Wow. But my burning loins were not a plus.

If you like size and power, give this one a try but be aware it does come with some 'baggage'.
Good power, felt amazing, realistic.
The smell, the burn.
Rating by reviewer:
somewhat useful review
This product was surprising in its size and the smell that came off of it. It was exciting to get the product at first and the first time I used it I was impressed! The size and vibrations were great! The material was very realistic and in fact could make any guy feel threatened. It was pretty good for some personal time but I don't think it could compare to the real thing. It was nicer once I ran it under some hot water and warmed it up to body temperature.

I thought that after a few uses, the latexy smell would go away but it didn't, no matter what products I used to clean it, it would not go away. I even asked advice from a sex toy shop that I walked into and the advice that they gave me didn't even help with the smell. The smell was so strong that even after I put it away, I could still smell the latex smell and the container I kept it in stunk of the product, very disappointed for someone keeping their toy discreet. If you don't want obvious evidence of your toy usage, you don't want a smell left behind, especially if you share a home with others.

What I found worse than the smell was the burning sensation that followed the use of the product. A burning sensation that didn't go away for at least 10 minutes. I was highly disappointed when this happened because I really enjoyed using the product.It really put a damper on my personal time. I would like to reuse the product, if I could figure out how to get rid of the smell and the burning feeling.

I really enjoyed this product and maybe it was something that I did to ruin the product however with talking to others who have use the synthetic skin products who have had the same issue after time. I only wish it wasn't true because like I said, I loved this product. It was fun and had enough power to satisfy me.

However a word of caution, it is not as waterproof as it says, it did not handle bath time so well...and did stop kicking. So now I am on the search for something with the same power and feel but without the smell, burning and maybe something smaller which could be kept more discreet.
Follow-up commentary
I have since gotten rid of the product since the material and my body did not agree. I am sad since it was a great toy at the beginning; but if I want to enjoy myself, I have to trust that the product won't react badly with my body. Hopefully though, others have had better results with this product. The lifelike feel of it is incredible.
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  • Contributor: KBToys24
    Welcome to Eden. You may want to try the extended template for you review as it helps you be more thorough. You should also address the fact that this toy is a jelly material and therefore cannot be sterilized. And you might want to confirm measurements in your review.

    The burning sensation sounds like an allergy type issue. I've never experienced that with any toy.

    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Sundae
    The burning sensation is probably from the chemicals that make up the toy as it's a jelly one so there can be a raft of ingredients in there that will irritate you, especially it's in contact with such a sensitive area, with lots of chance for them to get absorbed into your body. You should always use a condom with this sort of toy as a) that should stop the burning and exposure to the chemicals (but I wouldn't put anything in my body that DOES cause that feeling!!) and b) it's a porous material so without a condom bacteria can flourish and you'll just be exposing yourself to them every time you use the toy.
  • Contributor: Boobs and Lubes
    who would of known about the chemicals in jelly products. It a great thing about this site
  • Contributor: Heartthrob
    I have found that some toys leach chemicals after time and begin to burn. I purchased a toy once that burned off the bat and another was fine but a year later burned. Don't use anything that burns you.
  • Contributor: wolf's lil red temptation
    Thank you for all the insight. This toy was my first one of this caliber. It was 6 1/2 inches to play with and like everyone above mentioned, it is made from a jelly material. When I first purchased it I was surprised by the girth of the whole thing. This was my first realistic dildo and I was not sure what to expect. I really think someone should put a book out there to all college aged girls on how to use, clean and maintain sex toys that could be readily available because I will be honest, I was completely clueless in this department. Which could explain why I came up with some issues. Which is also another reason as to why I want to be part of this reviewing community, to explore more toys and become better educated and to teach others about these wonderful products!! I mean if everyone had their own sex toys and made time to spend time with themselves...the world would be a much happier place.
  • Contributor: Sammi
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: removedacnt
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Sir
    Since you are looking for something with a realistic feel without the smell, I suggest Vixen Creations' Vixskin dildos. They are extremely realistic, moreso than Jelly, and have no smell whatsoever. They are, however, a lot of money. Much more than this set is. But they are worth the investment, I will say that much.

    Good review.
  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    Jel-lee products cause some nasty reactions for some people.
    LOL we are the go to community for all things sex safety related, direct all your college friends here!
    A condom over the toy would keep you from the burning and protect you from bacterial nasties as Sundae recommended.
    Vixskin is definitely more realistic and more expensive, in my mind totally worth it though.
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: BBW Talks Toys
    I suppose you could use a condom, but that would kind of defeat the purpose of buying a dildo for only your use. I would recommend a safer material like silicone, it tends to be pricier, but definitely worth the $$. Good review again!
  • Contributor: Trashley
    Sounds so scary! I would NOT want to be the recipient of a toys chemical burns.
  • Contributor: lamira
    Good review, thanks!!
  • Contributor: MagicVibe
    very good review!
  • Contributor: Redboxbaby
    Sorry this didn't work out for you. That really sucks about the burning. Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: angel142stx
    thanks for the review
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