Take It To The Max

Max is everything I have ever wanted in a realistic vibrator. He looks real, he feels real and has strong vibrations. He is high maintenance when it comes to cleaning and care, but with as much pleasure as he has given me, this does not bother me in the least. Filling and satisfying, Max is sure to give you a night you won't forget!
Filling and Satisfying
Powerful Vibration
Realistic both in looks and texture
May be too large for some
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Max Vibrating Cock and Balls is a realistic, vibrating beautiful specimen of man cock. Max is ideal for vaginal play, but also suitable for anal play as his massive balls work just as well as a flared base to keep him safely inserted, and not lost in space.

His large size really opens you up and fills every nook and cranny. He is perfect for deep, filling internal penetration, where ever you decide to use him. His strong suction cup can be mounted on any flat non-porous surface for hands free stimulation. I used the suction cup feature on a tile wall and floor, porcelain, a painted wall and a large metal appliance with no difficulty.

I used Max solo, but he can be used in couples play as well. Max does not have a curve to him, and I am glad. He fits my anatomy perfectly. His best use is not G or P-Spot stimulation. Just fantastic internal stimulation period.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Campus/roommate living
    • On a bed only
    • Suction cupped onto a tile floor or wall
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Smooth
    • Veined
    • Velvety
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • Clitoris
    • Vaginal

Material / Texture

Max is made of Futurotic material which has a soft, plushy, skin like feel. Made with a mixture of PVC and Silicone compounded to mimic real skin; Futurotic material is comparable to Cyberskin, UR3, Pure Skin, Real Skin and Soft Touch materials. Once Max has warmed up inside me, it is very hard to tell that he is not a real penis. He feels THAT real. Max features subtle veins and a detailed head, so his looks as well as his feel are very realistic.

Futurotic material is very porous, so be sure to use a condom with it. There was no stinky awful smells with Max and I was overjoyed at this. To my hand Max feels velvety and smooth. This beautiful cock is for anyone who enjoys being filled to the maximum, and is not overly concerned about a G or P-Spot massage.
    • Flexible
    • No odor
    • Porous

Design / Shape / Size

I love Max' design! He is unlike any realistic penis I have ever had. He is not perfectly round, but more ovular in shape. He is more wide than he is deep in diameter. He is very large yet pliable, not hard and unyielding, so when lubed properly he glides in, seeking out the farthest reaches of your vagina. Max is endowed with massive vibrating balls that feel wonderful against the perineum, or turned around on your clitoris. I loved the way he felt inside me. Very filling and satisfying, he rocked my world! He is also built with a strong suction cup that sticks and actually holds even during rough play.

Here are Max' measurements:

Length: 9"
Insertable Length: 6 1/2"
Circumference: 6 1/4"
Diameter: 2"
Width Across: 2 1/2"
Balls: 10" in Circumference 2 3/4" in Length
Suction Cup: 3" in Diameter

So, as you can see Max is very well endowed. He's quite a guy. Not much on current events or even small talk, but very savvy and satisfying in the bedroom.

If someone were to see Max, they would surely know what he is used for. He is realistic, large and not at all discreet.
You could reasonably travel with Max, just put him into a bag inside your suitcase. He is very quiet and will not be heard behind closed doors. Just make sure you are as quiet. That may be hard to do.
    • Large in length and girth
    • Partner play
    • Realistic

Functions / Performance / Controls

What is so awesome about Max besides his size? Well, his vibration of course. I easily give him a 4 in vrooms on the highest setting. With so much power you would expect him to be loud, but he is whisper quiet. I give him 2 bees. With 2 powerful sources of vibration, 1 in the balls and 1 in the shaft, strong vibration is felt throughout the vaginal walls. In fact Max opens me so widely that my labia and clit are vibrated without even being touched. If you slide the whole 6 1/2" of Max' insertable length inside, you are then given an extra treat. His balls vibrate gloriously against either the clitoris or perineum and outer anus, depending on which way you prefer to turn these huge vibrating balls.

The weakest point of vibration is in the tip of the head, but since the whole of your vaginal walls are being vigorously vibrated and massaged, you barely if at all notice this.

Max' controls are connected to a 2' 2" double cord, 1 for each motor, which extends from the front of the base of Max' shaft, to a small teardrop shaped control box which made of hard ABS plastic and feels comfortable in the hand. To control the speeds of vibration there is a dial which you turn counter clock wise with your thumb. It is very convenient and easy to manage, plus that long cord gives you freedom of movement. When you have Max on the desired speed, you can always set the control out of harms way of any thrashing and thrusting that may be going on.
Max uses 2 AA batteries with are inserted into the control box by sliding the back portion down and then raising this portion of plastic straight up. To close, simply push the raised plastic down and carefully slide the plastic back into place until you hear the clicking sound ensuring that it is locked into place.

By my estimations, Max has 5 speeds of escalating vibration which are as follows:

1. Extra Low- 1 vroom Felt mainly in balls
2. Low - 2 vrooms Felt in shaft and balls
3. Medium -3 vrooms Felt mostly in balls
4. High - 3 vrooms Felt in shaft and balls
5. Extremely High - 4 vrooms Felt everywhere, even in head

As you may have already guessed, I enjoy extremely high and use it exclusively after inserting to full length. I prefer a lower setting while rubbing Max against my clit and getting warmed up for the big event of insertion.
Max is not very loud. Even on extremely high, inserted he does not make more than a 2 in bees, however uninserted on extremely high I would give him 3 bees. This makes him perfect for use almost anywhere behind a closed door.

Max is not water proof, so he can not be enjoyed in water.
    • Discreet sound
    • Easy to use
    • Multiple settings

Care and Maintenance

Futurotic material is extremely porous making it easy for germs and bacteria to live on its surface. What is so bad about it is that you can't disinfect this material, so condom use is required and recommended, whether sharing or not. You would not think that Max would be a sensitive guy, but he is and can not be cleaned with harsh chemical infused cleansers. To clean wash with warm water and mild soap, before and after use. Remembering that Max is not waterproof, so you do not immerse him in water.

After each use, also dust Max with cornstarch (not talc, which is linked with cervical cancer) This maintains the integrity of texture so the toy doesn't become sticky and have a break down of material over time. A small sample of Futurotic Maintenance Powder was included in the box with Max.

Skin like materials should be individually stored away from other toys in a zip lock bag and then placed in a cool, dark place. Skin like materials are incompatible with many substances and materials and can absorb many things which will destroy or cause damage to the toy. So be very careful with the storage of this toy. Max does not play well with others in your toy box.

It is only advised to use a water based lubricant with this material as other lubes will break down the material and ruin it.
    • Hard to clean
    • High maintenance
    • Powerful


Max Vibrating Cock and Balls is manufactured by California Exotics. Max comes in a medium sized box featuring the Cock and Balls on all 4 sides. There is also a man with no shirt, ripped abs, and a pair of unbuttoned jeans on the front of the box. Hey, maybe thats Max!

The box is very informative, telling you how to clean and maintain your new toy. It tells you about the Futurotic material and features a web site where you can register your toy.
The box is not discreet by any means and should be thrown away. Unless you wish to place your toy in a zip lock bag inside it to keep the toy separated and easy to find as the pictures on the box will make it easy to identify what toy is in there.

Max was made in China.
    • Not discreet
    • Very informative


Since Max is so large, some will find it useful to use a smaller toy to raise their passion, desire and wetness before inserting Max. Once this is done insertion will be much more comfortable. I found that using the suction cup on a tile floor and mounting him, working my way down the shaft to the full insertable length, so I could feel the vibrations in the balls felt exquisite, especially sweet since the vagina and labia will be spread wide open and already feeling vibrations from the shaft. Highly orgasmic!
    • Orgasmic
Follow-up commentary
Max vibrating cock & balls is simply amazing! The realistic feel and strong vibrations never fail to make me quiver in ecstasy. I put him inside my BonBon and ride him like a wild woman. I highly recommend this excellent toy.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: jenn g
    great review, thanks for all the detailed information
  • Contributor: wetone123
    You're welcome jenn!
  • Contributor: dkerley
    thanks for your time on the review.
  • Contributor: anobscureallure
    Great review. Thanks!
  • Contributor: wetone123
    Welcome! I still love this toy
  • Contributor: MK434
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: socceras
    Why do all the good looking ones need condoms
  • Contributor: zinazum
    Thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: Bofen
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Rory
    Nice review! Thanks!!
  • Contributor: KinkyKatieJames
    Thanks a bunch! The details for the different settings was very helpful!
  • Contributor: Wicked Wahine
    Wishlisted! I love cyberskin, so I am hoping this is similar enough and it will be my first realistic with vibes, woohoo! I find the softness of the realistic material to be much more comfortable for me, so I'm glad I overcame my aversion to porous material, or I'd have missed out! Thanks for so much detail, you really helped me decide to get this on my next order! (plus some condoms, ha ha!)
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Correct Size? Max Vibrating Cock and Balls 8
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