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Dildo discontinued
by Jollies LLC

Futuristic Ray Gun? Sea Creature?

The Jollie is designed to fit a woman's body exquisitely. The g-spot hump, the tip that slides under the cervix to leave you feeling wonderfully full, and the clitoral hugging handle with it's ridges all combine to create an incredible experience. Not your ordinary dildo, the Jollie works with your body if you're willing to work your body for a mind blowing orgasm.
Heavy, solid silicone; gorgeous color; incredible anatomically correct design.
May be too large for some, requires user to work for the orgasm.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
This review includes photos.
Follow-up commentary
I'm still quite enthralled by the Jollie. I don't use it often, as it's large and works best with a slow masturbation style that I don't always have time to indulge; but when I do use it, it's mind blowing.

It really is created to fit the female form nearly perfectly. It shows absolutely no wear of either material nor finish; it's still shiny and gorgeous with an inner sheen. Now I just need to find a wireless bullet that fits perfectly in the handle.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Sammi
    I so want one of these Smile
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Carrie Ann
    Thanks. Smile I'm really digging it. I've wanted one since I first saw Urban Gypsy's review in '07 and I am soooo glad I finally got it.
  • Contributor: Cinnamon Chambers
    Great review...I so want the polka dot one!
  • Contributor: Mamastoys
    I like the polka dotted one too! Great review...going on my wish list...I really need to win the lottery so I can clear out my list and start over! LOL
  • Contributor: Nashville
    This is a really great review, Carrie! It makes me definitely interested in Jollie products. Smile
  • Contributor: Carrie Ann
    Thank you, guys. I've been really, really lucky in getting good toys that make it easy to review them lately.


    I'd SO have gotten the polka dots if it were feasible but the price is pretty out there!
  • Contributor: ThePornLibrarian
    I've been lusting after this one forever. Great review...
  • Contributor: Viv
    Great review! This little toy has been intriguing me for years!
  • Contributor: DreamyLove
    Love the review!
  • Contributor: TinyTease
    Wonderful review! I love how you talk about how it sits inside of you and how it works best for you. I want one!
  • Contributor: Miss Cinnamon
    Ooooh Big smile I've always shied away from even mildly thick (read: not thick for the average person) dildos, but your review really makes me want to try this piece of pretty now. Did you have to work up to it at all, or did you just get in the mood and pop it in?
  • Contributor: Carrie Ann
    Oddly enough, even though this is a quarter inch thicker than even most of my large toys, I haven't really struggled with it. I think it's because of the way it's shaped - the head is tapered and the girth is a more up and down girth than a side to side girth, if that makes sense. Maybe it's just the way I'm built but I seemed to accommodate it's shape exceptionally well. I use a good amount of lube but it's been less of a struggle than some smaller toys.

    However, it is definitely large; it's the same diameter as the cupid vibe you reviewed, just firmer, I'd imagine, since it's silicone.

    I know Urban Gypsy struggled with hers but she also reviewed the firm rather than the soft and I'm SURE that made it more difficult.
  • Contributor: her.royal.redness
    Wonderful review!!
  • Contributor: cristinamona
    Thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: Trashley
    The design is a work of art, if I do say so myself. Very impressed by the craftsmanship and creativity here. Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: ToyGeek
    I'm ordering this today.
  • Contributor: M121212
    Woah that's big! I really like the shape
  • Contributor: toxie m
    Wow, this sounds awesome! Great review
  • Contributor: pinkzombie
    Aah I really wish i had gotten one of these before they were discontinued Awesome review!
Discussion Posts Last Update
Jollie -- at the risk of sounding inarticulate, o.m.wow - 44
Jollie Soft vs Jollie Firm 13
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