Luxury clitoral vibrator discontinued
by Hot Octopus

Amo For Your Orgasm

Need something strong and that gets right to the point? AMO is just the sex toy you need! Extremely strong vibrations. Multiple patterns with increasing and decreasing speed. Rechargeable and small for the travelling users. The defined point will give you that intense clitoral stimulation you have been aiming for.
STRONG vibrations.
Pinpointed to hit your exact spots
Multiple patterns
Storage bag/case
Read directions first
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review

First impression

Gorgeous! So shiny and new! The box is small, just enough to fit the toy. I attached MANY pictures so you could see the literature on the box. This information just makes you more excited to open and see what's inside. The toy fits in a small sleeve that pulls out of the box and has the charging cord behind it. The toy is very solid but, made from smooth, silky silicone. The toy came with plenty of literature and information about toy size and how to use tips.

First Use

Being brutally honest, I was a little disappointed in my first round. I just went straight to using the toy. I am in love with the soft feel of the silicone and the overall shape. This is a GREAT design for clitoral stimulation for sure! It is perfect for pinpoint strong stimulations. I thought the toy was fast, but I expected faster. I figured I had enough experience with toys that I knew how to use it without reading the literature. TOTAL user error. I thought the +/- was used to go through the 5 different vibrations, and the one/off button was made just for that. BOY was I wrong. The toy came with so much information which I NOW realize was good to read before you use the toy.

My second round experience was MUCH better!

Further Experience

So once again, after actually reading how to use it, my second experience was MUCH better! I did take it into the shower and used it during couples play but, the personal play was best. I am actually very impressed at the strength and quality of the vibrations. There are 5 different patterns that can intensify with 6 levels of speed.
You use the on/ off button to CHANGE vibrations and the +/- button to increase or decrease your speed. It's a wonderful idea now that I know how it works.
The size is also perfect for travel. Something so tiny can pack a punch! Rechargeable makes it easy to store. I'm a HUGE fan of no batteries. The only downfall that I have (other than user error) is I wish that it came with a storage bag of some sort. Silicone can make an amazing sex toy, but it attracts everything (dust, lint, etc.). Just make sure you store in a dry place.

Vibration Map

As an experienced toy reviewer I personally like strong continues vibrations. AMO was exactly that AND pinpointed no less! The shape was a great fit for my anatomy. It relaxed comfortably between my labia and hit my clit perfectly. The hard plastic on the end buffered the strong vibrations so your hand would not be uncomfortable from vibrating so much. I did use the back of the toy (more rounded thick end). I got moderate vibration. This was good for around my partner's genitalia (male)
  • Very mild, low level vibration
  • Moderate vibration
  • Strong and easily felt vibration

Orgasm Intensity

The intensity of my orgasm was what I would expect from any strong vibrating bullet, however, the pointed end of the toy really does pinpoint what areas you want to feel the most intense. I have not had a bullet that did that. Most are just cylinder in nature. The feeling is so precise once that tip is next to your body. Again I prefer external stimulation when I am by myself and AMO really nailed it!
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  • Contributor: Leil@
    Wonderful review! Thanks for the amazing job!
  • Contributor: frisky069
    I thought this toy looked interesting! I was wondering how well it worked, thanks for your review.
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