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SpareParts Pete commando packer reviews

Average review rating:
[ 5 reviews ]
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do it. go for it. spare parts knows what they're doing, and this harness is proof. it's one size, and I'm about 5'4" and 150 lbs, i wear pants that have a 30/32 inch waist, and the harness is totally comfortable and fits well. potentionally less comfortable for folks that are much bigger than me...? but I can't say that for sure with any absolute certainty. .

If you want to pack and be comfortable, do not waste money on other products. This one does the trick and does it well.

The SpareParts Pete packer line is really exciting and convenient, however be sure you choose the correct style for you or you will end up disappointed like I did. This jock strap is incredibly comfortable and will work well with STP packers but can also make your bulge look more like a hard-on since the shaft sticks out of the front hole.

Dare to go bare, to rock out with your cock out with this fantastic packing harness, comfortable, versatile, and generally perfect. Spare parts really does an amazing harness.

Need a packer harness? Check out this fabulous addition to the Spareparts line of products! This is probably the most comfortable "harness" I've ever worn and it really does help with the realism. Also, because it's a jock design you can easily wear another garment such as boxers, briefs or boxer-briefs on top of it. Fabulous buy! I couldn't be more pleased!

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