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Let this Dr make you Phillgood!

If you like big toys, you will like this, piercing or not. There is nothing spectacular about this, except that it is a life mold, so the fact that there is a penis this size is amazing in itself. It's a good basic toy to add to your collection of size queen paraphernalia, but the price point is a little high just for the pleasure of boinking a rock star in your fantasy.
Great for a BIG toy. Nice head ridge for riding pleasure.
Piercing is unique but hurt. Weight made it unwieldy.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
When this package arrived, I lifted the box and thought O.M.G!! The box was HEAVY! That was my first clue that this was going to be a hell of an experience. The first thing I did was to figure out who Dr. Phillgood really was. Phil Varone is the owner of this piece of meat, and based on the pics I found online, this really is a casting of his member, piercing and all. He's actually pretty hot. Ahem. Anyway, the dildo is a monster. Because of its size, it's not the softest toy I've had. It's made of Phthalate free PVC. This is a water resistant material, which lasts a long time without breaking down, and is not high maintenance. You can wash it with warm water and an antibacterial soap and be good to go. Both silicone and water based lubes are good for it. As with all new toys, it needed a good wash to get rid of mold release and get rid of the slight smell.

So the piercing was a huge turn on for me, I'd never experienced one and wanted to know how it felt. While I have my own piercings, I have never had a partner be pierced. I wasn't particularly thrilled. It may have had more to do with the size of the dildo, however. This thing really is huge, really. The diameter is 2", which is 6 1/2 inches around. Based on my other toys, several of which are 1 1/2 diameter, and one or two at 1 3/4, I didn't think it would be such a big deal. Well it was. Even if you like 'em big and strong, it might be a good idea to warm up with something else. Because of the thickness, this isn't particularly flexible. You can bend it, but it's not going to flop around in any circumstance.

The texture of the dildo is not smooth, it has a lot of texture. This is good. There aren't a lot of veins, but there is a nice ridge on the head. The balls are a little large, but I suppose that is a good thing in real life. In this however, it's a little large, even as a handle. Although this is advertised as O-ring compatible, I don't have a harness so was unable to test how well it worked.

When I began the test drive on this, immediately the piercing was painful. I imagine on a smaller toy it might be better, or even on the real thing, due to the different texture, but on this, it just hurt. I took it out. It was a fairly small gauge ring, but fairly large ring size. On a real penis it would bend, move, push down, etc, but here, it just stuck out and didn't move at all. There was literally no wiggle room. I took it out and had a much better ride. As a side note, on an actual piercing, the gauge (diameter) is usually higher on the ring, and more often it is a smaller size ring, to fit more snugly, and avoid catching on something, I imagine. Granted, this was true to the way Phil Varone wears his ring, but it's not the norm. Most also go out the urethra and through the frenum, this is in a different place.

The suction cup works will on a flat surface, but the cock is just too heavy for it to be used in the shower, as it simply falls off of the wall.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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    • Masturbation
    • Strap-on sex
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
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    • Bath / shower
    • Tub/shower/pool
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  • Contributor: Zombirella
    Wow, I'm scared of this. I wouldn't even try it! Great review, I'm just wondering if it has any special cleaning instructions? I don't think I'd like a pierced penis =/
  • Contributor: Zandrock
    What an interesting toy. Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: wetone123
    Wow! What a big un'! Don't think I could handle that! Thanks for the info
  • Contributor: Falsepast
    I thought that piercing would be painful
  • Contributor: pizzahut
    Thanks for the review

  • Contributor: HotMilk
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: ReadmyLips
    nice ty
  • Contributor: Ms. Summer
  • Contributor: Lovin' The Toys
    The piercing was painful, but it is removable, which I did in about the first 30 seconds. I'm almost thinking I will put in a smaller ring, just to try it out.
  • Contributor: GONE!
    Very helpful review. Thanks.
  • Contributor: TigerLily9
    thanks bunches for the review!
  • Contributor: TheirPet
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Sima-pusya
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: theavocadopit
  • Contributor: angel142stx
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: jeangel246
    Thanks for the review
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