Overall a Great Toy to Have but DOES have some design issues.

The toy is a great toy to have in any collection just from size and shape alone. There are major drawbacks from making it an explosive must have though.
The size, The material, The vibrator.
The floppy nature w/suction cup, The short cord of the vibrator. And the fickle storage.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


This vibrator is best used vaginally or anally. I tried using it by myself and with my partner. Using it with my husband worked out a whole lot better than solo. It can be used to stimulate your clit, because the vibrations are strong enough.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Everyone
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Campus/roommate living
    • On a bed only
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • Clitoris
    • G-spot

Material / Texture

This is my first UR3 toy and when I pulled it out of the box, I was pleasantly surprised. It felt soft and life-like.

There was a strong flowery, soapy smell that was coming from the toy when I first pulled it out, but that faded after it was washed.

The material is amazing. It turned me on to potentially getting more UR3 toys in the future. There are two major downfalls of the material though, you cannot place it near, on or against rough, textured or hard material. You also cannot leave it in sunlight, because it will degrade or fade. Which leads me to believe that if just left in a hot area the whole toy will turn to mush.
    • Flexible
    • Light odor

Design / Shape / Size

I love the shape of this penis. It is fatter (which I love). The length was a bit much for me, but because the material was so soft I did not feel like I was being poked with a hard plastic penis when I bottomed out.

The actual size is great, but a major flaw in the design is the weight. The vibrator located more toward the top of the toy causes the shaft below it not to be strong enough to support it. When suction cupping it to the floor or the wall it reminded me of a semi-erect penis. When riding it I either had to take most of the toy or just the head to be able to bounce up and down on it, even then if I didn't slide down at the exact right angle the whole thing would bend. It was a big disappointment to not be able to get a good rhythm going while riding it.

The toy is a sit down and plan a playtime toy, if that makes sense. I save my bigger more elaborate toys for when I have plenty of time to play and don't need to rush. It's a pack in luggage toy, not a carry on, if you decide to travel with it.

I also found that when trying to use it by myself, I couldn't get a good grip on the toy. It worked out a whole lot better when I let my husband take control and use it.

Another really cool feature that they do not mention is, this toy has balls. You see the ball/sack outline on a toy and usually expect just a hard mold of the sack. This one actually has an empty ball sack with balls that you can move around, grip and squeeze. Totally freaked my husband out, but gave me a good laugh. It is a feature that doesn't really do anything for the toy's function except add a more realistic feel to the whole package.
    • Partner play
    • Realistic

Functions / Performance / Controls

The vibrator is located towards the head of the toy. It is a decent vibrator that is felt nicely throughout the toy. I personally would have liked it to have been a little stronger, but it was an acceptable strength for a toy this size. It is super easy to use, with a spin dial that has a light to show it is on. The major flaw in this vibrator is the cord is ridiculously short. It is like 15 inches. It barely made it to my chest when I was using the toy.

The toy is surprisingly quiet. Once inserted you could hear the vibrations outside of my body. The vibrations are smooth and not buzzy like some vibrators.

The suction cup worked great. There was no slippage or moving once it was firmly in place on the floor for me to get on the toy. It held to the wall while I was riding it.
    • Discreet sound
    • Easy to use

Care and Maintenance

This toy is easy to clean, with warm water and soap. Blotting dry with a washcloth.
It comes with a care book in the box, which provide all cleaning and caring for instructions. They even tell you how to reseal the suction cup if it comes loose.

You do have to store it away from certain surfaces, and the sun, so take that into account when storing it.

Follow the directions provided and you should have no issues.
    • Difficult to store
    • Easy to clean
    • High maintenance


The toys comes in a box putting pornstar it was molded after on the cover. It came with an 8 x 10 printed signed photo of Jeff.

There is a storage bag that it come with, but it does not have a drawstring. The bag also leaves lint on the toy like crazy, so it will only stay in that until I find something better.
    • Not discreet


This review was really hard for me to write. I really wanted to love this toy. It is a great size and the material, although a little fickle, is amazing.

It was a huge disappointment when trying to use the suction cup and riding it. The cord was too short which made it harder to get the controller.

But overall, it got the job done quickly and explosively. So I guess it's up to you if you can deal with its shortcomings. I wouldn't recommend getting this toy if you were looking for one to ride.
Follow-up commentary
The vibrator broke in it, but I like the toy so much that I just cut the cord and use it as a dildo.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Ansley Contributor: Ansley
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
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  • Contributor: K101
    Stunning job! Holy crap @ the balls! Lol. That is so cool, I've never saw one like that before. Almost makes me wanna get it just to feel them. Bahaha! Lol. Great job!
  • Contributor: jeangel246
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: GonetoLovehoney
    O-o The vibrating version isn't made of UR3, it's rubber.
  • Contributor: Falsepast
    The vibrator broke? that's it. I'm not even considering this an option anymore. I'll go look at the other Stryker molds.
  • Contributor: KrissyNovacaine
    Wow, the realistic balls are a nice touch.
  • Contributor: lzee
    Thanks, great review!
  • Contributor: sweetpea12
    Thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: pinkzombie
    Great review!
  • Contributor: amenti

    Thank you for your helpful review!

  • Contributor: buttman
  • Contributor: kandy anjel
    Thank you for the great review very informative
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