Beautiful, Sexy, but Lame in Bed

While Elise is a beauty, she fails to perform for me. She is well-made despite her small design flaws and may work well for others. Her power is remarkable considering her quietness. Her rechargability makes her an excellent value if she works for you.
Quiet, strong, rechargeable
Rigid, large, controls badly placed, crevices hard to clean
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Elise is designed for vaginal insertion, but also works well for clitoral or other external stimulation. Anal stimulation with this toy is not recommended and would be unsafe. Her dual motors, one at the tip and one in the middle by the ring, make it easy to adjust stimulation to different areas. This vibrator will work well for people who like medium to large vaginally insertable toys with smooth texture. It works best for solo action, but could work with a partner too.

Size comparison
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Everyone
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Campus/roommate living
    • On a bed only
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Locking
    • Rechargeable
    • Splashproof
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body
    • Clitoris
    • G-spot

Material / Texture

The Elise is made of three materials, which I find to be one of her downfalls. The charging/control end is hard ABS plastic with a matte texture and a seam around the side. The insertable shaft is made of hard plastic with a matte silicone cover and has a seam running around it on the top and bottom. These two components are separated by a shiny silver plastic ring. What's bad about this you ask? Well, there are crevices. Crevices that are hard to clean. For this reason, I can't recommend sharing this toy.

Elise is very rigid, so be careful when thrusting.

The matte texture and rigidness pretty much make lube a must if you are inserting Elise.

Seam and lintiness
    • Not porous at all
    • Rigid
    • Smooth

Design / Shape / Size

Elise is a beautiful, sexy and sleek vibrator. She looks quite simple next to overly decorated toys, but she has a certain classiness that some just don't achieve. I find the black color the most aesthetically pleasing. She looks as if she might have been designed to go with the MacBook Pro.

Her shape has a gentle curve, which I suppose is meant to hit your G-spot. It does not hit mine and I think I have a fairly averagely placed G-spot.

The size of Elise is a bit intimidating to me. When I first got her, it was quite painful to insert because I was not used to such large and rigid toys. I still don't like to insert her, but it's less painful now. Elise is a bit girthy considering her rigidity, so I recommend her for more intermediate or advanced users. She is not good for a novice, nor for a size queen.

Elise on her pouch
    • Aesthetically pleasing
    • Discreet look/design

Functions / Performance / Controls

The control panel is located at the end on the top if you are inserting while on your back. The four buttons are on one single round button with a clear ring around it. The ring lights up when charging or pressing any button. To turn on, press and hold the (+) button 2 seconds until vibrations start. To turn off, press and hold the (-) button until vibrations stop and then continue holding down for another second or two (see below). The rest of the controls are pretty intuitive: press (up) or (down) to change the vibrational pattern setting, press (-) or (+) to decrease or increase the vibrational strength.

The control is a bit difficult to operate; I find myself accidentally changing the pattern when intending to change the strength or vice versa. Even if you are looking at the buttons while operating them, you can get an unexpected result. The buttons are not very responsive (just the light responds, which is not useful during use). They are also not well placed and I find myself accidentally pushing the buttons during use.

Control panel lit up

There seems to be 15 strength settings for each pattern and 5 patterns:
1. motor at tip
2. motor at ring (base of insertable shaft)
3. fast pulses between the two motors
4. slower pulses between the two motors
5. both motors (can feel pulsating depending on where you touch it)

On pattern 4, something inside rattles. Overall, it is quiet for its strength in vibration. It doesn't really sound like a vibrator because the overwhelming sound it produces is just a high pitched tone. This makes it good for discreet use if you live with someone. It is almost undetectable under covers and definitely can't be heard through a closed door.

I find pattern 1 to be best for clitoral stimulation and patterns 3 and 5 to be best for insertion. I never use patterns 2 or 4.

It is possible to leave this toy on even when the vibration has been turned off. It emits a very high pitched sound that some people might not be able to hear, so I recommend holding down the (-) button for about 5 seconds to be sure it's off and not risk running down the battery.

This toy is sadly not waterproof. It is splashproof, but don't get water or lube into the charging port or control panel.
    • Discreet sound
    • Powerful
    • Rechargeable

Care and Maintenance

Elise is fairly easy to take care of. You can use a toy cleaner, wipes, or soap and water to clean her. I recommend cleaning both before and after use because the silicone is static-y and can pick up lint, dust and hairs. I wash her off with soap and water because I find it easier to clean the crevices that way. Elise is not waterproof, so be careful not to get water into her charging port or control panel when cleaning her.

Charging port

Though the silicone is nonporous, it can hold onto smells. Mine picked up the smell of my old house and now I don't like to use her because of the scent. Be careful where you store her and what you store her with to avoid this problem.

Elise should only be used with water-based lubricants. You should never use silicone products with her.

The reversible black and white polyester satin pouch that comes with Elise is an ideal storage bag. You should keep her away from contact with other toys. You can also store her in her discreet black box.

Reversible pouch
    • Easy to store
    • Somewhat easy to clean


The packaging of Elise is very tasteful. She comes in a black box with a cardboard cover. The cardboard cover is not blatant, but it's clear what's inside. The black box, however, is extremely discreet. Unless someone recognizes the brand name quietly imprinted on the top, nobody will ever guess it contains a sex toy. Inside the black box is a plastic tray in which Elise lounges on her side. You remove the tray to find her charger, her pouch and her instructional booklet and warranty papers. All of the packaging is recyclable except the plastic tray, which I think could be recycled in select few places. You will probably want to keep her black box and plastic tray though, so the only waste in the packaging is the outer cardboard sleeve.
    • Discreet looking packaging
    • Good for storage
    • Would make a nice gift


As I mentioned, Elise does not hit my G-spot and is a bit painful to insert. For me, she is relegated to clitoral stimulation. I have found that she works well for massaging. I like to use her to work out tense spots in my back. I just lie down on top of her and use the pressure and vibrations to release some tension in trigger points.

The smell she acquired from my old house combined with all her small design flaws makes her one of my least favorite toys now.
Follow-up commentary
Elise just doesn't do it for me. Partially this is because I'm not a huge fan of internal vibrations in the first place, but this vibrator has several flaws that make it less than ideal even for those who do like internal vibrations. The control pad is a bit difficult to operate, the crevice between the two materials makes it hard to clean, and overall it just feels like it's not worth it. At this price I think it should be 5 vrooms and waterproof at the very least. My favorite things about this toy are the battery life and the packaging.
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  • Apirka Contributor: Apirka
  • Rank:
    6.7 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 321
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    Thanks for the review!
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    Thank you for the review!
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    Thank you for your helpful review!

  • Contributor: Qozt
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: lovebites
    thanks for the review!
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