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Bubble thriller reviews
The Bubble Thriller glass dildo from Don Wands is a good glass dildo for beginners through experienced users. It starts small at the tip, and its round balls get gradually larger, making it a great multi-purpose satisfier. If you like moderate texture and you appreciate the properties of glass, you will like it. It's not the best dildo for G-spot use, however.
The Bubble Thriller is a fun glass toy, that's small enough for beginners but not so boring as to scare off more advanced users. I didn't pay much for it, and had the price been any higher, I wouldn't have bought it at all. Overall, I'm glad I did get it. I had hesitated a bit before buying, but I really do love this toy!
I absolutely love this toy. It is my favorite glass toy and one of my favorite toys out of my entire collection. I usually go for softer toys, so that says something! It's worth the cost for the excellent quality and it could work for a broad range of uses and people.
You will not regret buying this toy if you are a glass lover like me. Go-ahead and give it a shot.
This glass dildo is lovely to look at, and versatile as well. It provides interesting sensations when used vaginally and works wonderfully as an anal toy. No matter which way you use it, this dildo will stimulate you. It’s great for temperature play as well, and compatible with any lube you desire.
The small size and unoffensively pronounced bubbles makes this dildo suitable for someone who doesn't like intense sensations like you'll find with others. Bubble Thriller is useful for light play, such as simply rocking or slowly inserting the bubbles. The subtle G-spot angle seems to have only caused the dildo to bypass my G-spot! Honestly, you can get a much nicer dildo for the price.
If you are wanting to try a glass toy with texture but were uncertain which to buy. Try the bubble thriller. It is great for beginners like myself and could work for the more experienced glass user. Don't pass this up! The warm temperature play was one of my favorite parts of playing with this toy. It warmed up my insides and made my climax even more stimulating.
Absolutely one of my favorite toys! Great for singles and couples. Very easy to clean and very comfortable to use!
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