Vaginal balls discontinued
by JoyDivision

Balls Of Joy

These little red balls that look like cherries, can be a simple and easy way to help increase your sexual pleasure. They are an awesome size and can be used anywhere you go. I think they would be perfect for beginners!
material, quiet, size
weights don't move alot
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
When I got the opportunity for these, I was like vaginal what? I usually stick to vibrators and the like. I looked at them, thought they looked interesting, but wasn't sure. I actually had to ask some of the people that I have met via Eden Fantasys "Why would you use vaginal balls?". After finding out what they were, I decided to accept!

The Joyballs by JoyDivision came in a nice silver box. Nothing really special, but not the worst packaging I have ever seen either! There is a little blurb on the back of the box in German and English about vaginal balls. These balls are made in Germany. Inside the box you will find the balls, a multi language booklet about vaginal balls, a booklet of joydivision products, and a little silver drawstring bag to put your balls into when you aren’t wearing them. They also include a little pack of lube!

I really learned a lot about the balls from reading the little booklet, especially since I had limited knowledge on the subject. Their purpose is actually quite simple: to tighten your vaginal muscles and pelvic floor to help make sex more enjoyable. Basically what the balls do is tighten your PC muscles, which are the muscles that you use when you have an orgasm. Another thing that these balls can help with is bladder incontinence. I also didn’t realize that they have been used since the middle ages!

I didn't get to try them out right away, and even when I had the chance I have to admit they scared me a little bit at first. They looked kind of big, and I feel like I am kind of small down there. I say size wise they would compare to golf balls. The first few times I tried to put them in, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it! I was also trying to do it without lube, which is a really bad idea!

Finally, I got brave lubed them and myself up a little bit and they went right in! The second one was a little harder to try to fit inside of me, but it all worked out. It was much like putting in a tampon! There is a string on the Joyballs, just like a tampon. It is silicone/nylon and attaches to the balls really well. The lube that you use needs to be a water based lube. Removal of the balls was easy, but felt a little odd.

The Joyballs are made out of medical grade silicone, which makes them very smooth and helps with being able to insert them. With a water based lube, it really does make them slide right in!

The balls feel quite interesting once they are inside of you. The weights don't really move a whole lot, which was a little disappointing! It feels really neat when they do move! They also recommend that you flex your muscles when you are wearing them, kind of like when you would stop your stream of urine, and start it back.

They are recommended to be worn around 4 hours a day, but if you wear them longer, it won't hurt you. I like wearing mine when I’m sleeping, around the house, or even when I go to the store. It is kind of fun to be out somewhere and the weights shift, you kind of get an unexplainable smile on your face!

With barely being able to tell they were in, I wasn't prepared at all when I had to go pee! The first time I went it actually was kind of painful, and the balls tried to come out! You might want to take them out when you go to the bathroom, if this happens to you.

Also, sneezing was another thing that I didn't realize would use so many of your vaginal muscles. You could really feel some pressure in your vagina! Just an FYI for anyone who hasn't used vaginal balls before. It is normal.

To clean the Joyballs you can use soap/water and let them drip dry, or even dry them off with a towel. They are even boilable and can be cleaned with a water based toy cleaner.

I have noticed in the short amount of time that I have been wearing them, that they have tightened me up somewhat. I don't really think I’m that loose to start with, but I have no clue if I am or not, because David won't answer that! I haven't ever heard him say that "It's like throwing a hotdog down a hallway", so I suppose I was alright! I haven't strengthened up an awful amount yet, but I fully plan on using these as much as I can, to reap the full benefits!
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Where
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Bath / shower
    • Campus/roommate living
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Kegels
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  • ~LaUr3n~ Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
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    7.4 / 10
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  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    Wonderful job on this review! It earned you your graduation! Congrats .
  • Contributor: Red Vinyl Kitty
    Oh great review! Very useful, and totally funny at points too. Glad you enjoyed these!
  • Contributor: xxpollypocket
    ^^ thanks lauren I have enjoyed working with you and will keep in touch

    ^^kitty omg..i'm in the bathroom going OUCH and david is all like um, why does it hurt you to pee? lol
  • Contributor: Selective Sensualist
    Thanks for the nice review!
  • Contributor: Eeyor89
    Great review.
  • Contributor: Lelogirl
    very informative!
  • Contributor: Tart
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Loriandhubby
    great review, very informative. thank you for sharing
  • Contributor: melissa1973
    Fantastic review, thanks.
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