Cute and All, But Not Mommy's Favorite

I got the Bimini Flash for as much fun as a little rabbit could give (remember kids, this guy measures 5 whole inches, do not expect a G-spot Holy Krishna hitter), and wasn't as impressed as I'd thought I'd be. Sure, I'm happy, and I feel like it's a good product, but I have a few tiny bones to pick with it that just didn't meet what I was hoping. I give four stars for the toy itself, but together with it's charging station, I'd give it a three.
Cute Design
Great Form
Superb Color Options
A Recharger Station FROM HELL
A Tad Loud
Pattern Vibrations Could Not Be Controlled
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


I got the Bimini Flash as a rabbit, but it's more of a bunny. It's rather small as rabbits go, and the clit arm is more of a little tail than a ferocious, bestial whip. It's small, fun, and the kind of quality in vibrators I've come to expect in a product from Fun Factory. The Flash is great for solo or for foreplay, and the shape is comforting for play with other sensitive areas, maybe even as a massager (just not for anal play).
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Clitoris
    • Nipples

Material / Texture

The silicone is plush and soft, a little fuzzy and makes the toy just bendable enough to give away at some pressure. There is no smell nor strange odors, even fresh out of the box. Remember boys and girls, you CAN NOT use silicone-based lube on silicone toys. Water-based lube is the best bet here. Fun Factory is even kind enough to include with their toys a small sample of what they call "Toy Lube" (which I find hilarious, like my toys need their own lube when they play with each other in the box hahaha) and it's an okay lube, but with no bonus sensations like my favorite K-Y lubes.
    • No odor
    • Not porous at all
    • Smooth

Design / Shape / Size

The design and shape of the Flash are some of my favorite and least favorite parts about this toy. Why the conundrum? Well, to make it simple, here are my three favorite parts of the toy, with three follow-up points on how these pluses are deceiving/annoying/tedious/bothersome.

1) A Magnet Station for Recharging
2) Smaller, Non-Threatening Size (as compared to Fun Factory's other vibrators, see Big Boss)
3) A Clit Attachment Without A Separate Motor

1) THIS IS A RECHARGING STATION FROM HELL. To illustrate this, imagine this scenario. You just got your box from Eden and you're all excited because fuck yes, new toys. You open the box, get out the toy and feel all good about yourself because hell yes, it's rechargeable! You're getting ready to count all the trees you're saving and all that gas you're gonna save from midnight runs to the grocery store to get batteries for all the old, energy-wasters and the plug and cable are simple enough, so all you gotta do is slap on that round Fun Factory charger to the little logo on your toy and you're in action! That red light will come on and in just a few hours, all that lovely, slow and fast magic will begin! Except that red light doesn't come on BECAUSE WHOEVER DESIGNED THIS CHARGER IS RETARDED. I don't mean pants on head retarded either, I mean they went FULL retard here and there ain't no going back!! (I mean no offense to the mentally handicapped, and really, to call the developers retarded is an offense to those that are mentally handicapped because it's REALLY THAT BAD!)

Out of all the traits this toy has that are negative, this is the worst. Let me explain exactly why: on the back of that small, round, disc-like charger are two small ball-magnets. Those are supposed to affix to an even smaller logo, and since those balls can only affix to the LETTERING of the toy, not the general area of the lettering, you will be going through all the dances and undulating finger motions you can muster to balance the dang toy on sheets, books, anything to get just the right angle so the magnets rest together and the red light comes on and stays on!!

I spent a good 15 minutes (15 minutes!) trying to get the dang thing right; arranging a blanket or two under it to get it just right and when I came back in thirty minutes, it had managed to weight itself down a fraction of a centimeter and go right off again! Fixed it again, then to put the cat on the bed, and the weight of the cat disturbed it again! What should have taken hours took all night, and that is bloody unacceptable. I swear, that is grounds right there to throw the bloody thing at a neighbor's barking dog!!!

2) The Flash is five inches long. Do not expect to break any real ground in your holiest of holes. It's a great clit toy, but it just doesn't go all the way to the g-spot. Still fun, but because of issue 1, I just don't want to deal with it.

3) I love the fact that the clit attachment is so cute, soft, squishy and pliable. But it's so darn small, I can't do two things at once. I can't really get the toy in if I want to have clit play at all, or it feels real awkward. This problem will really be up to the individual, but from the reviews I've read, it's a pretty consistent problem!
    • Beginner
    • Discreet look/design
    • Partner play

Functions / Performance / Controls

Now, the buttons are fabulous. (If you could see me now, I'm waving a hand and saying fabulous with that nice long faaaaaaaaaaaaaaab).

It takes a three-second hold on the plus button to turn on but after that, you're in business. The speeds are great and varied, so many in fact that I just don't want to count them! Realistically, you might not even need all of them: the fastest speed was so fast, I couldn't feel anything after a bit of use. That could be a good or bad thing, but I'm not a fan of it. The patterns are available after you "scroll through" all the speeds by pressing down on the plus button (to go back, press -, I mean, the negative button).

However, at whatever speed the pattern is at, that's where it will be. There is no making the patterns faster or slower, or at least, no easy way that I've found. Press the negative button, you go to the previous speed, there's just no decelerating anything. The patterns are cute, and there are quite a few, and I do suggest going through them and finding any favorites- there are some that drove me crazy! Just find what you like, then learn how many clicks through all the other settings it'll take to get there.

It can be a little loud but even on the loudest feature, it can't be heard through a closed door. Color me paranoid, but I suggest it be used underneath some sheets.
    • Discreet sound
    • Lots of variety in function
    • Rechargeable

Care and Maintenance

This is a silicone baby. As long as you avoid silicone-based lube, you'll be fine. After a little soap and water, Bimini's all clean and raring to go! The Flash is waterproof, but remember, DO NOT CHARGE IT WHILE WET nor charge it in the bathroom, you know, the usual warnings.

Since the Flash isn't too conspicuous, deal with storage as you may. Since it's not especially fragile, nor containing the holy-grail of batteries for the remote when you haven't been to the store in a while, don't fret about the significant other stealing your energy supply for his wireless-mouse. (Yes this has happened to me.)
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


The packaging for the Flash is like all other Fun Factory products-- a giant advertisement for their other products. It's an okay place to store the toy at first, but it's not an especially attractive or discrete alternative. I'd suggest a shoe-box over the actual materials provided for storage personally.

It's still nice, however, as the toy comes with a nice big instructional list in as many languages as you please, with warnings and even a warranty hidden somewhere in there. The toy lube does come with the Flash, and it's enough for a few uses. All in all, great packaging for cautious beginners or middle-of-the-road players; not anywhere near the packaging for Leaf products or the gold that is what comes with a Lelo product *drools*.
    • Minimal
    • Not discreet
    • Very informative
Follow-up commentary
I've been beginning to play with the Flash again, and I must say, I will give more patience over to charging with play like this happening. I'm learning how to really use it to it's advantage. Maybe I'm just not as judgmental as I used to be, but wow! I've just fallen in love with this.
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  • Dangerous Lilly Contributor: Dangerous Lilly
  • Rank:
    6.3 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 190
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  • Contributor: Tbanda
    Nice review
  • Contributor: Peres2013
  • Contributor: PassionCpl
    Wonderful review, thanks
  • Contributor: eri86
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