A woman's favorite fantasy

This is a "fantasy toy". One everyone wants, even if they don't use it often. When you do, it's unforgettable!
Ultra BIG, ultra stretch, everything you always wanted but was afraid to try.
Too big for the average woman, does not have a vibrator for private engagements.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
The favorite fantasy of any woman is "what would it be like with a big one? OK, so we don't want it every day, and even though we see them in the magazines and videos, most of us would not even want them often, but just once in a while we want BIG, HARD, STRONG cock. When my partner and I fantasy play, we like to use realistic dildos. Ones where we can fantasize real partners without the headaches or dangers those other partners might bring. He likes to see the look on my face as we enjoy the movements of a real big one! I like to feel the size and strength of it even before it even goes in.

Hung has been part of our fantasy play for years now. When we first started buying dildos, we purchased several different types. Several ended up in the garbage can. The best however, we have kept for several years now. Hung is one of our top four favorite play partners. He's very realistic and long lasting (had to say that, but really, he is just as good today as when we first got him). While Hung does not have the "skin" texture like that of the newest dildos have, Hung is more like the feel of a "good stiff one", which is perfect being that he is so large! We have used Hung both in a harness and often in hand-held play.

Because Hung is so large, I would not suggest Hung for beginners or young women with small openings. However, if you have a gifted partner and want to spice it up, or if you've have had a few children, then you will enjoy the sensations Hung can give!

Make sure that you have plenty of lubricant and that you and your partner share good communication skills, especially while in a harness, as Hung is not only big, but also long; longer than most women need. Some women may find the full length too much to handle and if you cannot tell your partner to slow down or to ease up, you will find this dildo too painful to handle, or even damaging the wall of the cervix. Also, be sure to clean this one well, as it WILL touch everything you have inside.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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My Hung vac-u-lock tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Heavy play
    • Strap-on sex
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Play party
This review was edited by
  • Zombirella Contributor: Zombirella
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 373
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