Cyclone? Indeed!

This is another gorgeous glass dildo by SSA Glass, with really interesting varying girth proportions. I am thrilled to have added it to my always growing collection!
glass, visual appearance, size, girth variation
would have loved to see this offered in some other colors - particularly red or black
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
This Cyclone Wand is made of borosilicate glass by SSA Glass. The advertised length is 8" with a girth of 1 3/8" and circumference 4 1/4".

Firstly, I found some difference in the dimensions in my toy. The length is just a pinch over 7", the circumferences vary with the widest circumferences being the bulb end and the swell of the shaft both at 4 1/2", the mushroom end circumference 4 1/4" and the narrowest point of the shaft being 3 1/4". Looking at reviews and pictures posted by other owners, it seems as though these measurements are actually standard. This toy is not huge, but certainly makes it's presence known with the varying girths.

Glass toys certainly have advantages, aside from being visually pleasing they are very durable and easy to clean. This toy can be cleaned with a diluted solution of bleach, normal soap and water (personally I use liquid dish soap), or the top rack of your dishwasher (I feel it is noteworthy to mention that some people with soft water may not want to put their glass toys or possibly any toys in their dishwasher--for example if you notice etching on your drinking glasses or plates). This cyclone wand is texture free, completely smooth--it's very slippery even with the slightest drop of lubrication, and since it is glass, all lubes are compatible without concern of damaging your investment.

Glass toys are also very nice if you are considering or will be doing some experimentation with temperature. Typically I find that at room temperature, glass toys feel cool when first inserted but warm up quickly. I personally like the cool sensation and often have a large bowl on the nightstand filled with water and a few ice cubes, to kinda dip my toys in periodically while I'm playing.

The Cyclone Wand is shipped rolled in a square of bubble wrap inside of a decent quality red velvet draw string bag (this bag can be of course reused to store the toy).

This is a toy that should be perfectly fine for traveling with as it will not set off any metal detectors (heck, I'm inclined to slip it in the velvet bag and put it in my carry-on). I wouldn't necessarily leave this toy out for people to see as I feel it is most likely identifiable for it's intended purpose, but it is easy to store.
This is a brand new dildo for me, first time using it today. I have several other glass toys and among my favorites are the pink swirl g also by SSA Glass ranking the highest - until today. Right now this cyclone wand is my favorite, perhaps because it is a new shape.

I love glass toys which have a nice round ball on the end, it makes for such beautiful pictures when just that round shiny ball is poking out - like jewelry!

I found this cyclone wand to be magnificent for thrusting - slowly, feeling the change in girth. Either the ball or the mushroom end are insertable, and both heads are enough to wrap your fingers around. This also is a great dildo for sliding in, holding deep inside and using a vibrator on your clit - and even resting the vibrator against the glass to resonate the vibrations internally.

I feel confident also suggesting this toy to be used anally, due to the tapers before the ends. Personally the length and girth might be a little much for me, I'm not sure yet!
Follow-up commentary
Even though this is still kinda a new toy, I've used it multiple times and I really really love it!

The shape is so nice, with the tapers near the ends and that nice thick shaft - it really does not take long to satisfy myself with this!
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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My Cyclone wand tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bridal gift
    • Can be worn as jewelry
    • Temperature play
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Bath / shower
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body
    • G-spot
    • Genitals
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  • Contributor: libbyv
    thank you
  • Contributor: *Camoprincess*
    Thanks for the review very pretty piece but I am not big on glass even though I own several pieces
  • Contributor: raffi
    Aw, to each their own. For me, glass has many tangible benefits - I like that it's rigid and I can grind on it, generally the glass pieces are very similar in size/girth and not overly big or small, and a big big big deal for me is the ease of cleaning. I can literally just soap up my hands, slide them around the toy, rinse, and feel that it is perfectly clean.

    I've got a few silicone and a few TPR toys which while I like the size and shape I detest the material and trying to store it and keep it clean.
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Glass for anal play? 16
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