the product packaging states that they are “satiny”. While the pasties do feel satin-like, I can’t be certain that they are satin. I’ve purchased (and reviewed) other products from this line and the material that they are listed as, is usually a faux of the material. Either way, they're opaque, have a nice shine to them, and are soft to the touch.


The pasties are self-adhesive. Basically this just means that they are like a big sticker. The back of each pasty has a white piece of paper on it that you peel off before applying the pasty to your body. These pasties do not include a patch test pasty. If you’ve never used pasties before, you may want to cut a small piece off of one of the included pasties to do a patch test. Apply this small piece to a place on your body, above your waist. If you experience any discomfort, remove the pasty and don’t use the larger ones. Doing a patch test is important, especially if you have sensitive skin. Your skin may have a reaction to the adhesive.

I’m surprised that this set doesn’t include warnings or safety precautions on the packaging or inside. I’m not new to pasties so I’m aware of these things but a new user should be educated. I’ve used Bristol6 pasties in the past and the instruction booklets always stated that pasties “…should not be used on sensitive skin, open cuts, skin disorders, sun burns, or if you have skin depigmentation.” I’m going to assume that this is the case for all pasties, regardless of their brand.

When you’re ready to wear the pasties, clean and dry the area on your body where they will be applied. The X’s are rather large so they should cover most sizes of nipples. The centre of the X measures 1 ¾ inches x 1 ¾ inches. Diagonally from one corner of the X to the other corner, the pasty measures just less than 3 ½ inches in length. The pasties fit me nicely. The fabric is rather thin though. If your nipples are erect or you have nipple piercings, the fabric looks a bit crumpled. Below is a size comparison photo of a pasty beside a 355mL can of pop.


The packaging states that you need to hold the pasties down against the skin for 20 seconds after applying them. This is supposed to make the pasty stick better to the skin. I held down the pasties but didn’t find them to hold that well. Even after holding them down for 30 seconds or so, I found the corners of the X’s to not stay down. The adhesive to these pasties is not very strong. In fact, this is probably the weakest adhesive out of all the different pasty sets I have tried.

Despite the fact that the pasties didn’t stick very well on the corners, I wore them for my partner. My partner didn’t notice the unsticky corners. He was really pleased with the way they looked on me! I wore the pasties for a good 3 hours or so. The centre of the pasty stuck very well. The rest of the pasty stuck fairly well, except the corners peeled a bit more during that time. The packaging doesn’t state that they are waterproof and judging by their performance- they wouldn’t last. I also wouldn’t recommend wearing them out if you were going out for a night of dancing. Any perspiration would wear the adhesive off.

It was really easy to take them off when I was finished with them. With the adhesive being so weak, it was easier than taking off a band-aid. Just start at one corner of the X and gently peel it off. If you’re finding it uncomfortable to remove them (which you shouldn’t because it’s very weak), you could always wet the area with a cold washcloth or jump in the shower to remove them. There wasn’t any adhesive, residue, tackiness, etc on my skin after I had taken them off. If you notice any adhesive left on the skin, a bit of soap and water will do the trick. Also, these pasties seem to be for one time wear only. If you want to reuse the pasty, you'll need double sided tape or pasty glue to reapply them.

Overall, these pasties are “okay”. I like the shape of them and I consider the price to be fair. The reason I’ve deducted two stars from the rating is because the adhesive is not as strong as it should be and the fact that there is no patch test mini pasty. I probably won’t purchase these pasties again because I prefer a stronger adhesive. They’re cute but could be better.
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    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Anyone
    • Can be worn during intercourse
    • Can be worn under clothing
  • Where
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
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    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Nipples
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Geogeo
    Thanks for the warning!
  • Contributor: Sweet-n-Playful
    Great review, thanks!
  • Contributor: kitty1949
    Great review. These aren't for me, but they're cute!
  • Contributor: Femme Mystique
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Kitka
    Fantastic review! I was kind of hoping these would be better quality, oh well. Thanks for sharing the photos with us!
  • Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast
    Going to take these off my list. Thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: Isabel0329
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: deltalima
    Thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: Gracie
    Nice review! Too bad they arent more sticky!
  • Contributor: lainebug
  • Contributor: Breas
    You're all very welcome : ) Thanks for reading!
  • Contributor: Violet October
    Thanks for this! I still want to try them out. I'd like them for shoots, but no shows or anything.
  • Contributor: Breas
    They could work well for that!
  • Contributor: Rawr4483
  • Contributor: lzee
    Thank you
  • Contributor: Breas
    You're welcome!
  • Contributor: Piña Colada
  • Contributor: Breas
    you're welcome Pina!
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