Made Me Purr

A deliciously wonderful dildo that any texture lover would appreciate. Easy to care for, and easy to love. Comes with a vibrating bullet that isn't too thrilling, but fits a Salsa or Tango easily. Works great for strap-on sex or pegging, and cleans up easily.
Harness compatible, sanitizable
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Being a 100% silicone dildo with a flared base, the Purr is great for vaginal and anal use. It comes with a vibrator that goes into the base of the toy, but can be used without it as well, and the base of the dildo doesn't become flimsy without the vibrator inserted. The Purr works great for harness play because the flared base is very sturdy. She isn't travel friendly because she's pretty big. Travel storage could be a bit of a pain because she picks up lint pretty easily.

She comes in pink or purple. I purchased the purple which is absolutely gorgeous. There's a marbled iridescence that shimmers in the light.

Since she's 100% silicone, this is a great dildo for partner play. It's important to sanitize her before sharing or after using her for anal. The slight curve to the shaft may not give the best G-spot or P-spot stimulation to those that require more direct stimulation, but her texture and girth were enough for me.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Everyone
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • G-spot
    • P-spot

Material / Texture

Made of 100% medical grade silicone, she's hypo-allergenic, latex free, phthalates free, and non-porous. Because she's silicone, you want to only use a water based lubricant because silicone or oil based lubes can degrade the quality of the material. I didn't notice any particular smell or taste to this dildo when I first received it.

The Purr is very bendy, but not so much that it would make insertion difficult. There's a lot of give to the head of this toy. The silicone has some drag to it, which can be remedied with lubricant. It also picks up every bit of lint or hair within a 10 foot radius. I find it to be a little frustrating, but that seems to be the norm with silicone dildos. A quick run under the faucet before use is necessary.
    • Harness compatible
    • No odor
    • Not porous at all

Design / Shape / Size

The Purr is 7" in total length, with 6 1/2" insertable. The circumference is 4 3/4", so it would work best with those who enjoy a slightly bigger sized toy. The head is slightly larger in diameter than the rest of the shaft, and past the head there are many small ridges going around the toy that end at the base. They're just as prominent on the front of the toy as they are on the bottom side, so if you know you don't like dildos with texture on the bottom I would avoid this one. Some can experience irritation from texture in those areas. Still, the texture isn't too overwhelming since the toy is silicone. If it were a more rigid material I don't think I would even enjoy it, and I'm a texture queen.

This isn't a discreet toy at all since it's so big. It's also very obvious at first glance that it's a dildo.


The dildo itself is amazing. Because of its texture, slow thrusting is just as phenomenal as fast thrusting. The texture demands an orgasm, but isn't too overwhelming since this piece of made of silicone.

The included Tantus bullet isn't very exciting. While the toy picks up the vibrations nicely and lets them travel along the length of the toy easily, the bullet only having one level wasn't enough for me. I rate it at about a high 2 vrooms.
    • Comfortable
    • Easy to use
    • Not enough variety

Care and Maintenance

Even though it's a silicone lint magnet, it's not terribly high maintenance. Soap and water wash away any bits and pieces the dildo attracts. I let mine air dry before I store it away in a plastic ziplock bag. You can also store it in its packaging. Sometimes I need to rinse it before use because it'll attract lint within minutes of being unwrapped, but usually I just avoid letting it touch anything.

One of the best features of silicone is the many ways you can get this sucker clean! If you remove the bullet first you can boil it for 10 minutes to sanitize it, run it in the dishwasher on the top rack (also with the bullet removed), or even wash it with a 10% bleach solution. Most people like to take these steps after it's been used anally. I haven't tried it for anal so I feel that antibacterial soap and warm water is just perfect for me.

The included bullet is waterproof and can be washed with warm water and soap. Don't boil or put it in the dishwasher because it could ruin the inner workings of the toy.


It came in a clear plastic box standard to Tantus dildos. It was positioned in a plastic inlay, which also had the included bullet displayed next to the dildo, clearly visible from outside of the box. There's no graphic pictures or vulgar imagery on the packing, but it's still very obvious that it's a sex toy.

The box mentions the safety features of the silicone, including that it's phthalates free and hypo-allergenic. It also says it's boilable and bleachable, and that batteries are always included with Tantus vibrators.
    • Minimal
    • Recyclable


I was so excited to try this toy the first time I saw it. When I received it, I was blown away by the beautiful color and size of the Purr. After the first use I was completely in love! The head provides a very slight popping sensation when it's first inserted, and every little ridge tickled my G-spot during thrusting. I didn't do fast thrusts, but very slow ones and it provided one of the most intense solo G-spot orgasms that I've ever had. I also love to pair it with my We Vibe Salsa because I need a little more oomph than the vibrations that the included bullet provided.

I'm absolutely in love with a dildo. I may have to start planning our commitment ceremony. I recommend this to anyone who loves texture. It's absolutely amazing.
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  • PassionCpl Contributor: PassionCpl
  • Rank:
    5.9 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 115
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  • Contributor: PassionCpl
    Thanks for a great, well-written review
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