Nexus Sr. sex toy review

The Nexus Sr. is a work of functional art! The angle of the cocks is absolutely flawless for both parties and we loved the translucent gel silicone that was beautifully laced with dark ribbons of color. The woman was definitely in control and this di
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extremely useful review
When the Nexus Sr. silicone dildo arrived, we reluctantly opened the package. This was the second dildo we had acquired. The first one, which is now collecting dust, was a Feeldoe silicone dildo. On the wife's side, the bulb was just a bit too big and on the hubby's side; it wasn't nearly big enough for our tastes as a Femdom hetero couple. Length is fine, but we want some anal stretching and fullness, and the feeldoe double dildo just didn't make it!

Upon opening the package, what a surprise we found! The Nexus Sr. dildo is a work of functional art! Just looking at it and holding it was a turn-on. We couldn't wait until it was in both of us! Insertion was easy; just a little lube and Nexus slid in smoothly. The wife strapped on a harness and we were ready.

First, we had some oral play; lots of sucking, pulling, pushing and whirling that big, beautiful, thick shaft. The harder the harness was pulled by being sucked, the more pleasure received, because the ergonomic dildo was constantly being drawn back in. It was such a thrill to say "Deeper, suck harder, try to deep throat me!"

Next, we applied a condom to the beautiful Nexus by Vixen Creations. Then, after fully lubing up, we tried penetration vis-a-vis the wife impaling the husband. With one forceful thrust after inserting the head, we were in! This play continued until exhaustion overcame our lustfulness. What an incredible feeling! The woman was definitely in control and this double ended dildo made it all possible. While the physical sensation was not quite as pleasurable as traditional hetero sex, the role reversal aspect did wonders for our morale, spirit and self confidence. We're going to be doing a lot of this!

In conclusion, we can conclude that the greatest physical sensation came from the oral service. It was also marvelous looking into each other's eyes, one almost pleading for mercy, as the other demanded more and more satisfaction from tiring jaw muscles and a throat not yet educated to the task it must ultimately perform and perfect.

The angle of the cocks is absolutely flawless for both parties and we loved the translucent gel silicone that was beautifully laced with dark ribbons of color. The dildos are both nicely formed and lovely, although the female side could be a little bigger, but there's no complaint here! The hubby's side had a nice, bulbous head and thick shaft, with a length just right for stimulating the prostate yet not so long as to "bottom out" and cause pain or possible injury. We were able to thrust hard repeatedly without any fear of harm in any way.

"And how 'bout 69?" you ask. Oh, it works fine "woman superior," of course. Just stick the Nexus dildo in his mouth, settle in, clamp his head between your thighs and he won't be able to turn away or escape until you're ready.

In short, ladies and gentlemen, we found the Nexus Sr. double dildo to be beautiful, luscious and wonderful! We both simply love it! If your man shows the slightest tendency toward Female Domination or any type of adventurous sex, we say, "Do both of yourselves a favor and order the Nexus Sr. ASAP!". We predict you will NOT be sorry and hope you find the experience every bit as rewarding for your relationship as it has been for ours. Oh, and don't forget a suitable harness! To think, we were once so vanilla!
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Essin' Em
    Great review!  Something to note- this toy would also be great for female-female couples, as well as male-female couples with the male inserting the smaller end anally to either double penetrate the female, or in more of a cuckold kind of way.

    Awesome job :)
  • Contributor: jimbo jones
    Very nice review.

    I was surprised that your wife was uncomfortable with the "pony" end of the regular size Feeldoe. It sounds like you would be more suited to the Feeldoe Stout yourself, but that has an even bigger ball on her end. Oh well, I guess the feeldoe was really designed to be used by lesbian couples without a harness, and the Nexus Sr. is really meant to be used with a harness as neither end is set up to be "held" inside. Essen' Em mentions a male holding it anally to double penetrate his female partner, but I would think the Nexus Sr. would tend to slip out of that configuration whereas the Feeldoe is more suited for that application. Sounds like a very fun toy and made by Vixen Creations, the quality should be excellent.
  • Contributor: Maria
    Is yours angled the same way as the picture demonstrates? We just recieved one in the mail, and instead of the dildos being at almost a right angle to each other as in the pictures, this one looks like it's more straight across. Is this how yours was as well? (Honestly, with the way this one is packaged, the end used for penetration looks like it's going to be at entirely the wrong angle.)
  • Contributor: Maria
    Ah, no worries--they're sending them in a narrow package which pushes the dildo basically horizontal--it springs into place as soon as you take it out of the package.
  • Contributor: Nashville
    I'm curious if my husband would be able to slide the smaller end into his anus and dually fuck me.
  • Contributor: Cunlinguist
    Is there a big size difference between the givers ends on your feeldoe slim and nexus? Or is it more of a shape issue. I'm looking for one that wont put a lot of pressure on the urethra.
  • Contributor: Beaners
    Fabulous review! I was never impressed with the Feeldoes, and I think this is going to be a great alternative.
  • Contributor: zeebot
    Really informative review, thank you!
  • Contributor: gtuhihi
    awesome review
  • Contributor: Lover of Leather
    great review
  • Contributor: Tantric Tendencies
    Thanks for review.
  • Contributor: jeep9
    good review

  • Contributor: LavenderSkies
  • Contributor: sugar&spikes
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Eugler
    Wow! very hot review! thank you very much
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